Witch, I am really not the ancient god of the deep sea!

Chapter 252: Forbidden Legend! The Weaving of Shadows Touched by the Ember!

Chapter 252 Taboo Legend! Touch of Ember. Weaving of Shadows!

In the hut, the dim lights flickered, and more and more shadow hands appeared on the gray stone walls.

The little shadow weaver was like an elegant conductor, manipulating these shadow hands, putting the hands of embers and the touch of embers together. Unknowingly, hundreds of dexterous weaving hands had grown behind it.

Although these hands were extremely messy, each hand could perform its duties and work in an orderly manner.

In these dexterous hands, the touch of embers was placed on the table as a basic equipment, and the hands of embers were constantly pulling out one silk thread after another...

Chen Qi leaned against the wall, listening to the "zazaza" sound of the shadow loom, waiting for the completion of the final product.



Between countless reflections, a precise weaving was proceeding in an orderly manner.

I don’t know how long it has been… The little shadow weaver stopped and said:

“I need more creeping shadows to complete the final shape…”

At this moment, the little shadow weaver was completely immersed in weaving, without any fear from before, just like a master who strives for perfection, only focusing on the completion of his own work.

Creeping shadows, this is a huge expense… Chen Qi shook his head.

Fortunately, the White Tower hunters killed a large number of shadow beasts on the night of the laughing moon and along the way.

Chen Qi finally spent two million shells to reach a deal with the White Tower hunters, and exchanged all sixty creeping shadows of the White Tower hunters in one go.

The little shadow weaver took the creeping shadow, picked up the shriveled shadow hand, and connected it to the touch of the embers——

Za Za Za Za!

Za Za Za Za Za!

Finally, I don’t know how long it has been, with the installation of the shadow hand, the touch of the embers suddenly condensed and turned into a dark tide, and then the tide gathered and turned into a burning small black flame.

"Masterpiece! Taboo among taboos!"

The little shadow weaver's eyes were scarlet, and he held the tiny black flower seedling in both hands.

This tiny flame was only the size of a goose egg, but the momentum it exuded was as huge as the waves of the sea!

Chen Qi took a step forward, opened his right hand, and held the Touch of the Ember.

Although the Touch of the Ember had changed from its original gem shape to a dark black flame, Chen Qi could still feel the close connection between this powerful ember and his body.

Under the stinging feeling of burning, a new prompt popped up in front of Chen Qi's eyes.

[You have obtained the Touch of the Ember. Shadow Weaving]

[Touch of the Ember. Shadow Weaving

Nature: Blade, Shadow, Light

Equipment Type: Flesh and Blood Clothing

Wearing Conditions: Constitution 100, Strength 70, Inspiration 50, Medium Mental Resistance

Description: Taboo equipment created by the countless shadow hands of the shadow weaver, combined with the taboo materials under the dark night and the original Touch of the Ember.

Passive bonus:

Shadow Defense. Power Dissipation: Provides high defense. At the same time, it combines creeping shadow and shadow silk. Although it looks like a tattered windbreaker, any direct force will dissipate the impact force from both sides through imperceptible vibrations when impacting the clothes, thus providing a higher defense effect.

Note: Even spiral bullets cannot easily penetrate this clothes.

Shadow Defense. Spiritual Power Dissipation: Combines creeping shadow and shadow silk. The shadow power attached to the surface of the clothes can reduce the power of spiritual power.

Active skills:

Shadow Touch: It can consume a small amount of spiritual power and summon ten thick shadow tentacles behind itself. Compared with the tentacles of the touch of the flame, the shadow tentacles are larger and stronger! And have stronger adjustment ability!

It can produce completely different effects according to the input of its own spiritual power and will.

When the spiritual power input is at its maximum, the Shadow Touch can be up to twelve meters long, with a diameter of up to 0.7 meters, and has extremely strong attack and defense power!

Note: After the Shadow Touch is activated, the rage of the ‘blade’ will continue to be generated. Only fighting can suppress this endless rage.

Hand of Dark Fire. Bloom:

The super-advanced version of the Remnant Bloom requires the Shadow Touch to be activated before it can be used.

In a short period of time, the shadow power of the equipment itself will be drawn out, and the ten tentacles on the back of the clothes will be attached with powerful dark power. At the same time, as the residual fire burns, the heads of the ten tentacles will turn into ten more powerful Dark Fire Hands, and four new Dark Fire Hands will grow.

The fourteen Dark Fire Hands can all be regarded as extensions of their own arms. They have extremely terrifying power, agility, and dexterity, and can perfectly serve as ‘spiritual power media’ to perform more powerful spells.

