Under the moonlight, the breeze blew and the leaves swayed.

At this moment, Scar Rabbit, who claimed to be the most powerful, slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and said again:

"Okay, everyone, you should know that only the supervisor can know where the final treasure map is obtained!"

"And now, this crack is distorted, which means it will be more dangerous than you think. As a regulator, I can give you information, I can protect your safety, I am your protective umbrella!

After all, surviving for three days is also a way to clear the level, isn't it? "

"Okay, now, is there anyone else willing to pay the ticket? This is the last chance. If you miss it, you will lose the chance."

Scar Rabbit thought of a large amount of money, and a sneer suddenly appeared on his lips.

Although his approach was arrogant and mindless, it was extremely useful.

The increased distortion of the cracks has changed many people's goal from 'returning with a full load' to 'just staying alive'.

Paying the entrance fee means joining their Black Rabbit Gang, which increases your chances of survival.

As long as enough people pay the tickets, the Black Rabbit Gang can completely control the order of the entire rift.

At that time, everything in the entire rift will belong to them without any effort!

Scar Rabbit stretched out his hand and made a gesture asking for money:

"One ticket is half a million shellfish. If you don't have cash, you can use equipment as collateral."

Half a million!

Chen Qi didn't have that much cash on him.

This is already a pretty high amount of money.

And if you ask for the first one, you will ask for the second one.

Money doesn't come from strong winds, but many people still don't want to pay the tickets.

Why doesn't anyone pay? Scar Rabbit's mouth twitched. He forgot to arrange the actors.

I have no choice but to temporarily find a soft persimmon to pinch.

Scar Rabbit quickly swept through all the lone hunters around him.

That one is too strong, that one is too fierce, my God, why is that cloaked head squirming!

The decision is yours! It looks very ordinary! At first glance, he looks like a newcomer who has just entered the crack!

Scar Rabbit has a sharp eye, and he fell in love with Chen Qi at a glance!


Chen Qi was speechless.

There are so many people, why can the other party choose to be in the crowd and take a fancy to him.

Scar Rabbit walked up to Chen Qi and said sternly:

"You came alone, it's not easy. Give me the collector in your hand and use it as the ticket price.

In this way, you can become a member of our Black Rabbit Gang.

Not a bad deal, right? "


Not bad for your size!

He actually wanted to exchange a fabricated ticket for a gun.

Chen Qi's eyes narrowed. He had no interest in joining a gang.

However, as a stealth player, he doesn't want to take action in this place for the time being.

After everyone dispersed, he had an even greater advantage.

However, just when Chen Qi was about to refuse, the situation changed.

When Scar Rabbit was about to continue threatening, a loud sound went straight to Scar Rabbit's back.

"Get away! You're blocking my sight!"

"Which bastard is yelling at me?"

Scar Rabbit turned around and wanted to give him a good beating.

The person yelling at him was none other than the boss of the crack—the old hunter!

The old hunter picked up the shotgun and pointed it at Scar Rabbit:

'roll! ’

Scar Rabbit looked hard and said suddenly:

"You... tell me to get out... I will get out..."

Scar Rabbit gritted his teeth, shook his legs, and left Chen Qi's position obediently.

At this moment, the old hunter could finally take a good look at Chen Qi:

"You're a pretty good boy. You have the aura of a hunter and are qualified to be a regulator."


Am I a regulator?

Chen Qi didn't expect that the old hunter would choose him as the regulator.

He remembered that the old hunter's decision to select a supervisor was related to equipment and physical strength.

Although his physical strength was good, unlike other heavily armed participants, he did not take out the black knife in his backpack, only a Collector.

That he could be selected was indeed somewhat beyond his expectation.

Is it because of Hunter Yu Huo? Chen Qi thought to himself.

Everyone is looking at the big boss. It is a proof of strength to be favored by the old hunter and become a supervisor!

Scar Rabbit was also confused. He chose the soft persimmon for a long time, but in the end he chose the most powerful one.

Before everyone could recover, the old hunter spoke again:

"However, we have another monster who meets the requirements here! It seems that we have to add an additional supervisor for this hunt."

What, there are regulators!

Dual supervisors! This is something unprecedented in the Hunting Ground Dungeon!

Who can bear this two-pronged approach?

At this moment, many people are already sweating profusely. The crack distortion is enough for them. Unexpectedly, there are also double supervisors!

They just want to participate in an ordinary crack and make a little ordinary money.


At this time, the initially discouraged Scar Rabbit's eyes lit up. He always felt that something was wrong. It turned out that there were two supervisor positions!

Does this position belong to me? Scar Rabbit adjusted his clothes and had the idea of ​​'delivering a supervisor's speech'.

Chen Qi took a long breath and looked at the cloaked woman beside him.


He knew that this cloaked woman was not simple.

Moreover, she had a faint smile from the beginning.

The old hunter bent down, walked forward slowly, and said to the cloaked woman with some respect:

"Dear lady, you can definitely become a supervisor, and your power is unquestionable in our small place.

However, can you please show your face under the cloak?"

Respectful tone!

Everyone widened their eyes, and the old hunter's tone was obviously humble.

A kind of humility of a small person bowing to a big person!

This is the BOSS in the distortion rift!

Who is that cloaked woman!

And why is the cloak moving? Is there a hamster hidden in it?

This guy can't be...Chen Qi vaguely thought of something, and a bad premonition came to his mind.

"Alas...there is no way."

The cloaked woman paused for a few seconds, put away the smile on her face, and sighed helplessly.

She slowly walked towards a rock in front of her, then suddenly tore off the cloak and threw it back.

The cloak flew through the air.

The moment the cloak landed, the petals fell on Chen Qi's face.

The next moment, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Under the cloak, there were not disgusting squirming flesh and blood, nor disgusting insects, but on the contrary, there were extremely beautiful flowers, fragrant flowers.

On the other party's delicate and white limbs, there were fresh blood scars one after another, and on the scars with slightly fresh blood, there were several extremely beautiful roses.

On the blood scars, flowers bloomed.

She climbed onto the stone, turned her head, sat down slowly, and lifted her white legs, exhaling slightly.

At this moment, the face hidden under the cloak appeared in front of everyone.

A large number of flowers grew on the top of the head, completely covering the upper half of the face, but the beauty beyond ordinary people and girlishness could still be felt from the other party's lower half of the face and the white skin.

"What on earth is this existence..."

The huge spiritual pressure and indescribable beautiful appearance made everyone here feel fear in an instant, a speechless fear.

A terrifying aura, like a huge mountain, pressed on them!

Many people began to retreat, and kept retreating.

This was obviously not what a normal human should look like! It was also obviously not the spiritual pressure of a first-level extraordinary person!

"Who are you... and what do you need us to do?"

A tall hunter with a heavy personality asked with courage.

However, the next moment, he regretted it. How dare he ask questions to someone with this level of spiritual pressure!

She tilted her head slightly:

"Well, there is no need to retreat, and there is no need to be afraid. I am just a pharmacist from a foreign country. You can call me the flower pharmacist."

Under the moonlight, the breeze blew through her long hair, bringing a light floral scent.

She smiled, and the little yellow flower on her head moved:

"Of course, you can also call me another title in the Witch Sea, the Flower Witch."

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