"The edge of the sea, it's so far away, we're finally here."

Chen Qi took the map and walked out of the boathouse.

With the Deep Water Elf booster, his small houseboat sailed for a full day.

At this moment, the flames of the day gradually dimmed.

The afterglow of the setting sun filled the sea surface, and the light contrasted with the water surface, coupled with the falling flowers floating from the flower island to the sea.

Just like a grand sea tapestry, it welcomes the arrival of tourists.

Chen Qi raised his head and looked at the island in the distance.

There are mountains full of flowers and trees, a small town at the foot of the mountains, and a simple pier.

The land on Flower Island is fertile and suitable for cultivating medicinal materials and flowers. With nearly a thousand people on the island, it is considered a good town.

However, compared to the people of the Moonstone Islands, the people of this remote island are more isolated and rarely leave their hometown.

In their opinion, this small island far away from the city is quiet and beautiful, and it can easily make a lot of money from tourism every year.

Of course, the prerequisite for this peaceful life is that there are no pirates and crack tides.

Morning Kai lowered the speed of the cabin boat and prepared to berth.

At this time, a huge white dove flew across the sky. The white dove slowly lowered its altitude and landed in front of the port of Flower Island.

It's Pelu, she's here too.

Chen Qi docked the small house boat at the pier, took a big jump, and stepped onto the land of Flower Island.

Peilu noticed the movement behind her, and she looked at Chen Qi behind her with a puzzled look:

"Why are you so fast? You also set off at night?"

She set off last night, and she was flying from the sky!

Chen Qi took a step forward:

"Let's just say, the engine for my boat is quite expensive."

Although the speed of the cabin boat is very fast.

But the reason why he was able to arrive at the same time as Pelu was mainly because of the booster he was proud of:

Deep Water Elf Card Booster!

And there are still seven!

With the help of the deep water elves, the small house boat is incredibly fast.

The only side effect is that compared to the machine, the deep sea elves still tire too quickly.

After only one day of pushing, it turned into a puddle of soft mud!

This must be because the deep sea elves lack exercise. They should practice more!

Deep sea elves have no need to breathe oxygen and only need to absorb seawater regularly.

So, Chen Qi put them into the backpack card.

When the time comes, you can summon them just like throwing a Poké Ball.

Pelu picked up her camera and took some photos:

"Forget it, you came just in time to show me how the most famous reporter in Moonstone City captured the Flower Witch with his eagle-like vision and wolf-like acumen."

At the pier, the two took out their IDs, briefly checked their identities with the people on the pier, and then walked towards the village of Flower Island.

"It's so lively."

Chen Qi looked towards the village.

The houses on Flower Island are built of red bricks, and flowers are placed in front of each house.

At this time, although there are crack tides, it is spring and the peak season for tourism.

There are many tourists.

Not only that, there are many people at the head of the village, discussing information.

Chen Qi pricked up his ears.

"You heard that the crack is about to open again."

"It won't be like ten years ago, where the distortion degree rises to more than 40% and then runs out."

"It's impossible. This time, I heard from the village chief that they invited experts."

There are also cracks resurrected in this place. The crack level in this area should be D... Chen Qi observed the surroundings while walking forward with Peilu.

At this moment, in the town, two huge statues located in the flower bed in the center of the town caught his attention.

One of them is a hunter holding a bone-shaped sword. He is extremely tall, wearing heavy hunter light armor, and his hood covers his rough face.

This statue is made of rock, and a layer of deep green moss has appeared on its surface, but despite this, it still looks like a majestic hunter, gazing at the sea in front of him.

"Deep Sea Hunter..."

Chen Qi was slightly startled. This was the first time he saw the statue of the deep sea hunter.

This statue should be the legendary deep-sea hunter, the only one after the witch who has fought off a giant whale.

"This is a deep sea hunter, what about this statue?"

Chen Qi looked at another statue.

Another statue is that of a young woman wearing nun-like clothing, holding a holy book in her right hand and a lantern in her left.

It is like a tall lighthouse, watching over the Witch Sea, beautiful and sacred.

