Witch, I am really not the ancient god of the deep sea!

Chapter 246 The initial concept of the monster flow!

Day and night are reversed, upgraded to a monster in the night?

Chen Qi blinked and looked curiously.

[You gain the passive skill "Monster in the Night": At night, your all attributes increase and your mental resistance decreases, but your desires are more easily ignited, and your mental value will be at a safe threshold and you will not completely fall into madness. . 】

The mental resistance is reduced, but it can be locked... Chen Qi closed his eyes and carefully felt the subtle changes in his body.

"This is a magical skill of the monster style——"

Chen Qi couldn't help but sigh.

After reaching the third level, some powerful players have been able to start the second level and master the powerful skills of the transformation system.

The more common ones include the Dawn Knight of Scale Solution, the Mechanical Heart of Hammer Solution, the Hundred-fold Muscle King of Cup Solution, and the Holy Snow Girl of Ice Solution.

These skills are extremely powerful in the third level.

Of course, the most popular and strongest among the transformation series is the monster style!

The werewolf transformation of the cup form, the blood demon, the succubus form of the flower form, the ghost form of the virtual form, the ghoul of the cup shadow form, and the shadow demon of the shadow form are all very common monster genres——

Of course, these schools require a lot of resources. Werewolf transformation requires a high amount of 100 points of physical fitness, a large amount of distortion potion, and monster wolf blood.

The succubus of Hua Xiang requires the consumption of a large amount of medicinal herbs, Hua Xiang's medium understanding, a high constitution of 60 points, and extremely high requirements for charm, art, and dance. Finally, Hua Xiang must be in the Kingdom of Golden Flowers and Birds. Crack 'House of Succubus' can only be mastered by completing the Fairy Trial.

Another example is the ghost transformation of the virtual phase, which requires the injection of illusory potion, and at the same time, it can be learned after experiencing the spatial chaos of the crack and obtaining the special 'Space Lost One' BUFF.

If you want to join the monster flow genre, you need strict promotion conditions and extremely important opportunities.

Generally speaking, the monster-forming school is extremely powerful. Once it is formed, its strength will far exceed that of ordinary third-level transcendental beings!

Ten ordinary third-level extraordinary beings may not be able to defeat one monster-level extraordinary person!

Facing Ye Luzi's monster sect, the third-level extraordinary graduate students of the White Tower Federation, the black-blooded warriors of the Black-blood Empire, and the beast-taming geniuses of the nobles of the Golden Flower and Bird Kingdom will also be defeated.

Of course, there is another important reason why monster flow is called "monster flow", and that is that when maintaining this "special" form, sanity can easily be reduced.

If you are not careful, you may become a "monster" forever. In the end, even your reason will be covered by desire, and you will step into the path of madness, and you will never be able to become a normal human being again.

For example, the Shadow with the Lantern that Chen Qi just encountered. Although the Shadow with the Lantern was not a complete master of the monster genre, he himself fell into madness because of his contact with the Shadow Demon.

The monster in the night can lock the sanity at a special value, which effectively solves the problem of low spirit.

"Monsters in the night——"

This is a magical skill... Chen Qi picked up a piece of paper, sat by the window, and simply planned the path after the third level.

The strengthening of the hunter's residual fire can actually allow him to obtain a magical skill of the "monster transformation style".

First, I need to test the safety threshold of monsters in the night. In addition, I have to choose a path... Chen Qi touched his chin.

However, if you want to transform into a werewolf or a dragon with the Cup phase, you will need a large amount of distortion potion.

The succubus of flowers and the ghost of shadows are both extremely special genres that require too high an opportunity.

Taking into account various factors, the tentacle monster and shadow demon schools mastered by the Poseidon Pirates are two pretty good schools.

Chen Qi has high requirements for physical purity, so the twisted shadow demon equipment is very suitable for him.

Of course, for safety reasons, Chen Qi had no interest in becoming a shadow demon.

However, he is full of interest in the flesh-and-blood reproductive equipment made by Shadow Demon!

Shadow beast tide, this is an excellent opportunity... Chen Qi couldn't help but swallow a sip of water.

As long as you have enough creeping shadows, forging a forbidden piece of equipment is not a problem.

At this moment, a special prompt popped up.

[Your professional mission is updated. 】

[You have obtained the professional task of being a lampkeeper. 】

Open it in the morning and check it out.

[Lampkeeper Night:

Sexual aspect: lamp, scale

Mission requirements: In the dark night, in a dangerous place, use the 'Lighting Technique' to ignite a light that attracts monsters.

Mission limit: twice per month.

