Witch, I am really not the ancient god of the deep sea!

Chapter 79 Male and female fire dragons

Baron of the Red Crystal Hunter Group stood here, quietly waiting for everyone's reply.

What he meant was that all the fifty-three people here should follow him, give up their original goals, and go with him to fight the final BOSS, the Fire Dragon!

Many hunters were in hesitation.

Many of them just wanted to earn a small goal.

The Fire Dragon in the Dragon Breathing Land was extremely powerful, and it was not something that amateur hunters like them could defeat.

Fighting the Fire Dragon was not even in their consideration!

But now, Baron of the Red Crystal Hunter Group actually took the initiative to invite them.

Chen Qi glanced suspiciously at Baron and the equipment carried by the Red Crystal Hunter Group.

Giant artillery specially made for dragons, fireproof tattoos, melting point shields, No. 13 flame potions...

Luxurious dragon-slaying equipment.

There are definitely more than one D-level cracks on the sea, the Dragon Island.

It can make a person come back to this crack again as soon as possible after ten years.

In addition to revenge, what other reasons can make the other party come back again?

Hunter's treasure... Chen Qi thought of this instantly.

Unlike the previous treasure, he now does not know the location of the treasure, nor the difficulty of the treasure.

Chen Qi has a strong intuition in his heart that the other party is also here for the hunter treasure.

And this old man Baron may know more information than him.

Everything Baron is doing now seems to be for revenge, but the real goal is probably something else.

"Baron, you won't hurt us, right? After defeating the fire dragon, you will embezzle the materials, right?"

"What are you talking about, Brother Baron, in the past few years, you have given us all the skill cards and career cards."

"Brother Baron is old, and money is not important to him.

Being able to defeat the fire dragon and avenge his brother is his only wish."

"Revenge, what does revenge have to do with us? How can we guarantee that this guy will not sneak attack us on the road."

A small number of hunters voiced opposition.

Baron smiled:

"Everyone, I believe in the Principle of Scales and the God of Day. I will not break my promise, let alone the iron rule in my heart.

And if you want to launch a sneak attack, the Red Crystal Hunters don't need to gather you together.

Besides, there are only 8 people in our Red Crystal Hunters. How can we attack more than 40 of you?

I can swear to you that I sincerely want to pass through this crack.

Also, there are people from the Blood Blade Pirates here. I heard that the Blood Blade Pirates are in charge of the order near the coast.

In front of this lady, I can't do anything to you."

Little Red Riding Hood blinked. The other party actually mentioned her!

But Baron was right. The Blood Blade Pirates did have a bodyguard business.

Whether it was protecting the island or protecting guests in the cracks, it was within their business scope.

Compared with other pirate groups, the Blood Blade Pirates paid more attention to their reputation.

Relying on a good reputation, they can get the support of many islands.

Little Red Riding Hood puffed up her chest and looked at Baron with some displeasure.

She had to admit that Baron had experience in clearing the rift.

With his help, the entire rift would be much easier.

Little Red Riding Hood condensed a blood-red long knife in her hand, raised her head, and said to everyone:

"Fifty thousand shells! If there are beasts who dare to attack others during this rift trip, I will take action!

Don't worry, as long as you pay, I swear in the name of the Blood Blade Pirates that I will protect you."

Although Little Red Riding Hood is less than 1.6 meters tall, she exudes a strong domineering aura, like a cold wind.

Everyone looked at each other.

If there was the protection of the Blood Blade Pirates, Baron would not dare to attack them!

The bodyguard fee of 50,000 shells is not too expensive. Chen Qi took out 50,000 shells from the backpack card.

Although Little Red Riding Hood is a bit foul-mouthed, she is one of the most sentimental and committed people on the sea.

Spending 50,000 shells to add an extra insurance for this rift trip is not a loss.

Witnessed by Little Red Riding Hood, the fifty-three people on the Rift Trip all gave Little Red Riding Hood fifty thousand shells.

