The Flower Witch handed Chen Qi two potions.

One of them was a white potion made from the pale scale fruit, and the other was a potion with green oil.

It didn't seem to taste very good, so Chen Qi asked:

"What potion is this?"

"Cold medicine."


Chen Qi felt warm in his heart, and he almost forgot about the cold:

"Really... Thank you."

Chen Qi drank the cold medicine, then held the white potion in the air and looked at it carefully.

The potion itself showed a unique pale color. It was different from ordinary white, but with a faint cold light, like moonlight falling on the water.

And with the sunlight, faint ripples began to appear inside the potion, as if infinite life was surging in it.

An unprecedented prompt popped up in front of Chen Qi's eyes.

[Pale Scale Medicine:

Nature: Cup, Lamp

Introduction: An extraordinary potion with pale scale fruit as the core and a variety of medicinal materials.

Effect: Greatly enhance inspiration and physical fitness.

Note: The soul shines from the heart. When you take this medicine, your body will be able to undergo a small evolution. 】

Chen Qi drank the medicine without hesitation.

In an instant, a faint light appeared in front of his eyes. A jellyfish with sharp teeth flew across the sky. The sun smiled and opened its cold and illusory eyes. A large number of arms with red eyes emerged from under the sea...

It felt like eating poisonous mushrooms!

Chen Qi closed his eyes and adapted to this strange feeling.

The Flower Witch explained:

"The pale scale fruit contains the power of the lamp. If used directly, it will cause mental disorder, but don't worry, the neutralizing herbs will take effect immediately."

Then, the fantasy scene in front of him changed.

The jellyfish turned into a coolly dressed jellyfish girl, the sun turned into a teletubbie, and countless withered arms made a gesture to him.

Is there any difference?

What neutralizing herbs did you add?

As time passed, the fantasy scene in his mind gradually disappeared.

Chen Qi felt the burning sensation from his feet to the top of his head, and then opened his eyes again.

[Your physique increased by 7 points, inspiration increased by 12 points, and the spiritual power of the origin increased moderately. ]

Many of his attributes are now close to the limit of the first-level extraordinary, and he can still improve so many attributes.

"It's not easy."

Chen Qi looked at his attribute panel again.

30 points of physique, 50 points of inspiration, and 19 points of agility.

Although it doesn't look high, as a newbie who has just entered the extraordinary, these attributes are already amazing!

Many second-level extraordinary people have only more than 20 points of physique and 30 points of inspiration.

30 points of physique is an important watershed.

When the physique reaches 30 points, you can perform armor transplant surgery and make initial mechanical ascension.

You can practice legendary martial arts, embark on the road of martial arts, and open the world with your flesh.

You can also safely perform gene sublimation and transformation, and evolve your flesh and blood.

Of course, the most important thing is that he now meets the wearing conditions of [Touch of the Remnant Fire].

With 50 points of inspiration, in addition to being able to identify inspirations of D-level and below cracks at will, he can also learn many powerful detection skills!

And these attributes will also receive a small comprehensive percentage increase when he is promoted to the second level.

Now, even if he is being shot by a machine gun with blue flames, he can be full of energy with his strength!

Chen Qi felt the power emerging from his body and said excitedly:

"Flower Witch, can you give me a punch?"

Strength and physique are important components of his current defense.


It's dawn, and he's OK again!

Chen Qi now wants to try to see how far his current defense is.

How does it compare to the fist of the Flower Witch?

The fist of a third-level mage is still within his acceptable range.

And with this immature little fist, the Flower Witch should not be good at close combat.

"Give you a punch? Really?"

This is the first time the Flower Witch has heard such a strange request.



A clear and crisp sonic boom sounded in the air!

Hot smoke came out of Chen Qi's abdomen.

The Flower Witch retracted her bright red fist and said apologetically: "I have only learned the simplest basic boxing, is it okay?"

Although she is a simple pharmacist, she knows a little bit of everything.

Basic boxing, are you sure that was not a sonic boom just now!

