The speed of the ghost fire fish was getting faster and faster, and soon, it disappeared at the end of the field of vision.

Why did it run away... Chen Qi was a little reluctant, walked into the boathouse, and turned the direction of the small houseboat.

The direction of the ghost fire fish was exactly the direction of the dangerous sea area.



The small houseboat headed towards the dangerous sea area on the sea chart.

About twenty minutes passed.

Chen Qi walked out of the boathouse, holding a kerosene lamp, and carefully observed the movements on the sea.

As his position got closer and closer to the center of the dangerous sea area on the sea chart, more and more sea fish moved.

Conger eels, flying fish, and jellyfish that generate electricity, black mud monsters...

The number and quality of fish in the current place are a whole lot higher than the previous sea area!

If you come to this place to fish, you will definitely return with a full load!

Chen Qi held the lantern and looked down, and two or three moonlight fish swam under his feet.

It's pretty good...

However, at this moment, a bang was heard!

The whole small houseboat shook violently!

Chen Qi leaned back hurriedly, adjusted his center of gravity, and barely stabilized his body.

The small houseboat shook, almost throwing him into the sea.

What happened... Chen Qi turned his head suddenly.

There was a small white tree-like rock protruding on the sea where the small houseboat had just sailed.

It was not very tall above the sea, and it was dark, so it was difficult to detect.

And after a closer look, there were quite a few such protrusions in front.

Damn, if it continues to sail like this, this boat will be smashed into pieces!

"Deep Sea Water Elf, stop the boat!"

Chen Qi commanded, then walked into the boathouse and stopped the engine.

As a modified ship, the small houseboat's parking system is almost useless. Even if the engine is stopped, there is still a lot of inertia.

Another collision? Chen Qi was worried.


After receiving the order, the Deep Sea Water Elf suddenly shouted, and then swam quickly to the front of the small houseboat like seven well-trained crew members.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

Relying on the combined power of the seven of them, the small houseboat stopped instantly and even retreated a little!


The deep sea elves showed a confident expression to their master.

"Well done!"

The deep sea elves can not only be used for acceleration, but also for braking... Chen Qi praised, then picked up the lantern and carefully looked at the surrounding sea area.

The white protrusion is more like a tree branch than a rock.

There are more than one protruding white branches on the sea surface nearby.

Chen Qi looked under the sea surface. At first, he thought that the white corals were marked on the sea chart.

At this moment, it seems that there is a huge tree growing under the sea surface here.

The further forward, the larger and thicker the protruding branches are.

Chen Qi frowned.

The sea area ahead is full of white branches.

Ship can't pass through such a place.

Even a small ship like a small houseboat can't force through these dense white branches.

Swim over?

No, it will be very troublesome if you encounter an unexpected situation.

The best way is to use a spell called walking on water, but this spell must be at least at the second level to master.

Chen Qi shook his head and then looked at the deep sea water elves under his feet.

Fortunately, he is a pet trainer with rich theoretical experience!

Deep sea water elves are naturally smart and should understand what I mean...

Chen Qi gestured with the deep sea water elves and then put them on the water.

"Woo! Woo! Woo!"

The seven deep sea water elves nodded, they were all professionally trained.

Then, Chen Qi stepped out with his left foot and stepped carefully on a water elf.

He pressed his foot down, it was still firm and felt like land.

Then, he stepped out with his right foot and stepped on another deep sea water elf.

Just like that, he successfully stood on the sea!

"Huh, it's feasible, but it's a bit of a test of balance."

Chen Qi opened his hands and stabilized his body.

This skill of walking on the sea with the help of water elves is not as simple as he thought.

After adapting for a moment, the moment he lifted his right foot, a deep-sea sea elf swam to his foothold obediently.

Step down, lift up, step down, and lift up again!

By repeating this action, he successfully walked on the sea without using any spells.

Walking on water. Youth version of deep-sea sea elf!


Chen Qi took a few steps and was overjoyed.

He was indeed a genius. In just a few minutes, he successfully mastered a super practical spell on the sea!

This spell, even many second-level mages may not be able to learn it after spending a year!

Keep balance, keep balance... He held the lantern in his left hand and the black knife in his right hand, and walked carefully towards the center of the sea.

As he got closer to the sea, he could see huge branches and more and more fish on the sea.

In addition to being spectacular, this giant tree seemed to grow highly nutritious food, so there were so many fish around it... Chen Qi thought in his heart.

This white giant tree growing in the sea, he saw such a strange scene for the first time.

Unconsciously, he was already in the center of the sea.

Chen Qi raised his head.

A huge white tree grows here, and its exposed part is at least 30 meters high.

And this is only the height above the sea.

What a wonder... Chen Qi squatted down carefully, picked up the lantern, and peeked at the roots of the white tree under the sea.

The roots under the sea are the main part of the tree.

Under the dark sea, he saw the huge tree roots, like a long ladder leading to the depths of the sea, bottomless.

At this moment, the quiet deep sea water elves under his feet moved.

The lantern in Chen Qi's hand shook slightly.

He saw it!

At the root, there is a glowing white fruit.

And next to the fruit, there is a huge dark figure.

There is a sea dragon, coiled on the giant root of the white tree!

In an instant, the creature coiled on the tree root moved suddenly, and the whole sea seemed to shake.

A huge sense of oppression filled the sea at this moment, and the surrounding fish instantly moved away from the central sea area.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

Except for the two deep-sea elves under Chen Qi's feet, the other five deep-sea elves jumped out from the bottom of the water in an instant, then stuck to him and trembled constantly.

They felt an unprecedented fear!


A sea dragon covered with black scales suddenly emerged from the water, creating huge waves, then opened its bloody mouth full of fangs and roared at Chen Qi.


It's so scary!

The deep-sea elves were instantly frightened and trembled at a very high frequency!

What a big morning grump!

Chen Qi got up with a lantern, then smiled:

"Long time no see, offshore overlord, I didn't expect that your home is here."

The visitor was not any other existence, but the recognized overlord of the offshore - the black ship sea dragon!

From the size of this juvenile and the unique tone, there is no doubt that this is the black ship sea dragon he encountered when he first went out to sea.

The habitat of the offshore overlord is actually this place.

Chen Qi patted the head of the offshore overlord.

Seeing him again, there was an indescribable sense of intimacy.

But his tone was as loud as ever, and the sense of oppression was still terrifying.

He is now a different person from the past, mastering the body-building method and advancing to the first level at the same time.

But facing such a behemoth, he still can't avoid instinctive fear.

Chen Qi subconsciously glanced at the other party's mouth full of sharp teeth.

The other party was opening his mouth wide, begging him for extraordinary bait.

It can be seen that it really likes to eat junk food 'extraordinary bait'.

"Sorry, I didn't bring a fishing rod, so I can't condense extraordinary bait. I'll give it to you later."

Chen Qi patted the head of the black ship sea dragon with his hand, and then comforted the deep sea water elf.

Buzz buzz buzz!

The deep sea water elf lay on him and trembled constantly, and even turned him into a buzzing electric motor!

Chen Qi steadied himself and soothed:

"Don't be afraid, it's okay, it's just a little sea dragon..."

After soothing for a long time, the deep sea elves stopped trembling and cast a respectful look at their master!

Deep sea elves, you don't think I tamed the black ship sea dragon by domineering...Chen Qi smiled, clapped his hands, and looked at the white giant tree in front of him.

Compared to the black ship sea dragon, he is more curious about the white giant tree in front of him.

He suddenly jumped onto the white giant tree and looked at the surrounding fish.

This place may be a good marine farm.

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