Reward: A lot of inspiration points. If the level of the dangerous place is high enough and you protect enough humans, you will also get the inspiration of the lamp as an additional reward.

Note: Lamp inspiration can be used to learn skill cards, use lamp solutions, or be used for special cracks. 】

Lampkeeper's Night...

Chen Qi quickly scanned this task.

The task of a lampkeeper is a profession with extremely high upper and lower limits.

There are two judgment points for this task. First, the danger level of monsters in your area. Second, your light source and the value of the human beings you protect.

Being a lampkeeper who protects the town... Chen Qi couldn't help but imagine that scene.

If you were in a simple village growing carrots, potatoes, and wheat, guarded by a bunch of unruly people who didn't know what they were talking about, and the monsters they resisted were weak skeleton archers and demented zombies, then the final reward might only be 1,000 inspiration points.

These inspiration points can't even upgrade an ordinary E-level crack skill.

But if you are on top of a lighthouse, guarding a town, and are wary of offshore overlords from the deep sea, then you can get 5,000 inspiration points and a lamp inspiration, which is not a problem.

If it were just an ordinary night watch, the lampkeeper's professional mission rewards would not even be as good as the first-level mission rewards.

But if you can complete two vigils, the inspiration points gained will be extremely huge!

This is one of the main reasons why the profession of lampkeeper is dangerous.

Chen Qi wrote down the plan in his hand and couldn't help but be excited.

This coming wave of shadows is undoubtedly the best time for him to complete his professional mission.

If he successfully protects a light source in the shadow tide, his inspiration point reward may exceed 10,000 points!

Coupled with the inspiration points from monster spawning, his inspiration points will reach an astonishing more than 20,000 points.

After Chen Qi made up his mind, he took a look at the time, and then began to practice the blade-forging method.

This is the body-building method he got from the Blood Blade Pirates.

However, due to level issues and physical issues, his progress has been very slow.

With the 10-point physical bonus brought by being promoted to the third level, plus the 5-point physical bonus brought by the body-building medicine, his physical fitness is exactly 60 points.

For a newly promoted third-level transcendent, this is already a very high value and can be equipped with most mechanical armor.

However, compared to his strong physique, Chen Qi's strength can only be considered average, with only 33 points.

A strong panel is truly strong - Chen Qi firmly believed in this truth, and without hesitation, he began to use his own power, let his own power burn in his body, and improved his own body-building method.

With the practice, Chen Qi's body became hotter and more intense.

The water elf was on the side, responsible for helping Chen Qi cool down.

Not sure how much time had passed, Chen Qi slowly opened his eyes and moved his limbs.

Sure enough, after being promoted, the difficulty of practicing the physical exercise method is greatly reduced, and the strength of the body will increase at an extremely fast speed - Chen Qi moved his limbs, and in an instant, his joints made a crisp sound, and the muscles of his arms The lines are sharper.


Chen Qi took the towel handed to him by Water Elf No. 3, wiped his body clean, and changed into a set of neat clothes.

[You have initially mastered the blade-forging method, with strength +10 points and physique +5 points. Your physique has reached 65 points and your strength has reached 43 points...]

After Chen Qi dried himself, he looked out the window.

Outside the house, the icy cold wind kept blowing, the sky was covered with dark clouds, the pink moon shed a strange light, and black waves kept coming——

From time to time, the shadow beast's murmurs and bright red eyes could be heard all around.

The second day.

Chen Qi went to the clothing store on Poseidon Island and spent one hundred thousand shellfish to repair the hunter's clothes he got from the E-level hunting ground.

Compared with the previous tattered hunter's clothing, the repaired black hunter's clothing has more places to put knives, has stronger defense, and is more fashionable.

Although the equipment of E-level crack is a little weaker, it is really handsome... Chen Qi straightened his clothes and went to the Hunter Association Bar on Poseidon Island.

Chen Qi took off his hunter hat and looked around.

Today, the Hunters Association was extremely crowded, and the newly released White Dove Times newspaper was thrown carelessly on the ground.

After the Smiling Moon, the danger index of the entire sea increased. Many hunters' ships were unable to go to sea and could only stay at Poseidon Island.

Facing the coming shadow tide, there are still many people who are determined and ready to fight against the shadow tide with all their strength.

This is not surprising. If they have enough information, they will know that the Shadow Tide Disaster on Poseidon Island is already the simplest B-level crack in the Queen of Smiling Moon.

Faced with a large number of shadows, everyone was talking about it.

"Want to form a team? Brother, I can dance with lights! I can also swallow light bulbs into my mouth and spit them out when necessary!"

"Here comes a flower-like doctor, and I'm willing to pay for the flower-like material 'Nocturnal Flower'."