Men can't say no, but it hurts so much that they can't speak... Chen Qi felt a moment of loss of voice, and after a long silence, he squeezed out two words:

"It's okay..."

Chen Qi turned his head in time, straightened his back, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He still has to practice more!

Sure enough, just having attributes without corresponding strength skills is still far from enough.

Then, Chen Qi walked to the console and asked:

"By the way, Flower Witch, where are you going next? I'm going back to Moonstone City."

Chen Qi has now dealt with the Flower Witch's affairs and is ready to go to the city to upgrade his equipment and skills.

"It's also Moonstone City."

The Flower Witch has already thought about the future:

"In order to advance to the fourth-level legendary realm, I must fully digest my own pharmacy.

Next, I plan to collect medicinal materials, and then complete the digestion of my extraordinary profession.

Then, I will find a way to pass the test set by the teacher.

In addition, I want to inquire about the lost items such as 'Meat Cutter and Bone Breaker', 'Harp of the Sea', 'Blade of Blood', 'Joyful Elf', and the information of the treasure of the Deep Sea Hunter, so as to arm myself. "

Except for the staff in her hand, the other equipment of the Flower Witch is very ordinary.

"Meat Cutter and Bone Breaker?"

Chen Qi asked curiously, he heard this word again.

The Flower Witch explained: "Yes, this is a weapon of the Deep Sea Hunter's nemesis. This monster merged with the sea beast and forged a monster-level weapon, causing countless tragedies.

But a hundred years ago, this weapon disappeared in the crack.

When the crack tide comes, many lost items will also see the light of day again. "

Lost items... Chen Qi glanced at his backpack card.

In a sense, his equipment 'Touch of the Remnant Fire' is also a lost item.

Then, the Flower Witch frowned:

"However, the most important thing is to solve the problem of having no money. I am going to go to the pharmacy and sell a tube of Dragon Breath Potion. ”

Dragon Breath Potion is very precious and has great uses. It is impossible to sell it under normal circumstances.

But the Flower Witch, who has been stubborn all her life, is now very poor and does not want to work.

Chen Qi's eyes lit up: "Dragon Breath Potion, how much is a tube?"

It is better to sell it to him than to the pharmacy!

Now that he has black clams and ghost fire fish, he can be considered a person with a stable income.

The Flower Witch calculated her living expenses, travel expenses, and the cost of making potion materials, and muttered:

"80,000 shells."

This is close to the cost price. Chen Qi said: "Deal. "

The two reached a deal again.

Chen Qi took the potion.

[Dragon Breath Potion:

Sex: Cup

Effect: Gain a small amount of dragon power and dragon charm in a short time. Both female and male dragons will have a good impression of you, and gain spiritual power surge, as well as a comprehensive attribute bonus in a short period of time.]

Spiritual power surge!

Chen Qi's eyes lit up.

Whether it is strength, shadow power, etc., they all rely on the spiritual power in their own blood.

Spiritual power surge is equivalent to enhancing his strength.

When spiritual power surges, it is not a problem for him to arm his whole body with strength.

The Flower Witch rubbed her eyelids: "That... Mr. Chef, I'll sleep for a while. "

The long hours of running around and making potions had exhausted her physically and mentally.

After a brief chat, the Flower Witch fell asleep on the dining table while holding a deep sea water elf.

The Flower Witch closed her eyes and raised her lips slightly.

If it weren't for Chen Qi, she might have used her flower phase technique 'Flowers bloom in blood' when facing Black Gloves.

Once used, in addition to a large number of sequelae, she would face at least a month of bone-biting pain again.

And this action also seriously injured Black Gloves.

So The serious injury was unimaginable even for a third-level transcendent.


The little head of the Flower Witch sank into the deep sea water elves and slept soundly.

The other deep sea water elves also closed their eyes.

Chen Qi looked at this warm scene and smiled slightly.

He was also very sleepy, but he was the captain and had no time to rest.

He had to go ashore before he could sleep...

Chen Qi drove the small houseboat towards the distant Moonstone City.

The small houseboat drew a white line in the blue sea.


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