Make a deal?

The seven White Tower hunters looked at Chen Qi in confusion.

“This, this, this is not right…”

The glasses hunter Ai Luoer adjusted his glasses again.

Just now, they were still discussing how to trick Chen Qi and pull him into their team.

But now, Chen Qi is pulling them into his team like a big pirate covered in gold and silver.

Why are these people so stupid… Chen Qi couldn’t help but doubt their professional qualities as White Tower hunters.

Chen Qi took a step forward, gently brushed the sea chart on the table, and said in a slightly seductive tone:

“Everyone, am I not explaining it clearly enough? Is there anything you don’t understand?”

The female mechanic of the White Tower, Mary, raised her hand tremblingly:

“Excuse me, Mr. Lightkeeper, what do you mean by this big deal?”

Good question! I want to ask too… Melanie, the captain, nodded in appreciation.

Chen Qi frowned helplessly, walked forward, and gently scratched the map on the long table:

"Let me briefly explain. As a lightkeeper, I will board the Snake Father and go to the island where the Deep Blue Fire treasure is buried."

"Snake Father..."

Melanie whispered softly.

They have always known that the Deep Blue Fire excavation site is located deep in the Sea of ​​Natural Disasters.

In such a dangerous place, even the food placed in the backpack card will rot quickly. At the same time, a large number of natural disasters will inevitably cause the damage of the excavation equipment inside the island.

In other words, Poseidon Island must regularly go to the Deep Blue Fire excavation site to transport supplies.

Melanie suspected that the Snake Father was a material transport ship for the Deep Blue Fire excavation site early on, but she had always lacked direct evidence and the means to track the Snake Father.

And now, the innocent, reckless and stubborn lightkeeper brother she had always believed in actually answered her questions.

Did I misjudge? Is this person brave? Melanie guessed in her heart.

Chen Qi looked up, scanned the seven people around him, and asked like a teacher:

"Do you understand?"

"I understand."

Everyone instinctively nodded like students.

Then, Chen Qi moved his index finger back to Poseidon Island:

"Everyone, therefore, after leaving the Poseidon Island and arriving at the uninhabited sea, we can take action and directly capture the Snake Father...

And once we seize the Snake Father, it means that we have mastered the coordinates of the Deep Blue Fire Island. At that time, we only need to proceed step by step. Whether it is the Deep Blue Fire or the treasure of the Snake Father, they are all ours!"

"Of course, it depends on the defense of our final target island. Even if we can't take the island, with the coordinates of the Deep Blue Fire Island and the treasure on the Snake Father, we can make a lot of money!"

"Make a lot of money!!"

Chen Qi slammed the table, like a big pirate announcing his goal to his men.

Since the last Shadow Tide Night, the White Tower Hunters have been unable to hold back and launched new actions.

Being provoked by Chen Qi, they were even more itchy.

However, everyone still remained on guard.

In the final analysis, Chen Qi was not from their White Tower, and everyone did not understand why Chen Qi knew about the Deep Blue Fire Island, and why he knew that their target was the Deep Blue Fire.

Am I being fooled... Eyeglass Hunter Ailor adjusted his glasses:

"Mr. Lightkeeper, this is a very feasible plan, but before that, I want to ask, why do you know our purpose?"

Chen Qi said speechlessly:

"Your captain Melanie said so, and she came to me every day to seduce me with a lot of benefits. Unless I am deaf, I don't know your purpose."

Everyone looked at Melanie.


Melanie coughed twice:

"This is part of my plan, but, little lightkeeper, you should know that in the waters near Poseidon Island, rashly tracking the ships of Poseidon Island is a capital crime. Therefore, even if we know the destination of the Snake Father, we dare not track them easily."

Chen Qi asked:

"How fast is your ship?"

Melanie raised her lips and said confidently:

"White Tower craftsmanship, second in the world! Far beyond the Snake Father!"

Chen Qi ordered:

"That's it, Melanie, give me a positioning card and a communication card. If they go to the Sea of ​​Natural Disaster, they will inevitably pass through the waters near the Seal No. 3 mobile dock. You can prepare in advance and wait here."

Melanie is a card maker, and the characteristic of a card maker is extremely powerful functionality.

Fireball card, backpack card, flower and bird magic card, massage card, landlord card, clown card, good guy card, bank card...

In short, as a card maker, Melanie has all kinds of cards!

