Witch, I am really not the ancient god of the deep sea!

Chapter 36 Set sail, destination Moonstone City!

Chen Qi opened the ship door:

"good afternoon."


Ann walked into the boat house and scanned the inside of the boat curiously.

Yesterday, no matter how you looked at it, it was an old ship with a shabby interior.

Now that furniture has been added, although the old feeling of a ship has not faded away, it still feels like home.

"Nice arrangement. At this speed, you can go to sea today."

An's eyes lit up. When she was a child, she also wanted to have a ship that could go to the distant kingdom of God.

But after practicing magic, I completely forgot about it.

"By the way, I have a good thing for you."

Then, she handed a package to Chen Qi.


Chen Qi took the package doubtfully and opened it.

Inside the package was a flag and a piece of paper.

The paper is the license for the dining boat.

The pattern on the flag is a cross between a knife and a fork.

"This is the flag for the dining boat, and the license for the dining boat."

Chen Qi patted his head, he almost forgot about this thing.

On the sea, pirates have pirate flags, merchant ships have merchant flags, and navies have navy flags.

And to open a dining boat, you also need a flag.

According to the law, every ship must have a corresponding flag, and counterfeiting a flag is a felony.

Unlike the business license for merchant ships, dining ships are very easy to apply for because there are very few people engaged in the industry and they don’t make much money.

There are rules at sea. As a neutral ship with little money, dining ships will not attract the interest of large ships.

When sailing on a long voyage, a ship without a flag is like a man without clothes. If he encounters a curious ship, he will inevitably be deceived.

Overall, his cabin boat needs a chef's outfit.

Chen Qi thought about it. If he applied by himself, it would take at least two days.

By then, Captain Black Eyes might even come to Marrow Town.

"Thank you again, Teacher An."

Chen Qi put down the flag, bent down and thanked him.

He had to admit that An was indeed a dedicated novice mentor who helped him a lot.

Maro Town is a pretty good novice village.

An smiled slightly:

"You're welcome, this is my job. If you can become a second-level transcendent, I can receive a generous reward.

Moreover, this is also very important for my extraordinary path.

By the way, when are you going to leave? "


Chen Qi looked out the window.

The fires of day are burning, and it is noon.

He has received all the bounties he should receive, and has made all the preparations he should make.

Moonstone City is quite far away from Maruo Town.

"Wait a minute. Let's set off now. If we have enough time, we may be able to reach Moonstone City before the daylight is completely extinguished."

"Is this so..."

Ann walked to the boat window and looked out to sea.

Now, the sea is covered with heavy shadows from the sky, making it look particularly scary.

She originally wanted to persuade Chen Qi to go to sea on a good day.

But after thinking about it, no one knows how long this weather will last.

According to the information she received from the weather bureau, the weather in Witch Sea will only get worse day by day.

An coughed twice, with a serious expression, and couldn't help but say a few more words:

“By the way, when going to sea, you must pay attention to the things I mentioned below.

First, never get close to large ships, whether they are pirate ships or official ships, they don't like any ships approaching.

Second, it is best to arrive at the shore before night. If the ship is still sailing at night, you must pay attention to the ship lights. By the way, if you encounter fog, you must also turn on the ship lights.

Also, if you encounter a sea monster..."

Ann suddenly paused.

These are the summaries of hundreds of years of experience among fishermen, and many dangers can be avoided by relying on experience.

But sea beasts are different. Most sea beasts can only be driven away by force.

But Chen Qi was sailing alone and did not have the strength to fight against large sea beasts.

If his ships see a monster like the Offshore Overlord, they can only wish for good luck.

"What if we encounter a sea monster?"

Chen Qi asked with a look of horror on his face.

An's eyes darkened:

"Pray, pray that you won't encounter sea monsters on your way out to sea!"

"I see……"

Chen Qi prayed silently in his heart.

I hope there will be more sea beasts along the way, the better!

It's best to be like the offshore overlord, be sensible and offer good things to him!

However, most sea beasts probably don't have the smart brains of offshore overlords.

Although the offshore overlord has big intelligent eyes, like a husky, it is already a very smart creature on the sea.

After An finished giving instructions, he left the small house boat and went to the merchant ship docked to discuss the establishment of defense facilities in Maruo Town with the mayor of Maro and the captain of the merchant ship.

Chen Qi placed the flag of the dining boat and left the cabin boat.

There are many places where he needs money. The Old Bailey boat cannot be purchased in full for the time being.

