The cabin boat slowly came to the shore.

‘Come ashore! ’

Chen Qi jumped from the boat and arrived at the dock.

He looked around and didn't see the mechanical arm 'Iron Hand'.

However, now that he is in the crowd, the probability of Iron Shou taking action is low.

When Mayor Maruo heard An's voice, he also raised his head and looked at Chen Qi's position curiously.

He was very curious about what Chen Qi was doing when he went to sea.

And behind Chen Qi, it was his unsatisfactory son Xiao Maruo.

Mayor Maruo suddenly became angry. He had a lot of things to say and wanted to scold his son.

But when the words came to my mouth, I swallowed them back and turned them into four simple words:

"He's back."

Mayor Maruo and his son exchanged greetings for a few words, and then glanced at Chen Qi carefully.

There were no serious injuries on his body.

After An put away her work materials, she came over:

"Welcome back, Qi. I had good news for you today."

"What good news?"

Chen Qi asked curiously.

"Did you know that in Maro Town, there is a mine crack with zero distortion, but in yesterday's wind, they came to life again."

Cracks revive...

The tide of cracks will revive some cracks with 0% distortion and become challengeable dungeons.

The crack in the mine in Maruo Town should also be an E-class crack, but there is a gap between E-class and E-class.

What spawned in the cracks in the mine should be some skeleton monsters.

It's not a bad thing to have one more crack to gain spiritual points.

"Then what?"

Chen Qi asked.

An nodded lightly:

“Although it has revived, the monster inside is weaker than an ordinary E-class crack.

You want to go to the monster kitchen crack, but you obviously lack experience. If you go in hastily, you may encounter something unexpected.

So, I want to prepare to organize the newcomers in Maro Town and let you go to the cracks in the mine together. "

To put it simply, An wanted him to go to the safer cracks of the mine to hone his skills.

Chen Qi continued to ask:

"So what happened?"

"I originally wanted to detect the strength of the cracks in the mine for you."

Speaking of this, An rubbed her hands guiltily:

“But in the process of detecting the cracks in the mine, I accidentally killed all the monsters and passed the level directly.

The plan I originally prepared for you has also been ruined. "


Chen Qi accidentally swallowed a sip of water. He seemed to be able to imagine the scene of using a normal attack to annihilate all the monsters in the cracks in the mine.

In addition to An Ma, An Aotian is also nicknamed by An Zai in the game forum, and her strength is much stronger than the average third-level transcendent.

According to his observations, both Little Crow and Captain Black Eyes, who are both third-level transcendent beings, are no match for An.

At this moment, Mayor Maro on the side had just lit a cigarette, and he was keenly aware of something!

Chen Qi is ready to head to the crack in the monster kitchen!

You didn't go there this morning, did you?

But there were no scars on his body. Mayor Maro shed a drop of cold sweat and asked curiously:

"Wait a minute, Qi, the place you went to sea today couldn't be the monster kitchen, right?"


Hearing Mayor Maruo's words, An Ye suddenly realized something.

Immediately, like a curious white cat, she walked briskly around Chen Qi a few times and sniffed.

"It's blood, it's monster blood, um, there's also a scent, spice?


The spiritual force field has also changed! "

An turned around and returned to Chen Qi. His pupils shrank slightly and asked with a hint of confusion:

"Have you cleared Monster Monster Kitchen...and been promoted to a first-level transcendent?"

Chen Qi smiled helplessly.

He was completely seen through by the other party, and he couldn't hide anything at all.

Once you become an extraordinary person, you cannot hide your extraordinary aura unless you have special secret techniques.

Moreover, An's powers of observation were much stronger than he thought. He even felt that the other party's eyes could see directly through his clothes and see his own internal organs.

Chen Qi nodded:

"Yes, I went to sea today. I was lucky. I got an extraordinary professional card and became a chef."

Does this make him a first-order transcendent? Mayor Maruo, who was standing aside, trembled and subconsciously touched his mustache.