And positioning cards and communication cards are also very common cards.

Chen Qi pointed at the sea chart on the long table and gently drew a route:

"When the Snake Father escapes the protection of the Sea God Pirates, I will send you the coordinates through the communication card. At that time, we will go out in full force to rob the Snake Father."


Melanie took a closer look at the route drawn by Chen Qi.

He originally thought that Chen Qi was just in a momentary mood, but both his command and the route he planned were quite professional.

It can even be said that it is much better than the rough plan made by her as the captain.

Is this little newbie pretending? Is he actually a member of a high-level organization? White Dove Times, impossible, impossible... Melanie crossed her arms, nodded, and asked:

"When will the Snake Father act?"

Chen Qi smiled and said:

"In order not to expose their whereabouts, according to my speculation, they are very likely to act tomorrow morning."


Finally, Chen Qi looked at everyone.

At this moment, everyone has not yet come out of surprise, and can't help but imagine.

A newly promoted third-level extraordinary suddenly appeared and commanded their professional team of seven people, which was really beyond their expectations.

In addition, although Chen Qi's plan seemed perfect, it actually still hid a lot of hidden dangers. The first was the threat of the Snake Father.

Although Chen Qi was a light keeper, as a new extraordinary, he was no match for the Snake Father.

Once he sent the coordinates, he was very likely to be threatened by the Snake Father.

Even before sending the coordinates, Chen Qi was tied up by the Snake Father.

Second, there will be serious signal interference in the sea area near the Sea of ​​Natural Disasters and the night under the Laughing Moon...

That is to say, even if they have communication cards and positioning cards, they cannot arrive in time.

This is an extremely dangerous action...

Of course, the most dangerous target is only one person, not the White Tower Hunters, but Chen Qi on the Snake Father.

Yes, the truly dangerous person is Chen Qi in front of them!

Melanie and others stopped their busy thoughts, and they seemed to finally understand why Chen Qi came to their White Tower Hunters?

Why are they so anxious?

In Melanie's view, Chen Qi had no choice.

This is a kind of help from us...Melanie couldn't help but think about it.

However, she also admired Chen Qi's courage.

A newly promoted extraordinary person actually dared to launch a counterattack against the old cadre of the Sea God Island, the Snake Father, and even got involved in the Deep Blue Fire Plan of the Sea God Pirates. This requires great courage.

Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

Melanie, the captain, also walked to Chen Qi and put her right hand on his shoulder:

"You have courage! Lightkeeper, rest assured, we will protect you on this trip!"

Protection, did these people misunderstand something... Chen Qi couldn't help but show a speechless expression.

But no matter what, the goal of the White Tower Hunter is the same as his.

After a brief discussion, they quickly reached a cooperative relationship.

"Happy cooperation, by the way, the tea tastes good~"

After the discussion, Chen Qi waved and left the library meeting room.



The next day, Poseidon Island, early morning.

A lot of fog and black clouds made the entire Poseidon Island gloomy and dark, as if a huge rainstorm was coming.

And on the dilapidated road, the cold light sprinkled, the pirates looked gloomy, with scars on their bodies and bloody weapons in their hands, they looked particularly creepy.

After Chen Qi instructed the deputy captain Water Elf No. 3, he went to the tavern to buy a glass of mead, a bacon burger, and then bought a new newspaper from the big white pigeon.

Finally, Chen Qi spent another 200 contribution points to buy two divination coins of "Lan Dice".

This was one of the few good things he got after visiting the exchange shop in the bar.

Divination coins are a prop with a gambler's head on the front and a dice on the back, which is used to predict good or bad.

However, the conditions for the use of this coin are very strict. The probability of the correct use of this coin by people other than dice and lamp props is not even more than 50%.

Moreover, divination is just divination. This ordinary lamp dice prop has an accuracy rate of only 80%. It will not give a specific answer, only some vague scenes...

In addition, it cannot predict too big things, and cannot predict things that are not related to oneself...

In short, this is a dice prop with great limitations.

Chen Qi played with the coin in his hand while holding a newspaper in one hand, looking at various information about the Witch Sea.

Recently, there have been countless news about the Witch Sea. In addition to the Night of Shadow Tide, B-level cracks began to appear in various places, and the situation of the entire Witch Sea is extremely dangerous.

Of course, the most news on Poseidon Island is the conflict between Bonfire Energy Company and Poseidon Pirates.

