After the old hunter left, everyone sighed.

The red wolf is not a weak monster. It is extremely difficult to capture it alive.

In addition to the old hunter who may attack them at any time, there is also the mysterious supervisor, the Witch of Flowers.

How to play this crack! There is no way to play!

The nature of the crack in front of them has changed from a hunting game to a survival game in an instant.

Some of them have already found a place to hide and tried to survive for three days.

Chen Qi was also ready to leave, and suddenly he noticed a dangerous sight.

It was the sight from the Black Rabbit Gang-

At the signal of Scar Rabbit's eyes, the members of the Black Rabbit Gang had taken out their guns and were ready to shoot and fight.

For Chen Qi, the biggest surprise of this crack was that he became the supervisor.

This is not a good thing.

The ultimate goal of the Black Rabbit Gang to enter the crack this time is the treasure hidden in the crack.

In order to get the final treasure of the crack, in addition to defeating the old hunter, they also need the map of the supervisor.

And obviously, they dare not take the map from the mysterious Witch of Flowers, which is a way to seek death.

Therefore, Chen Qi undoubtedly became their primary target.

"Has the rabbit group targeted me..."

Chen Qi thought to himself.

It was the first time that he was stared at by so many people with dangerous eyes.

Chen Qi took out the black knife from the backpack card.

The gang members of the Black Rabbits are a gang that focuses on agility and likes to use small submachine guns.

The current terrain is quite open and lacks cover, so guns can play a huge advantage.

His strongest weapon is the black knife, which has a greater advantage in close combat.

If faced with a gun assault by dozens of people, even if the skill burst is turned on to temporarily increase strength and defense, accidents may occur.

This place is not suitable for fighting.

Chen Qi shook his head and walked forward quickly. In the dark forest, he will have a greater advantage.

A gang member whispered:

"Boss, he seems to be leaving... Do you want to go...?"

Scar Rabbit held the gun and said in a deep voice:

"Now is not the time... Moreover, we need to wait for the opportunity, wait to enter the forest, and wait for him to be alone."

Handle Rabbit waited quietly.

If he started a fight right now, he would probably be surrounded by the two supervisors, the Flower Witch and Chen Qi, and have a terrifying mixed doubles fight!

However, the next moment, these gang members were shocked.

Chen Qi headed towards the forest.

But the direction he was heading was actually the direction of the Flower Witch.

That was a witch!

That was the legendary high-level transcendent!

Was he really not afraid of being made into fertilizer by the Flower Witch?

A curious yellow question mark flower appeared on the Flower Witch's head. Could it be that the other party had something to say to him?

The flower on her head moved around, with a look of expectation.


He didn't want to say anything, he was just passing by.

Chen Qi silently walked past the Flower Witch and walked towards the dark forest.


The Flower Witch was stunned. She was so elegant in her appearance that she thought the other party would say something.

With his departure, the gang members and the Flower Witch left this place silently and entered the dark forest, starting hunting for their respective goals.

The moonlight shines through the leaves.

Chen Qi carefully separated the weeds on the ground and walked along the forest path to a cave.

“According to inspiration and the mark on the map, this should be the place.”

Chen Qi said in his heart.

It took him a lot of time to find this cave.

Unlike others, his primary goal is the treasure of the deep-sea hunter.

As expected, there is a huge deep-sea monster in this cave.

I don’t know what the treasure of the ‘finger’ difficulty can contain.

“Huh, according to inspiration, it should be a deep-sea monster, don’t worry…”

Chen Qi took out a lantern for lighting from the backpack card and walked carefully into the cave.

Tick-tock! Tick-tock!

Water drops dripped from the stone wall.

The cave was not big, and he reached the end after a few steps.

There were no skeletons or cracks in this place.

There was only a calm pool of water.

Something is wrong... Chen Qi squatted down carefully and looked at the pool carefully.

Above the pool, you can see some bubbles and some things that look like "blue eyes".

He recognized the monster in front of him.

The Water Beast is a mimic monster. The main component of its body is water. When it is quiet, it is like a pool of water.

When it moves, it is a huge slime water ball.

Once a creature approaches its territory, it will extend its tentacles from the water and swallow it into its body.

To defeat this monster, you need to defeat its core hidden in the water, otherwise, the Water Beast will continue to generate new tentacles.

This is a very powerful monster. At this size, it is enough to swallow fifty bears.

The hidden BOSS in the crack, the old hunter, should not be the opponent of this monster.

