Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 44 Ron’s Wand

Christmas Day dawn came, the weather was cold and white. Harry and Ron were the only two people left in the dormitory, and they were woken up by Hermione early in the morning. She was fully dressed, holding gifts for both of them in her arms.

"Wake up," she said loudly, drawing the curtains.

"Hermione - you shouldn't be here," said Ron, shielding his eyes from the light.

"Merry Christmas to you," Hermione said. Throwing her gift to Harry and Ron.

"We can implement that plan today," Hermione said in a low voice even though there was no one else in the dormitory.

Hermione moved Scabbers aside and sat down next to Harry's four-poster bed. "If we're going to do something, I think it should be tonight."

Just then, Hedwig flew into the room with a small package in her mouth.

"Hello," Harry said happily after it landed on his bed, "Are you going to talk to me again?"

It nibbled his ear gently in a very affectionate way, a greeting far more precious than the gift it brought him. It turned out that the small package was sent by the Dursleys. They gave Harry a toothpick and a text message asking him to find out if he could also stay at Hogwarts during the summer vacation.

Next, Ron and Harry hurriedly opened their gifts. "Oh my God!" Harry couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise as he opened a box. Inside was a small cross that could be held with one hand. The crossbow, and the twenty crossbow arrows that come with it, are all dark black, making them appear delicate and deadly.

Harry's exclamation attracted the attention of Ron and Hermione. Ron stared at the small crossbow in Harry's hand with envy. After admiring it for a while, he couldn't wait to turn over his gift. He wanted to know about Professor Ethan. What did you give yourself?

Not to be outdone, Hermione took out an exquisite owl necklace from her neck and showed it to Harry and Ron, "Professor Ethan gave me this. This necklace will vibrate when it is close to magic." This is what Ethan said. Time imitated the witcher's necklace to create a magic-detecting necklace. It was not difficult to make such a simple alchemical creation.

Harry curiously walked over and wanted to pick up the necklace and examine it closely, but was slapped hard on the hand by an angry Hermione.

"This necklace has been vibrating since I entered your dormitory. Could it be that I broke it?" Hermione frowned worriedly.

"Maybe it's because of my invisibility cloak. It seems that this necklace is really useful." Harry said nonchalantly. Neither of them noticed that after Ron's mouse Scabbers heard their conversation, he He quickly escaped from Ron's pocket and slipped into the corner of the dormitory farthest from Hermione.

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Harry's words. She didn't want to break Professor Ethan's Christmas gift on the first day she got it, because then she wouldn't know how to face Ethan in the future.

Ron finally found Ethan's gift. It was a long box and it didn't look like a crossbow. Ron was a little disappointed. He also wanted a crossbow like Harry, but soon Ron Changed my mind.

Lying quietly in the box was a brand new fourteen-inch wand made of willow wood and unicorn hair. Ron stared at the wand in the box in disbelief.

Ron had been using an old wand used by his brother Charlie that was a bit damaged. The unicorn hair inside could be exposed from the end. Because the wand did not fit properly, Ron had been unable to keep up with the learning progress of other students. .

And if Ron is kept lagging behind, it is likely that Ron will become resistant to learning, and even start to get tired of learning. Ethan has always believed that the Weasley family neglected Ron too much, judging from Ron's performance in wizard close defense class. Look, Ron's own talent is quite good.

Ron carefully picked up the wand, and a sense of comfort that he had never felt before filled Ron's body, which showed that this wand was very suitable for Ron. Ron's ears turned red with excitement, and Harry and Hermione also Looking at Ron with smiles, they were sincerely happy for Ron.

"Quickly cast a spell and try it, Ron!" Harry encouraged Ron excitedly. Ron waved his wand in response, and a stream of water spurted out from the tip of Ron's wand and hit Harry. The look on his face frightened Harry. Harry screamed, took off his glasses that were wet and blurred by the water, and also took out his wand and shot a stream of water to fight back.

After a while of fighting, both Harry and Ron soon became wet. Hermione looked helplessly at the two mentally retarded friends in front of her. Soon Harry and Ron also noticed Hermione's caring eyes for the mentally retarded. Embarrassed, he stopped fighting.

In the office, Ethan was talking to Tom. Tom, who had been kept in a dark drawer by Ethan for several days, couldn't wait to ask Ethan about his investigation results as soon as he came out.

Ethan, on the other hand, talked about him indifferently. Whenever Tom mentioned the secret room, Ethan would change the subject and ask about some knowledge about black magic. At first, Tom even answered Ethan's questions one by one in order to continue asking questions. Afterwards, he realized that Ethan had no plans to tell him at all, so he started not to respond to Ethan. Ethan reluctantly closed the diary and put it back in the drawer. Ethan felt that it was time to find time to give the notebook to him. Dumbledore.

Ethan was once again shocked by the talent of sixteen-year-old Tom Riddle. Sixteen-year-old Voldemort had already mastered a lot of black magic knowledge, some of which was not even recorded in the forbidden book area. Tom Riddle did have extraordinary abilities. magical talent.

Time soon arrived in the evening, the Christmas dinner was about to begin, and the auditorium looked majestic. Not only were there a dozen Christmas trees covered in silver frost, and thick ribbons of mistletoe and holly criss-crossing the ceiling, but there was also enchanted snow, warm and dry, falling gently from the ceiling. .

Ethan curiously caught a piece of snowflake with his hand. The magic snowflake dissipated in Ethan's palm like normal snowflakes, but there was no cold feeling like ordinary snowflakes.

Several professors had already arrived in the auditorium and were sitting together discussing something. Seeing Ethan arriving, Professor Flitwick waved excitedly and called Ethan over. Dumbledore saw Ethan and smiled at him. And nodded, Ethan found that Hagrid still did not attend the Christmas party. It seemed that Aragog's death really hit Hagrid hard. This gave Ethan a headache, and he did not think of any way to alleviate it. My relationship with Hagrid.

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