Bonfire Energy Company and the Navy have successively destroyed 20 ships of Poseidon Pirates...

And these things happened in the sea near them.

Chen Qi was secretly surprised and couldn't help speculating.

At present, it seems that Bonfire Energy Company also knows that Poseidon Pirates have an island in the sea area of ​​the Sea of ​​Natural Disasters where they can dig deep blue fire.

In order to find this island, the Navy and Poseidon Island sent a large number of patrol boats on the path from Poseidon Island to the Sea of ​​Natural Disasters.

Sure enough, the Witch Sea after Xiaoyue is not peaceful... Unknowingly, Chen Qi has walked to the dock.

Opposite him is the green Snake Father. In the silent atmosphere of the dark clouds, the entire Snake Father looks even more terrifying.

On the deck, a pirate from the Snake Father said to Chen Qi coldly:

"Come up, the ship is about to sail."


Chen Qi pinched the divination coin in his hand with his fingers and said silently in his heart:

"Great God of Luck, God of Twenty-sided Dice, please give your servants a favor and answer me, is my trip to the sea this time good or bad?"

As he said, Chen Qi gently flicked the divination coin into the air.

At this moment, a special prompt popped up in front of him.

[You triggered the Light Rule, and the accuracy of divination has increased. ]


The coin fell into Chen Qi's hand.

The Light Rule, can it also increase the probability of divination... Chen Qi silently looked at the result of the coin.

Head, the front result is good...

Good news!

Chen Qi couldn't help but cheer in his heart.

At this moment, a prompt popped up in front of Chen Qi.

[You triggered the Light Rule, in the gray fog, a fist hit out from the dark, hitting your abdomen hard...]

Chen Qi couldn't help but close his eyes and feel the scene in his mind.

At this moment, he seemed to see himself being suddenly hit by a punch, and then being beaten into the deep sea, bleeding, and shaking out huge waves...

"This is..."

Chen Qi opened his eyes and woke up from the illusion just now.

I was hit? And my defense was broken? Why?

It shouldn't be, the result is good, then why was I beaten, and beaten violently, and severely injured... Chen Qi was entangled for a while.

Moreover, the prophecy in his mind was too vague. He could only feel that the fist looked small, even weak, and the power should be low, but the actual power was huge...

In fact, this punch made him have a life crisis.

Chen Qi shook his head. He couldn't guess who defeated him through this vague scene.

Could it be that I will be in a bitter battle with Snake Father... Chen Qi thought to himself, silently raised his head, looked up at the deck, and looked down at his Snake Father.

Snake Father was looking at him.

In fact, judging from the spiritual power field alone, Chen Qi thought that defeating Snake Father at sea was not a big problem.

Chen Qi was 60% to 70% sure to take down Snake Father.

Not to mention, Snake Father's important means of attack, many dangerous sea snakes, had no effect on him.

On the deck, Snake Father said coldly:

"It's time to come up, lightkeeper. Divination is just divination after all, and it can't change your fate..."

At this moment, Snake Father did not hide his dark green pupils and the viciousness hidden under his pupils.


Chen Qi boarded the Snake Father along the ladder.

When he boarded, the Snake Father started the engine and sailed towards the Sea of ​​Disaster at the maximum speed.

And Chen Qi was also invited to the VIP room and stayed with six second-level hired hunters.

The decoration of this VIP room is not complicated. In simple terms, it is a long table with ten seats by the window.

Chen Qi sat by the window and watched the scene in the distance.

Unconsciously, the nearly 100-meter-high lighthouse on Poseidon Island became smaller and smaller. Finally, the lighthouse disappeared from his sight, and only the white sea water was left around.

Along the way, the whole ship was surprisingly quiet.

No one spoke for a full four hours of sailing.

Almost there... Chen Qi estimated the distance, secretly took out the card, and sent out the coordinates.

White Tower Hunters, next, it's up to you to perform... Chen Qi accepted the card.

At this moment, a thin hunter finally spoke, whispering softly:

"Everyone, after we set out this time, will we never come back..."

His face was full of gloom. If it weren't for the Snake Father's coercion, he would not have boarded this ship.

Everyone was silent, with only a few "hmm" sounds in response to him.

Chen Qi looked at everyone curiously.

In addition to him, these six hunters seemed to be "workers" forced by the Snake Father.

At this time, the Snake Father, who everyone had been looking forward to for a long time, finally walked into the VIP room.