Didn't he go to sea alone?

Does he have any other companions? Then why don't you tell us?

Or did he pass through the rift alone?

Mayor Maro looked at the young man, suddenly thinking about it, and the hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly.

Xiao Ma Luo was confused and scratched his head. The monster kitchen they were talking about was the same monster kitchen he was about to go to?

Compared to Mayor Maruo and Xiao Maruo, An didn't show too much surprise. In her opinion, this was Chen Qi's proper talent.

Clearing the monster rift is also a matter of course.

From the first moment she saw Chen Qi, she smelled the faint smell of blood, the blood of monsters.

This means that he may have killed monsters when he was a spiritually awakened person.

The only thing that exceeded her expectations was that Chen Qi's speed was so fast.

An smiled happily:

"Congratulations, now we have an excellent chef in Marlow Town."

Then, she suddenly changed the subject:

"Qi, you have a good talent. By the way, our path of book apprentice is still open for you."

The first-level extraordinary profession is like a student who has not yet officially entered school and is in the self-study stage at home.

At this stage, the student can learn whatever he wants and do whatever he wants.

But starting from the second level, it means that he has officially entered school and must choose his own learning direction.

A second-level extraordinary person must choose a corresponding sexual phase.

In other words, as long as Chen Qi has not officially entered the second level, he may still become an apprentice, an apprentice brought up by her.


Chen Qi nodded.

At this time, accompanied by the sound of waves, the huge merchant ship slowly stopped.

Many porters came down from the merchant ship one after another, unloading large cargo boxes one by one and transporting them to Maro Town.

Judging from the marks on the boxes, these are all weapon boxes!

Chen Qi was slightly startled and asked An curiously:

"What is this?"

"Yes, Mr. An, why are these merchant ships transporting so many weapons to us?"

Seeing the situation in front of him, Mayor Maro wiped his cold sweat. As a mayor, he had never heard of merchant ships transporting weapon boxes!

Is there a pirate attack?

An took a few steps forward, looked up, and looked at the big ship in the distance:

"I only knew about it yesterday, according to the observation of the Beiguo Meteorological Bureau.

The recent storm is not as simple as we thought, so the Beiguo government is preparing to set up defense measures in advance on all the islands along the coast to resist sea beasts and pirates."

Mayor Maro asked:

"No matter how simple the storm is, it won't transport so many weapons."

An paused for a while, and then said word by word:

"This is very likely a crack that has not appeared for a long time...tide!"

The moment the words fell, the cigarette in Mayor Maro's hand fell to the ground.

The noisy dock became quiet in an instant.

The little Maro beside him suddenly widened his eyes, and the hunter watching the show in the distance couldn't help holding his breath.


Chen Qi also cooperated very well, opening his mouth slightly, indicating that he just knew it.

"It's the crack tide..."

Mayor Maro murmured.

Hundreds of years ago, the crack tide almost destroyed all the towns along the coast, and the witch career card was born from it.

The crack tide that lasted for ten days a hundred years ago not only led to a war at sea, but also gave birth to monsters of the level of deep-sea hunters!

And its subsequent impact has created the four emperors who are extremely arrogant on the sea today.

Every crack tide will give birth to a legend!

"If the crack tide comes, won't our entire Moonstone Islands..."

Mayor Maro lowered his head. With his age and experience, he couldn't imagine the scene after the crack tide came.

No one can predict what will happen after the tide comes.

An walked forward, his eyes extended far to the horizon:

"Yes, a crack tide that is enough to sweep across the entire Witch Sea.

Of course, this is just a preliminary prediction, and the Meteorological Bureau has not yet given a definite result.

This crack tide may not be as turbulent as the one seventy years ago."

At this point, the sea breeze blew violently with the whispers of the dark world in the distance.

"But no matter what the result is."

An stood on the dock and opened his arms:

"Everyone, a new era for our Witch Sea is coming."

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