Gulu! Gulu!

As if it had noticed Chen Qi's arrival, the appearance of the Water Beast suddenly changed, and a large amount of water continued to gather in the air, and finally turned into a huge water ball.

The size of its water ball is as high as ten meters, almost filling the entire cave!

On the surface of the water polo, two huge blue eyes popped up.

The blue eyes turned and stared at Chen Qi. a super-sized slime.


Chen Qi smiled at him.

In terms of frightening level, the monster in front of me cannot be compared with the Blood Eye Wall encountered in the Sea Beast Cave and the Offshore Overlord.

And in terms of appearance, this monster is much cuter than the Blood Eye Wall and Offshore Overlord.

It welcomes the arrival of morning enlightenment.

The beast in the water felt Chen Qi's breath and jumped up and down happily.

At this moment, Chen Qi's eyes suddenly lit up!

Inside the body of the water ball of the water-dwelling beast, a small treasure chest floats.

Deep sea hunter, put the treasure chest in its body!

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible to get this treasure chest without a hearty battle with the beast in the water.

But if he wants to get this treasure box, he only needs to enter the other party's body briefly.

"It should be fine, I'm just touching it..."

Chen Qi swallowed a sip of water.

For a water-dwelling beast, water is its skin.

When he entered its body, it was equivalent to stroking its skin.

Chen Qi put his hand into the other person's body with some worry.

no problem.

After confirming that there was no danger, Chen Qi held his breath, entered the water balloon with his upper body, stretched out his hand, grabbed the small treasure box with his hand, and then came out suddenly!

On the contrary, the moment he took out the treasure box, the beast in the water let out a comfortable cry of "ah".

It moved up and down, and the entire water ball and the blue eyes turned a little pink. It also wanted Chen Qi to touch it again and come in again.

"Come out safely..."

Chen Qi looked at the strange reaction of the beast in the water and stepped back.

The friendliness of such a large creature is quite scary.

Chen Qi sat with a lantern and took a look at the treasure box, which was only the size of a palm.

You can't expect to find a good treasure in a treasure chest that is difficult to find at your fingertips.

Chen Qi opened the little treasure box without hesitation.

Unlike what he imagined, what was in the treasure chest was not weapons, clothes, or disposable props.

But seven small water balloons the size of fingernails!


Chen Qi was surprised.

What's this?

The thing in front of him reminded him of the toy 'Water Elf' he had when he was a child, a toy that grew bigger when exposed to water.

Prompts popped up in front of his eyes.

[Deep Water Elf:

Nature: heart

Description: Sleeping deep-sea beasts, if left on the sea for a period of time, can inspire their true form to wake them up!

Note: It contains strong deep sea power! 】

This is a pet beast!

Chen Qi never expected that the treasure left by the deep-sea hunter would actually be a special pet beast!

The heart represents elements such as emotions and bonds, and is also closely related to beast control.

In the Kingdom of Golden Flowers and Birds, there are a large number of rare and exotic beasts, and there are quite a lot of beast-controlling players.

However, in the Kingdom of Bei, there are not many players who use pet beasts as their main combat force. They prefer to wear heavy steam mechas and use blue-fire Gatling to shoot enemies.

As a player who is a pet beast trainer, Chen Qi can be seen at a glance.

The grades of these seven little pet beasts are not low!

Under normal circumstances, if you want to get these pet beasts, you must have at least level three strength.

nice one!

As a fissure with a 'finger' difficulty level, being able to get a rare pet beast so easily is already a pretty good reward.

Chen Qi clapped his hands and put it into the backpack card.

At this moment, outside the cave, the faint roar of wild beasts could be heard.

"This sound is that of a wolf——"

Hungry red wolves can smell the scent of human flesh.

Now that the treasure is in hand, it’s time to deal with the cracks!

Chen Qi looked outside the cave.

This cave is located near the center of the forest.

There will be no shortage of people and beasts passing by.

The beast in the water won't attack him, but that doesn't mean it won't attack other creatures.

Suddenly, an idea came out!

If he joins forces with the Beast of the Water Pond and plays a mixed doubles game here, wouldn't he be invincible except for the Flower Witch?

Even if the entire red wolf pack comes, plus the black rabbit gang, plus the crack boss old hunter!

With everyone's strength, he and the beast in the water may not be incapable of fighting!

Chen Qi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, picked up the black knife, and walked towards the red wolf outside the cave.

This place may be a pretty good "fishing spot".

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