Bigger than what the Deep Sea Hunters built.

Moreover, it is also older than the statue of the Deep Sea Hunter.

"This is?"

Chen Qi didn't recognize the existence in front of him for a moment.

Peilu took out her camera and took pictures of the two statues:

"You don't even know this? This is the pride of our Witch Sea, the statue of the Ice Witch."

"The Ice Witch..."

Chen Qi recalled for a moment, and memories suddenly came out of his mind.

It turns out to be this super large background board everywhere!

The Ice Witch is also a very famous character in the Witch Sea section.

But unlike the Flower Witch, who is the protagonist, the Ice Witch is a typical background.

Five hundred years ago, the rift tide swept across the sea. Under the oppression of the big whales, hungry and cold, monsters appeared like a tide, and humans were forced to cannibalize each other.

At that time, the Kingdom of Bei was in a serious civil war because of the out-of-control of the Hammer Phase Crack, and had no time to deal with the crack tide.

Without the support of the strong on land, all the residents of the sea fell into despair.

At that time, the Ice Witch turned out to be a star, and with her own strength, she repelled the big whale and saved countless people and countless families in difficulty.

In order to commemorate the achievements of the Ice Witch, this sea was also renamed the Witch Sea from the original Whale Sea under the authorization of the king.

At the same time, the Ice Witch was also a powerful wizard who was proud of many wizards in the Witch Sea.

Today, the name of the Ice Demon Pirates, one of the four major pirate groups, also originated from this Ice Witch.

At the same time, the Ice Witch also likes to study history and archaeology.

Therefore, many major events and relics have traces of this Ice Witch.

In many places, the status of the Ice Witch is higher than that of the ancient goddess of the sea.

Especially on the islands near the sea, people generally believe that the statue of the Ice Witch can bless their safe travel.

Chen Qi remembered that there were many posts about the Ice Witch in the forum.

In the eyes of most ordinary people in the New Sun World, human life span has a limit.

In the depths of this world, there is a virtual lantern-carrying death god who harvests the lives of all those who try to usurp the common sense of life.

For those whose life span exceeds a hundred years, the death god will come as promised in the spiritual sea.

Even if you have an extraordinary body that can fill mountains and seas, you cannot resist the erosion of time.

But according to various information on the player forum, this Ice Witch who was famous in the sea hundreds of years ago did not die, but lived like a ghost and participated in many major events that influenced history.

"It's really spectacular, was the Ice Witch a combat nun before..."

Chen Qi clapped his hands and looked away from the statue.

At this moment, after taking the photo, Perlu had already started to inquire about the clues of the Flower Witch.

Perlu was randomly selecting passers-by and asking them for information.

Chen Qi was shocked. Perlu's way of finding people was really simple and crude.

Besides, she was too conspicuous holding the microphone.

She walked to an old woman and took out a thousand shells:

"Grandma, I wonder if you have seen a person wearing a cloak?"

The old woman took the money skillfully and replied:



Pelue was stunned for a moment when she looked at her missing money.

Then, the old woman stood up and looked around:

"People wearing cloaks are everywhere, let me help you check.

Is it that person? Speaking of which, the little girl's head can still move, looking mysterious."

There were many travelers in front of the open-air herbal medicine shop.

And a person wearing a cloak was lowering his head and picking herbs.

At this moment, as if she felt the sight behind her, she pulled down a corner of her hood, turned around, tilted her head, and looked at the two of them.

The moment she saw the two of them, the other's hood was like a wave, moving wildly!

"Flower Witch..."

Chen Qi was shocked.

I didn't expect it to be so easy to find!

The other party is actually at the entrance of the village on Flower Island!

No... Chen Qi suddenly thought of something.

"Help me get it."

Peilu's eyes were firm, and she handed the backpack to Chen Qi.

She squatted down, her arms drooped naturally, her palms slightly opened, and made a preparatory posture for starting, then took a deep breath.

"My fans, it's time to let you see the speed of reporters."

"Flower Witch, this time, you can't run away!"

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