Little Red Riding Hood accepted the money:

"Don't worry, I will protect you."

Seeing this, Baron smiled:

"Okay, everyone, with the protection of the Blood Blade Pirates, we should be able to work together to fight the fire dragon together!"

To defeat the fire dragon, cooperation is indeed the best way.

Baron replaced Little Red Riding Hood and walked to the front:

"Everyone, please follow me. Those charcoal monsters can only provide some insignificant spiritual points.

And I know a way to avoid these charcoal monsters and reach the top of the mountain."

Baron was familiar with the road and set off along the volcano all the way to the top of the volcano.

On the way, the people of the Red Crystal Hunter Group also took out climbing tools and took a shortcut.

Chen Qi kept a safe distance and followed carefully behind everyone.

It would take at least a day to reach the top of the volcano, but under the leadership of Baron, they only took two hours to reach the platform under the top of the mountain.

Baron wiped the sweat off his face:

"Okay, everyone, it's time to rest for a while."

They are now on a large flat ground.

Going up further, it is the dragon's nest!

"Hu, hu——"

At this moment, they can already hear the heavy sound of the dragon's breath.

Under Barong's command, everyone approached the rock and gasped for air.

"finally reached!"

"I'm exhausted. It's too hot in this place."

At this moment, Barong silently took out a red crystal from his backpack card in front of everyone.

Chen Qi took out the kettle and couldn't help but look at the red crystal.

He has done many strategies for dragon habitats.

Once the fire crystal is broken, the fire elemental aura it emits is enough to lure the fire dragon down from the top of the mountain!


Barong wants to open monsters on this platform!

Chen Qi held the weapon and looked at Barong.

Barong turned his head. At this moment, he caught Chen Qi's eyes and said:

"Huh? It really surprises me, young man, do you actually know this thing?"

At the same time, other hunters in the Red Crystal Hunter Group also looked at Chen Qi.

"I've read about it in books. It's a fire crystal."

Chen Qi replied, drinking the water from the kettle, he had reduced his presence as much as possible.

But the surprise shown for a moment was still captured by the man nicknamed Barong.

Opening monsters without permission proves that Barong and the others want to cause chaos!

"Barong, what are you doing?"


There was a blast of crystal.

A hot breath instantly filled the platform in front of me!

Balong looked at the hot flames in his hands and said:

“Don’t worry, everyone, I don’t mean any harm.

The terrain on the top of the mountain is too narrow, and this place is the most suitable platform to fight the fire dragon. "

Everyone was stunned for a moment. They never expected that Barong would suddenly make such a crazy move!

Baron wants to forcefully drag them into a battle with the fire dragon!

You know, the bodyguard money was paid to the Blood Blade Pirates just two hours ago.

However, they were not given a chance to think!

With the crystal shattering!

From the top of the mountain, bursts of majestic wind came, and the sound of the dragon's wings flapping was like the coming of a storm!

Two fire dragons were on the top of the mountain, like two falling stars falling from the sky, flying towards here.

Little Red Riding Hood took out the long knife and jerked forward:

"Barong, what the hell are you doing!"

This bastard red crystal hunter group started a group without their consent!

Baron turned his head, looked at Little Red Riding Hood, and smiled:

"Sorry, sorry, I thought you were all ready, but now is indeed the best time."

"You're looking for death!"

Little Red Riding Hood gathered a bloody sword in her hand and rushed towards Barong.

She has already received the money and wants to chop the beast that threatens their trip to the rift into two pieces!

Barong silently took out a revolver from under his clothes and pointed it at Little Red Riding Hood!


"Just a bullet!"

Little Red Riding Hood swung the knife and cut through the bullets.

However, the next moment, to her surprise, after the bullet was cut, some red powder exploded and splashed on her body.

Little Red Riding Hood blushed and suddenly felt bad:

"What kind of powder is this?"

