Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 42 Shura Field

"Hermione, I don't think—"

"That could lead to a big mistake—"

But Hermione's eyes shone with an iron-clad glare, which was quite similar to Professor McGonagall's gaze sometimes.

"Without Crabbe and Goyle's hair, the potion wouldn't work," she said unwaveringly. "You want to censor Malfoy, don't you?"

"Oh, okay, okay," said Harry, "but what are you going to do? Whose hair are you going to pull out?"

"I already have mine!" Hermione said happily, taking out a small bottle from her pocket and showing them a hair inside. "Remember the scene when Millicent wrestled with me in the duel club? When she tried her best to choke my neck, she left this on my clothes! We will do it at Christmas, Millicent will definitely celebrate Christmas I'll go home - then I'll just tell the Slytherins that I've decided to come back."

While the three little wizards were planning their great plan, Ethan had also returned to the centaurs tribe. Not surprisingly, Ethan was warmly welcomed by the centaurs. In order to welcome the four heroes, the centaurs held another competition than last time. There was a grander bonfire party, and garlands were put around Ethan's neck one after another. Different centaurs always came to toast Ethan. The centaur fruit wine was made using some unknown method and had great stamina.

Although the mutation of the witcher made it difficult for Ethan to get drunk, he couldn't withstand the repeated attacks of so many centaurs and finally got drunk. Looking at the dizzy Ethan, the centaurs finally let him go.

Ethan was leaning against the trunk of a big tree, watching the centaurs dancing happily around the fire. Ethan was enjoying the feeling of being intoxicated by alcohol. It was very rare for a witcher to have this feeling.

The annoying Margery came to spoil the fun again. He interrupted Ethan who was wandering in his thoughts and called Ethan to a secluded forest. "Witcher, thank you for everything you have done for us centaurs. I I think now is the time to repay you." Margery said to Ethan with a smile.

Ethan was still looking forward to the reward from the centaur. Judging from the unicorn tail hair that the centaur gave him for the first time, he knew that the centaur was very wealthy.

Margery took out a conch from the quiver and handed it to Ethan. Ethan took the conch and was a little confused. Ethan looked at the conch carefully and found nothing special, and the Witcher pendant on his chest did not vibrate. , which means there is no magic on this conch.

Ethan held the conch in confusion. If it weren't for Margaret's wealth when she gave Ethan the unicorn hair, Ethan would have thought that Margaret was fooling him with some rags.

Margery seemed to like seeing Ethan's appearance as if he had never seen it on the market. After admiring Ethan's stupid way of playing with the conch, Margery finally spoke, "Of course this is not an ordinary conch, Witcher, to the black Blow the conch next to the lake. I think it will be even more surprising if you reveal the mystery yourself, right?" Margaret suddenly winked at Ethan in an inappropriate manner.

Ethan stared at Margery with some vigilance. Margery now looked like an old liar. Ethan was afraid that he would act like a fool and blow the broken conch next to the black lake, and then nothing would happen. After he discovered After being deceived and returning to the centaur tribe, you will find that Margery has led all the centaurs to run away collectively.

But after thinking about the large amount of unicorn fur in his bag, Ethan felt that it was impossible for the centaur to spend so much money just to trick himself into doing a task. Forget it, just trust the centaur this time. .

During the rest of the bonfire party, Margery had been receiving Ethan warmly, almost inseparable. Ethan noticed that Margery had been deliberately separating himself from contact with his daughter Anna. Ethan could always feel that Anna looked at herself and her father with resentful eyes.

The centaurs' carnival lasted until dawn, during which Anna took the opportunity to dance with Ethan several times, but whenever the two wanted to have "further" communication, Margery would "happen" to appear nearby, Then they found various reasons and forced them to be separated.

Under Margery's persistent and disdainful interference, nothing happened to Ethan and Anna. After the bonfire party, the sky was already bright. Bain, Ronan, Firenze, Margery and Anna came to bid farewell to Ethan. Bain, Ronan and Firenze, who had developed a comradeship, reluctantly hugged Ethan one after another and said goodbye. The three of them repeatedly said that if they encounter any trouble in the future and need to fight, they must call them. Ethan laughed. They agreed one by one.

Just when Ethan was about to say goodbye to Margery, Anna suddenly threw herself into Ethan's arms and gave him a big hug. After whispering the location in the Forbidden Forest in Ethan's ear, Anna left behind. After a gentle kiss on the face, he let go of Ethan. Before leaving, he teased Ethan's palms with his nails. Then he skipped away regardless of his father's complicated eyes.

The scene was a bit awkward. Bain suddenly became interested in the wood grain on his bow and arrow. He lowered his head and observed his bow intently. Ronan looked up at the sky and observed the stars. Although it was already bright and no stars could be seen, Ronan still had no intention of lowering his head, while Firenze was trying his best to reduce his presence. He carefully counted the petals of a small yellow flower at his feet, counting them over and over again.

Only Ethan and Margery were left looking at each other in embarrassment. The touch of the girl's moist lips on Ethan's face had not completely disappeared, and the girl's father was standing opposite him and staring at him. In this kind of Shura field If the witcher's mutation hadn't weakened Ethan's emotions, Ethan's toes might have dug out two rooms and one living room.

In the end, Margery spoke first and said many farewell words in dry diplomatic language. This extremely awkward Shura field was finally coming to an end. Ethan had never been so nervous when he was fighting the Acromantula.

Margaret pulled Teng Man stiffly with her hand, and the valley that covered the entrance to the centaurs tribe was exposed. Ethan fled away from the centaurs tribe without even looking back.

Watching Ethan leave, Bain, Ronan, and Firenze felt as if they had been granted amnesty. They all found various excuses to leave the scene, leaving only Margery, who was doubting his life, standing alone at the door.

Ethan stepped on the snow on the ground and walked through the Forbidden Forest towards Hogwarts Castle. Ethan deliberately avoided Hagrid's hut on the way. It was better not for him and Hagrid to meet each other now.

If Hagrid, the half-blood giant, gave him a break, he might not be able to bear it.

Carefully avoiding Hagrid's cabin, Ethan happily walked towards Hogwarts Castle. His monster hunting commission was really fruitful. He sold unicorn hair and Acromantula venom. Going out is a windfall, which can greatly improve your poor financial situation.

And Tom Riddle, who had been locked in the closet for so long, Ethan also thought it was time to talk to him.

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