The Snake Father ignored these second-level hunters. In his eyes, most of the third-level extraordinary people were tools, not to mention the second-level extraordinary people.

Below the third level, they are all ants.

The Snake Father raised his head and said coldly:

"Lightkeeper, come with me, I have a private matter and need your assistance."

Finally here... Chen Qi can now confirm that there are only three third-level extraordinary people on this ship.

Facing the Snake Father, Chen Qi is confident that he can retreat unscathed in the event of a conflict.


Chen Qi followed him and arrived at the room at the bottom of the cabin. This was an extremely closed room.

The walls were thick black steel, and the whole room was extremely monotonous. On the wall, you could see fresh blood, which seemed particularly depressing.

And the moment he stepped into the room, Chen Qi felt the majestic, murderous spiritual power behind him!

On the wall in front of him, a shadow was getting bigger and bigger, and finally a snake head emerged from the cloak.

Creaky, in just a moment, the body of the Snake Father suddenly soared to two meters high, and his body under the cloak was covered with snake scales that did not belong to humans!

Cup Art. Snake Body Incarnation!

Level 3 Cup-phase Occupation. Beast Transformer. Snake Man!

This is a powerful occupation that can complete the "beast evolution" by itself, with a very high body panel.

At the same time, because the body will cause a lot of changes, in addition to the metropolis that advocate human diversity, many people do not like these beast walkers, so they often use cloaks to cover their bodies tightly.

At this moment, the snake father silently put down the cloak and spit out a snake tongue:

"Lightkeeper, don't be afraid, I'm not a monster..."

Afraid...Chen Qi turned his head.

At this moment, the snake father took a step forward and continued:

"Lampkeeper, you have good abilities, but outsiders are not allowed to interfere in every important position on Poseidon Island. Therefore, in the name of the Goddess of the Sea, I will give you a mark, a mark belonging to a snake...

From now on, you are a member of the Poseidon Pirate Group and the Sea Goddess! "

As he spoke, a scalpel and an extremely sticky, tentacle-like little monster appeared in Father Snake's hand.

This is a parasitic sea beast soaked in black whale blood and processed, addicted to the touch of the heart sea! Once implanted, the snake father can easily crush Chen Qi's heart through magic!

At that time, Chen Qi, who is a third-level transcendent, will become his snake father's right-hand man, an absolutely obedient and capable man.

In the Poseidon Pirate Group, high-level extraordinary beings control their subordinates through special parasitic sea beasts, which is their 'initiation ceremony'.

Within the Black Whale Group and the Poseidon Pirate Group, there are similar methods to control their subordinates. This is the main reason why Chen Qi is unwilling to join the pirate group.

Soon, I will have a sharp blade called the third-level lampkeeper... The snake father couldn't help but show hungry eyes:

"Of course, lampkeeper, my ritual is much crueler than ordinary rituals. You know, I follow nature and don't like anesthesia! I think only pain can make people truly feel the gift of the Goddess of the Sea!

Only the pain of the skin! Only then can you feel everything! "

Chen Qi turned around, twisted his neck, and moved his fists:

"So much nonsense, Lao Deng!"

There is no need to be polite to this kind of corruption of the Poseidon Pirates, only fists!


"I don't know etiquette."

The snake father suddenly bulged up his muscles, clenched his fists covered with snake scales, then twisted his body, rushed out, and punched.

However, a gust of wind flashed...

In an instant, Chen Qi flashed in front of Snake Father at a faster speed and punched out!

The reaction is fast enough, and he has some skills... The snake father reacted in time, blocked with both hands, and resisted the blow:

"Not enough! This fist is too weak!"

"It's not enough! It's far from enough! This fragile fist!"

Father Snake roared loudly, the body of the cup-shaped person was several times that of these ordinary third-level extraordinary beings!

His body can even withstand tens of thousands of bullets!

Come on, let's have a passionate physical collision!

And the next second, the snake father's pupils couldn't help but widen, and he saw more and more huge dark tentacles behind Yu Chenqi, slowly getting bigger and thicker, and forming whipping movements...

In this small, dark room, the shadows of thick tentacles were reflected on the wall.

In front of this huge tentacle shadow, the shadow of Snake Father seemed extremely small.


The snake father, who was transformed into a snake body, was stunned for a moment.

The next second, countless whips came towards him.

Snap! ! !

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