"Who knows?"

Barong showed a half-smiling expression.

He spread out his hands and said to everyone:

"Everyone, the fire dragon has arrived. Now is the time for us hunters to fight against the fire dragon!"

Chen Qi looked at the two fire dragons slowly descending from the sky.

As Baron said, he joined this crack ten years ago.

And for this trip to the rift, he had been preparing for ten years!

Everything that happened in front of him was under the control of his giant hand.

The addition of the Blood Blade Pirates didn't change anything.

"What exactly is this powder?"

Little Red Riding Hood took out three bottles of universal antidote from the backpack card and drank them.

The battle between humans and humans, humans and dragons, has already begun... Chen Qi looked at the chaotic scene in front of him and silently pulled out the black knife.


A huge dragon roar rushed towards them like a tsunami.

The moment the fire dragon saw them, they had no room to retreat.

At this moment, Little Red Riding Hood, one of the main combatants, was still drinking medicine.

She didn't know what kind of powder she had just been hit with, so she could only drink the medicine mindlessly.


Chen Qi walked to the side of Little Red Riding Hood and reminded him:

"Little Red Riding Hood, the antidote is useless. It is not poison, but a charm potion, and it is an extremely rare dragon charm potion powder.

However, it is impossible for a dragon to be interested in humans, but the dragon will still stare at you, which will cause you to become the priority unit to be attacked. "

The charm potion that can induce strange emotions in large creatures is an extremely precious medicinal material in the Kingdom of Golden Flowers and Birds, which has many genders and races.

Chen Qi remembered that this powder could only be obtained from C-level cracks.

Its rarity has exceeded the normal settlement rewards of Dragon Roost Island!


Little Red Riding Hood paused for a moment. She did not expect that a first-level chef would be so well-informed and even remind her.

But what the heck is a love potion?

This person doesn't look very smart either... Chen Qi explained:

"To put it simply, you are the first one to be beaten by the dragon."



Dragon falls!

The male fire dragon suddenly fell from the sky, like a red lightning from the sky, and hit Little Red Riding Hood hard.

Immediately afterwards, the male fire dragon twitched its tail violently, wrapped around the thin little red riding hood, and slammed it against the far wall.

In an instant, Little Red Riding Hood blocked it with both arms, but was still thrown a hundred meters away, with a large amount of blood pouring out of her body.

When Barong saw this, he took off the big sword from his back:

"Alright, Little Red Riding Hood from the Blood Blade Pirates should be able to fight against the Fire Dragon."

Then, he silently turned back, opened his arms and said:

"Fire Dragon! Our red crystal hunter group is back!

Everyone, now we have no way to retreat, so come with us to drive away the fire dragon! !

Fight! Let’s hunt! "

"Come on, dragon, let me feel your anger! Let me see if you can stop us again!"

Baron laughed.

Something is wrong... Chen Qi looked at the female fire dragon in the distance.

This female fire dragon's body was covered with scars swept by the storm, and her hot scales were spitting out flames, as if exuding endless anger.

This is the violent state that can only occur in the second stage!

Why do you start a violent state when you first meet?


Chen Qi smiled in his heart, jumped back, and quickly pulled away from Barong.

Barong took out the big sword and concentrated all his energy on the big sword.

Powerful chop!


In an instant, the female fire dragon made a fierce dash and knocked the charged Barong into the rock.


Everyone felt the hot atmosphere of the scene in front of them.

What was the speed of the fire dragon just now?

The two strongest men in the team were beaten away by two dragons in an instant!

Chen Qizhi formed a layer of protective energy on his body while taking out the backpack card containing the deep sea elves.


The two fire dragons were pouring out their breath, intending to burn everything in sight.

At this moment, everyone felt a manic inspiration in their minds.

[The female fire dragon falls into a violent state. She wants to vent her pain to the world, and the crack distortion is increased by 5%. 】

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