Twenty days later, the land of white trees.

Next to the huge white tree, there is a small house boat parked.

And above the sea, a fierce chase is taking place.

Astonishingly, it was the deep sea elves chasing the will-o'-the-wisp fish.

"Cry, cry, cry! (Don't even think about running away!)"

The Deep Sea Elf No. 1 was like a ferocious big devil, violently swallowing ten will-o'-the-wisp fishes into its belly.

"Cry, cry, cry, cry (you are too weak!)"

"Cry, cry, cry, cry! (At this level, do you also want to stand on the sea!)"

"Puff, puff!"

The will-o'-the-wisp fish without oil wants to light a fire, burn this bastard world, and burn out all the creatures in this world!

However, as early as yesterday, they were wiped out by a hateful human hand.

"Wakuwaku! (Go in!)"


Deepsea Spirit One spits out its contents into a floating cage.

Then, it jumped again, swam up to Chen Qi's hand, and poked its head to show off.

"Well done, number one."

Chen Qi touched the head of Deep Sea Spirit No. 1.

Immediately afterwards, he got off the Black Ship Sea Dragon, stepped on the water elf, and walked to the floating cage.

"Cultivation of will-o'-the-wisp fish is more difficult than imagined."

He relocated the buoy and bracket.

These days, in addition to opening a restaurant and practicing basic meditation methods, I also build a marine animal farm mainly composed of will-o'-the-wisp fish.

Breeding sea animals was more difficult than he thought.

Although, with his efforts, the will-o'-the-wisp fish has become comfortable.

There is no need to hunt or work, and you can have something to eat every day. It is so delicious!

However, once the will-o'-the-wisp oil is produced, they can't help but wreak havoc.

The offshore network box he worked so hard to build has been brutally murdered several times in a row.

Moreover, raising orchid fish requires cleaning, feeding and other tasks every day.

Fortunately, before time travel, he was an excellent beast control master!

Although deep sea elves have no hands, their soft slime bodies can actually perform many highly precise operations.

Their combat power is not as strong as that of dragons, but they are well-crafted pet beasts!

The strongest work animal!

And he has seven more!

Finally, under his hard training and guidance, the seven deep sea elves learned to feed fish and clean the room.

In addition, there are also ways to use will-o'-the-wisp oil, fish, cut vegetables, stir the spoon, and massage.

They can all master it, even better than humans.

Especially in massage and room cleaning, the deep water elves have exceeded 80% of people!

The Deep Water Elves do a lot of the work.

If it weren't for the deep water elves, it would be a disaster to handle the breeding farm alone.

Chen Qi wiped the sweat off his head, stood up, and looked around at the sea animal farm he had initially built.

He spent 3,000 shellfish to buy a 20-meter-long floating cage.

In addition, black clams and moonfish are also cultured.

Chen Qi estimated that based on the production frequency of black clams and will-o'-the-wisp oil, the sea beasts here could provide him with a harvest of 1.5 million shell coins in just fifteen days.

For an individual breeder, this is a huge sum of money!

Moreover, the feed price of will-o'-the-wisp oil is less than 10,000 yuan.

The deep sea elves don't need wages. This income is equivalent to net income!

The only troublesome point...

Chen Qi shook his head and sighed:

"There are too many reserves of will-o'-the-wisp oil."

The will-o'-the-wisp oil provided by one of his farmers can cover the entire Moon Rock City.

He single-handedly changed the will-o'-the-wisp oil market in Moonstone City.

The originally rare weapon paint, will-o'-the-wisp oil, is no longer a rarity in the weapons shop in Moonstone City.

Weapons dealers have already realized that the purchase of will-o'-the-wisp oil is too much.

Will-o'-the-wisp oil is constantly losing value.

Now, in just twenty days, the price of will-o'-the-wisp oil has dropped by a fifth.

Therefore, Chen Qi has two ideas.

The first is to run a business and go to other cities to sell will-o'-the-wisp oil.

The second is to increase the demand for will-o'-the-wisp oil and make it a hot-selling product.

In fact, as a weapon enchantment paint, will-o'-the-wisp oil is not only very practical, but also has good looks.

Therefore, it has the potential to become a popular product.

It just lacks some publicity.

But if you want to promote will-o'-the-wisp oil, unless you are a celebrity like Pelu, it is still too difficult.

After Chen Qi finished handling today's work, he took out today's White Dove Times.

#Under the Crack Tide, the New Forbidden Sea You Must Know#

The three heroes of #Emperordu all gathered in the sea of ​​witches! #

# Siren’s song, the illusion above the sea#

#The Navy’s first expedition is bound to regain control of the offshore waters#

There is no big news. Because Pelu failed to catch the Flower Witch, the sales of the entire White Dove Times have dropped drastically recently.

Chen Qi scanned the "New Forbidden Sea" in the newspaper.

The Land of White Trees is clearly marked among them!

At first, he thought that after what happened on the Black Rabbit, specialized personnel would come to investigate the Land of the White Tree.

On the contrary, after the Black Rabbit incident hit the newspapers.

The Land of the White Trees is so famous above the sea that it is even classified as a dangerous area.

No one dared to investigate.

Nowadays, many boats fishing for moonfish at night go far away for fear of being caught by offshore overlords.

These days, he has not seen a living person in the sea area around the White Tree Land.


Chen Qi gave the silly offshore overlord a look.

If someone came here and saw these floating cages and the feed boxes he built, it would definitely cause an uproar.

At that time, it would be troublesome if adventurers were attracted.

Chen Qi's future plan is to transplant many sea beasts to the White Tree Land and build a small base.

But it is rare to find a transplantable captive sea beast.

I hope no one will find this place...Chen Qi packed up his things, returned to his small boat house, and glanced at the clock.

At six o'clock, the sky was already covered with layers of light black.

At this time, it is almost time to set up the stall.

The offshore overlord felt something and rushed over.

"Goodbye, offshore overlord, guard this place."

After using the extraordinary bait, Chen Qi fed the offshore overlord who was breathing.

Then, he started the small houseboat and rushed towards Moonstone City.

These days, he has been looking for clues about the second-level lamp phase occupation card or lamp phase crack.

But the clues he found were either taken by someone else or false information.

Fortunately, he relied on a month of free dinners to entrust Pelue, who has a huge information network.

After ten days of free meals, Pelue finally told him that he would give him an answer tonight!

I hope the information provided by Pelue is useful.

The engine made a rumbling sound.

"Deep Sea Water Elves, let's go back to Moonstone City."

Chen Qi shouted.

The deep sea water elves stepped onto the small houseboat one after another.

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