Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 21 Information about the Basilisk

At this moment, a little witch broke into the office and interrupted what Ethan was saying. Hermione held on to the door frame of Ethan's office and breathed rapidly. Her face was red from running fast, and the hair on her forehead was also red. Sweat clung to his forehead.

"I'm sorry, Professor Ethan, I overslept," Hermione hurriedly explained as she had just stood up and was still breathing.

Looking at the surprised looks in Penello and Ethan's eyes, Hermione felt very ashamed. Hermione, who was strict by nature, found it difficult to accept the ridiculous fact that she was late because she overslept on her first day as Professor Ethan's assistant. thing.

Looking at the extremely ashamed Hermione standing at the door, Ethan gently asked Hermione and Penello to sit on the chairs in front of the table. As soon as she sat down, Hermione hurriedly began to apologize for being late. After Ethan repeatedly said After he had forgiven Hermione for being late, Hermione's mood finally stabilized.

"It's not breakfast time in the cafeteria yet. You must be hungry. Do you want some sweets?" Ethan enthusiastically pushed the pile of cockroaches he put on the plate to the two little witches.

Hermione and Penello stared at the pile of squirming cockroaches on the plate with some fear. Penello refused Ethan's invitation on the pretext of having breakfast in the lounge, while Hermione was too embarrassed to refuse because she was just late. In response to Professor Ethan's warm invitation, he reluctantly picked up a cockroach ball and endured the discomfort of the cockroach ball squirming in his hand. He even closed his eyes and threw the cockroach ball into his mouth without even daring to observe it carefully.

The sweet aroma of strong coffee wrapped in chocolate sauce instantly filled Hermione's mouth. Hermione's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't expect that this weird-looking candy could be so delicious.

Seeing that Hermione was obviously relaxed, Ethan started arranging the assistant's work again. Watching Penello writing and drawing in her notebook, Hermione realized with embarrassment that she had even forgotten to bring her notebook because she was in such a hurry. Finally, It was Ethan who provided Hermione with a blank notebook to make Hermione less embarrassed.

After arranging the specific work content and working hours of the assistant, Ethan gave the two little witches several books related to research for the two little witches to study, and ended today's arrangement. Penello held two books The thick book said goodbye to Ethan politely and left Ethan's office. At the corner of the corridor, a tall man with red hair was waiting for Penelo with his head down.

Hermione was not in a hurry to leave. Hermione's face was full of hesitation as if she wanted to say something to Ethan.

"Any more questions, Miss Granger?" Ethan asked first.

"Professor Ethan, I saw some rare knowledge in the book a few days ago," Hermione said hesitantly.

Ethan was startled when he heard this familiar conversation, fearing that Hermione would ask him how to make a Horcrux.

"Some little wizards will hear some strange whispers inexplicably, but other people around them know nothing about it. I don't understand why." Hermione looked at Ethan expectantly, hoping that Ethan could give him some advice. Give a reasonable answer.

Ethan breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Hermione was asking about the basilisk for Harry.

"There are many explanations for this situation. The first one is that the little wizard fell into a hallucination caused by hormonal and endocrine disorders caused by puberty." Ethan said seriously.

Hermione was a little surprised. She didn't expect Professor Ethan to give such a Muggle answer. She didn't think Harry's performance was related to endocrine disorders.

"Maybe it's a hereditary talent. Some little wizards are born with the ability to communicate with animals. Maybe that little wizard happened to hear the sound of two rats chatting underground." Ethan decided to reveal some Parsels to Hermione. cavity clues.

Hermione finally got a seemingly magical answer. She thanked Ethan and left Ethan's office.

When Hermione revealed the information she had learned to Harry and Ron, Harry immediately denied the possibility of endocrine disorders and banged his chest loudly to prove that he was healthy.

Harry pondered when he heard the second guess. He quickly recalled his interaction with the snake when he and Dudley went to the zoo, and immediately told Hermione and Ron about it.

"Oh my god! Harry, you are a Parseltongue!" Hermione whispered in surprise.

Ron also reacted quickly, "Parseltongue is a very rare talent. The founder of the school, Salazar Slytherin, is a Parseltongue. Harry, you may have Slytherin blood!" Ron Harry hammered excitedly.

"If you are a Parselmouth, what you heard may have been a snake crawling around you," Hermione reminded, but the three young wizards did not take it seriously at this time. The thousand-year old castle has rules Snakes are a normal thing.

"But you should still keep it a secret, Harry. Many people don't like Parseltongue. It is said that the mysterious man is a Parseltongue!" Hermione reminded.

Hermione's words shocked Harry and Ron, and they immediately decided to keep this matter secret. After all, things related to the mysterious man could easily arouse criticism from others.

Ethan started a boring daily life at Hogwarts, working on deciphering magic models with his two assistants every day, studying potions with Professor Snape, taking classes, and sorting out his first magazine to be published, the only interesting thing. The thing is, according to the students, because of the right to use the Quidditch pitch, Ron gave Malfoy a slug-vomiting curse, which made Malfoy vomit slugs for most of the day. Of course, Gryffindor was also scolded for this. Nap deducted twenty points.

Time soon came to Halloween. As usual, Hogwarts held a grand banquet on Halloween. Hogwarts was also full of festive atmosphere at this time. Hagrid cast a huge magic spell to expand the tree he planted in the field. The pumpkins were pushed over, and the house elves spent the night carving them into funny faces.

The largest pumpkin was even carved into the shape of a carriage, and a few first-year wizards even got into it and had fun.

The Hogwarts auditorium is also decorated in a Halloween atmosphere. The candles that usually float on the top of the auditorium have turned into pumpkin lanterns. There are often bats flying around in the sky, scaring the students and screaming. Some parts of the corridors A big spider will suddenly fall from the ceiling, startling the little wizards.

Ethan sat on the professor's chair in the auditorium and looked happily at the little wizards making a fuss in front of him. Ethan didn't see Hermione, Harry and Ron. After thinking about it, Ethan thought they should go to Nick's death anniversary party.

A group of skeletons wearing Mexican-style costumes walked into the auditorium. They enthusiastically played humorous tunes with a strong Mexican flavor on their guitars, bringing the dinner to a climax. After the music ended, all the little wizards gave warm applause. , Ethan also applauded the enthusiasm of Face, and the skeletons of the band bowed to the little wizards around them and disappeared into black smoke.

The dinner finally began. As Dumbledore clapped his hands, the table was immediately filled with sumptuous food. The little wizards tasted their favorite food with satisfaction and excitement on their faces.

Ethan noticed that Dumbledore seemed to be looking at him. Looking back, he saw that Dumbledore smiled and raised his wine glass to give Ethan a distant salute, and Ethan immediately raised his wine glass in return.

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