Note: After opening, the user will continue to be affected by the negative rage power of the combination of 'blade' and 'shadow'. This extremely huge power will seriously affect the user's spirit and overdraw the user's strength. 】

Chen Qi hurriedly scanned the description of the Touch of the Remnant Fire. Shadow Weaving.

Although it was just an 'upgrade', in essence, it can be said that the grade of the entire equipment has been upgraded.

Xinri's equipment is based on the level of cracks, D-level crack-level equipment, C-level crack-level equipment...

And the taboo equipment is the strongest equipment on the player forum for a long time before and after Xiaoyue. As long as it is powerful and rare equipment, it is collectively called taboo equipment.

Until the advent of Xiaoyue and the update of the version, more powerful equipment officially appeared in the field of vision.

For example, the materials for forging the Touch of the Ember Fire are often from the B-level cracks and some C-level cracks.

Moreover, the combat power of these ancient equipment has been greatly reduced under the baptism of time.

However, with the advent of the B-level cracks, ordinary hunters also have the ability to enter the B-level cracks, brush materials, repair equipment and upgrade them. Therefore, on the forum, the forbidden equipment that was successfully repaired and most of the materials are from the B-level cracks is also called the forbidden legend.

Compared with ordinary forbidden equipment, the strength of the forbidden legend can be said to have increased several times.

Even for the legendary extraordinary, it can still be used as the main equipment.

Chen Qi can clearly feel that compared with the weak Touch of the Ember Fire at the beginning, the current Touch of the Ember Fire has at least five times the function.

However, as a forbidden legendary equipment, its equipment conditions are also more stringent.

100 points of physique, 70 points of strength, 50 points of inspiration...

Currently, Chen Qi's physique is 65 points, strength is 43 points, and inspiration is 65 points. This value can only be regarded as the middle of the third-level extraordinary.

Except for inspiration, his physique and strength are not up to standard.

However, even if the strength and physique are not up to standard, he can still equip it, but the various functions of the equipment will be reduced...

Reduced by about 30%? Chen Qi touched his chin and thought.

Compared to analysis, actual combat can test the true power of an equipment! Chen Qi looked at the door impatiently.

Outside the door, the White Tower hunters were still waiting anxiously, and some of them glanced in Chen Qi's direction from time to time.

Now, half of the Shadow Tide Night has passed...

And Chen Qi has not fought with Shadow Tide yet.

"Little Shadow Weaver, well done!"

Chen Qi reached out and touched the head of Little Shadow Weaver.

In fact, although the shadow beasts look very fierce, in fact, the main component of their bodies is 'shadow', which is a cold, jelly-like substance.

Therefore, whether it is touched or rubbed, it is very comfortable.


Chen Qi touched it back and forth a hundred times.


The little shadow weaver lowered his head, not daring to resist, and could only enjoy it.

It's a pity that such a good part-time weaver can't be taken away. Let it help me step on the sewing machine on the boat... Chen Qi sighed in his heart.

The little shadow weaver is actually a shadow creature that can be tamed.

But he is not a legendary beast tamer now, and he has no skills, so it is impossible to tame the shadow weaver.

And the little shadow weaver itself cannot leave the crack.


Chen Qi gently pinched the flame in his hand, and the flame instantly turned into a surging tide, covering his body, turning into a new set of hunter clothes.

At this moment, under normal conditions, the surface of the touch of the embers exudes an extremely strong shadow spiritual power.

Much more comfortable... Chen Qi sighed in his heart.

The original inner side of the Ember Touch was densely packed with tiny tentacles. These tiny tentacles would absorb Chen Qi's own spiritual power, thus providing power for the Ember Touch.

In some cases, these tiny tentacles would affect Chen Qi's battle.

However, the upgraded Ember Touch did not have this shortcoming.

It changed from the original tiny tentacles to invisible shadow ribbons, which wrapped around his neck, hands, legs, and body.

This greatly reduced the discomfort of wearing and improved the efficiency of spiritual power transmission.

Chen Qi stretched his muscles and bones.

Although his physique and strength were not up to standard, under normal circumstances, wearing this dress did not cause any discomfort.

Chen Qi pushed open the door.

At this moment, the seven White Tower hunters were sitting together because they were bored, playing the famous Rich Merchant game of Bei Country.

"Everyone, play slowly, and see you again if you are lucky!"

Chen Qi waved his hand, said goodbye to everyone, and walked towards the battle center pier of Shadow Tide Night.

Soon, his figure disappeared into the darkness.


Melanie, who was throwing dice, turned her head and hadn't reacted yet:

"I'm leaving now! I still want to ask the witch for information..."