Chen Qi walked to the Old Bailey and squatted down:

"I still have some goods that I haven't sold. I'll give you 20,000 shell coins first, and wait for my next time..."

"no problem!"

Old Bailey said immediately.

After the Iron Hand incident, the Old Bailey no longer had any doubts about Chenqi's ability to make money.

He previously thought that Chen Qi was being played by a rich woman from Moonstone City, but he didn't expect that it was actually related to a gang!

Although he still felt that it was very dangerous for Chen Qi to go to sea alone, he kept it in his heart and did not dare to say it out.

But if Chen Qi can come back successfully, he can earn a million at least!

"Thank you very much."

Old Bailey smiled and took the money:

"No, I should be the one thanking you for buying my junk boat. With this money, I will prepare to move to Moonstone City early, and I will be able to buy a new outfit and won't be laughed at by my daughter."

After discussing the matter of buying a boat, Chen Qi went to the market again, bought some ingredients, and then returned to his small house boat.

This voyage might take longer than he thought.

Then he started the boat's engine.


The engine started and the brand new propeller began to rotate.

At this moment, while still on the merchant ship, Mayor An and Maruo Town, who were discussing the fortifications of Maruo Town, heard the sound of the engine.

The two of them approached the boat and originally wanted to wish Chen Qi a successful return.

But with the current situation at sea, and the other party going out to sea alone, it is no longer easy to come back alive.

It is normal for the other party to be missing arms and legs when he comes back.

Just stay alive.

They waved and said:

"Bon Voyage!"


Chen Qi walked out of the boat house and waved goodbye.

The small house boat sets off from the pier and heads towards the wide sea.

Above the offshore sea, the sky gradually darkened.

Tiny houseboats have been sailing for a while.

On the way, he had seen many large merchant ships.

However, Chen Qi's first priority on the ship was to strengthen his physical training through exercise.

Through the knowledge given to him by the skill card, during the voyage, his mastery of the body-building method became even better, and he also received a 2-point strength bonus.

"Hoo, ho..."

Chen Qi took out the fresh water from the refrigerator and drank it in one gulp.

The exercise method consumes more physical energy than he imagined, and due to excessive exercise, his muscles were seriously damaged.

But fortunately, he is a chef, has a high physical constitution, and has a self-healing constitution. This kind of muscle damage can be cured by just sleeping.

After sleeping, he can still practice!

Chen Qi, who was over-exercised, sat on the sofa and picked up the Deep Sea Hunter's treasure map and newspaper to read.

He quite likes this world, but unfortunately there is no Internet, only newspapers.

Moreover, a person's boat seems a bit lonely.

Maybe, I could get a pet.

However, ordinary cats and dogs are definitely not good. They cannot adapt to dangerous voyages, and large sea beasts cannot be raised for the time being. They will be regarded as heretics.

Chen Qi handed it to him in his heart.

Hoo, ho!

Just as he was looking at the picture, he vaguely heard the harsh sound of wind!


Another huge sound of falling water came.

The sound of flying objects?

Chen Qi put away the deep sea hunter's treasure map and suddenly became alert.

On the Witch Sea, the probability of encountering a steam plane is very low.

More likely, it is encountering some bird monsters.

In the Witch Sea, in addition to sea beasts, there are also many dangerous large birds.

He is not afraid of sea monsters, but bird-shaped monsters are a great threat to him.

If it is a bird-shaped monster, it will be quite troublesome!

Instead of encountering a sea monster, we encountered a strange bird first?

Am I so unlucky?

Chen Qi picked up the collector, walked out of the boat house, and looked towards the sky.

The sky was gloomy.

He did not see the shadow of any bird in the sky.


Chen Qi held the gun and suddenly felt a chill on his back.

Behind him, there were voices, the sounds of walking.

There's something behind...

How did the other party get behind him?

His boat was sailing on the sea, and there were no other boats around!

Either some weird thing or a master!

But if he is a master, what is his purpose? At least from the appearance, there is nothing to rob his ship.

For a moment, Chen Qi couldn't imagine what the existence behind him was.

The next moment, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

At this moment, the being behind him spat out a mouthful of sea water and expressed his thirsty appeal in a tired tone:

"Boss...is your restaurant boat open now?"

Thanks to kopcn for the 100-point reward, and everyone’s recommended monthly tickets to follow up!

Today is April Fool's Day. I originally wanted to give it a title like "Request for Leave", but after thinking about it, it was too scary.

Happy April Fools' Day!

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