"Let's get an arsonist, or some other lantern artist, not a bookworm!"

"Please create a team! Whoever brings me this dancer! I will kiss whoever you want!"

The feeling of a gaming guild... Chen Qi walked through the crowded crowd and said to the bartender:

"Have an ale, um... the one with less alcohol."

At this moment, Melanie of the White Tower Federation was looking at the supernova prediction feature in the newspaper, biting her finger:

"Damn it, didn't this guy take the postgraduate examination? He's actually on the sea..."

Chen Qi took a glance.

In the newspaper, there was an up-and-coming 'preparatory supernova', Hunter An. She gained a small fame by seriously injuring the offshore overlord in the offshore area and beating up the black pig shark.

Ann said in the interview that she would revive the power of the navy, arrest the Flower Witch, Black Hunter, Hagrid and other famous monster supers, and put them all in prison and torture them severely!

An is really crazy, she does have the strength to be crazy, but looking at Melanie's expression, does she still know An Aotian? Chen Qi took the drink from the bartender.

At this moment, Melanie and her five subordinates turned their heads and looked at Chen Qi.

Chen Qi was the first to say:

"How do you know that I have been promoted to the third level?"

"Little hunter, of course I know, I made your card..."

Melanie blinked blankly and drank a glass of rum:

"Congratulations! Promoted to the third level! Little... hunter!"

Melanie is used to calling the second-level extraordinary people Little Hunter, Little Brother, and the first-level extraordinary people Little Hunter. Now that Chen Qi has suddenly reached her level, she is a little uncomfortable for a while.

Forget it, just call him Little Hunter. After all, I am a senior who is about to be promoted to Legend... Melanie said:

"Little Hunter, are you interested in fighting against the Shadow Tide with the six of us? At that time, we will work together and conservatively estimate that each person will get 5,000 inspiration points.

As a senior, we can also take good care of you~"

Take me? Chen Qi said subconsciously:

"Sorry, I'm not interested."

Chen Qi has his own ideas about the Shadow Tide.

That is to use the existing defense of Poseidon Island, the tentacle grass defense line, to fight against the shadow beast.

Under normal circumstances, staying with the tentacle grass and grabbing heads is a very dangerous thing.

But for Chen Qi, this is a pretty good strategy.

The tentacle traps that the pirates of Poseidon Island have worked hard to cultivate are all his good helpers.

By the way, Chen Qi wanted to study whether he could pull all these tentacles over.

Chen Qi drank a few sips of malt liquor, and his brows were furrowed.

I have to admit that the wine on Poseidon Island has too much alcohol.

"You rejected us."

Melanie looked at Chen Qi suspiciously and said:

"Little hunter, think carefully, we have six third-level hunters, and among these six hunters, there is also a genius card maker like my sister who passed the exam of the Royal Academy of Beiguo and successfully landed a graduate student in the card making department."

Many hunters who wanted to join their professional team were rejected by Melanie.

Melanie said, took out a report card from her chest, smiled, and showed it off!

Why do you carry this kind of thing with you... Chen Qi was speechless. The White Tower Federation is indeed a country of examinations, and it attaches great importance to grades.

Melanie said jokingly:

"How about I'm awesome, right? You're not afraid that we'll secretly kidnap you during the mission, are you?"

Chen Qi said speechlessly:

"No, I'm afraid that you're afraid."

There are many tentacle traps on Poseidon Island, and even a third-level transcendent can hardly escape from them.

"We're afraid?"

After drinking, Melanie's face flushed, and she said confidently:

"Just kidding! B-level Shadow Tide is indeed difficult, but it's a small problem for us experienced hunters! Are you really not going to join us?"

My water elf fleet is enough... Chen Qi answered firmly.

"Not interested."

Damn, Shadow Tide is a good opportunity to kidnap him and make him an undercover agent... Melanie snapped her fingers:

"Another bottle of the most expensive tequila, for my friend to celebrate his promotion."

I want to get him drunk... Melanie gritted her teeth.


At this moment, an old lighthouse keeper with wrinkles and a purple face suddenly pushed open the door and shouted:

"Everyone! According to the latest information from our signal tower, our bishop was unable to support us because he encountered a lantern in the black cloud on the sea."

"And according to the information from the messenger of the natural disaster, the shadow tide has begun to dance, and the disaster is coming!"

Behind him, the wind kept howling, and the wild and disordered black waves hit the ships at the dock.

The whole tavern was quiet in an instant.

Chen Qi took the strong wine handed over by the bartender and took a sip.

Thanks to everyone for the monthly tickets and subscriptions! And the bug catchers! Thanks(ω)!

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