At this time, the White Tower Hunter wearing glasses beside Melanie stood up:

"Captain, I'm going to take a break."

Melanie frowned:

"Stop, Ailor, according to the contract, I will not attack him, nor can I have the idea of ​​murdering him."

Only the captain and the black hunter signed the contract, so in theory, the remaining White Tower hunters can break the contract by "acting privately".

The White Tower Hunter wearing glasses shook his head:

"Captain, I have no intention of challenging him privately. I am just curious about his true identity and his true strength."

Melanie said coldly:

"Keep your distance, Elor, otherwise, you may die, and as for his identity, it is not something you should worry about."

The glasses hunter said anxiously:

"Captain, the black hunter has a close relationship with the witch. Catching him is equivalent to catching the witch's tail! Our purpose for this trip is definitely not just the deep blue fire..."

"Indeed, but we don't need to take action in this matter. Cooperation is what we should do."

The glasses hunter retorted:

"Why? It's not so easy to see this kind of monster again."

The chance of encountering the Black Hunter again is extremely slim.

Melanie held her forehead, and then a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth:

"Because, my junior sister who believes in the Ice Witch will be very interested in this kind of monster with tentacles."

"Junior sister..."

The glasses hunter shed a drop of cold sweat and unconsciously adjusted his glasses.



The night fell, and the coastline was covered with deep black.

It has been a full seven hours since the night of the shadow tide.

And now, the fierce artillery sound on the seaside has not stopped.

Thousands of cannons lined up in a row, constantly emitting angry roars one after another.

The sea surface was full of flames, explosions came one after another, and dark waves came one after another.

The shadow beasts charged, struggled, and roared under the baptism of artillery fire. After seven hours, their number did not decrease, but more and more shadow beasts emerged from the sea.

With the damage of the cannons and the shortage of resources, the hunters' defense line has been pushed back a full kilometer.

The sea shook, the lighthouse on the east side had collapsed, and the built walls had fallen down.

The hunters and pirates roared, struggling to maintain the last front line.

On the westernmost side of the front line, huge waves suddenly bulged, and a huge figure rose from the sea and ran straight to the lighthouse on the west side of the island, like a moving mountain, unstoppable!

Even though they had known it for a long time, the hunters of Poseidon Island were still extremely shocked.

"This is too big! Can we really stop it?"

The Shadow Mountain Beast, a huge creature shaped like a yak, is as tall as 30 meters. The densely packed humans are as small as tiny ants in front of it.

Boom! Boom! The incendiary bombs in the distance fired at the Shadow Mountain Beast, but they could only make some small holes and could not hurt the inside of the Shadow Mountain Beast.

The surface of the Shadow Mountain Beast has night scales that are harder than steel. Even artillery shells can hardly break through its defense.

This intensive bombardment angered it. The Shadow Mountain Beast roared like a giant bull. It suddenly shrank up and sped up. Its huge body, like a huge meteorite falling from the sky, rolled from the coast to the tiny lighthouse——

Mountain Rolling!!

Once the western lighthouse is broken, the thousands of hunters on the entire western front will face the risk of collapse.

However, the hunter group responsible for guarding the western lighthouse has long been scarred. Faced with the huge waves that continue to rise, they can only retreat and stare blankly at the constant approach of this giant——

Boom boom boom——

The sound is getting louder and louder! The waves on the sea are getting bigger and bigger!


Suddenly, the rolling of the Shadow Mountain Beast on the sea surface stopped——

Everyone was shocked. In the darkness, they could only use the lanterns in the air to vaguely see a large number of tentacle grasses emerging on the sea surface, entangling the Shadow Mountain Beast, which is a full 30 meters long!

But the difference in power was too great. With the power of the Shadow Mountain Beast, it only needed to exert a little force to break free from the tentacle grass.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

However, the next second, everyone was stunned again.

On the body of the Shadow Mountain Beast, eight ten-meter-long tentacles suddenly stretched out, and the tentacles gathered into fists and kept hitting down!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One punch, another punch! These tentacles suddenly punched hundreds of downward punches!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Under the continuous bombardment, this huge Shadow Mountain was forcibly blasted into the seabed, rolling up huge waves and hitting everyone.

And everyone was shocked again. They realized that this boxing-like action was not the power of the tentacle grass-

This powerful punch was obviously a move of the extraordinary! !

On the huge Shadow Mountain, stood a vague figure, the figure of a person-

Thanks to Baishi Mobi for the 100-point reward! ! There is also a hundred points from book friend 202062713347596! Thank you very much! And everyone's subscription and monthly tickets! Ahem, because I accidentally ran into destiny, I was a little anxious to type, and I corrected the typos immediately! or2

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