Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 51 Dobby’s discovery

During the following Christmas vacation, except for going back to the dormitory to sleep and being detained by Snape, Harry and Ron spent the rest of the time in the infirmary with Hermione. They learned that they had deducted one for Gryffindor. One hundred and fifty minutes later, Hermione was even more embarrassed, but Harry and Ron were a little envious of Hermione. Compared to Snape's confinement, they thought Professor Ethan's confinement must be much more comfortable.

Snape was resentful about failing to drive Harry and Ron out of Hogwarts, so he could only intensify his persecution of Ron and Harry in confinement. He sent Ron and Harry to deal with the most disgusting monsters. Medicine, skinning frogs, squeezing toad pustules, dissecting slugs, and many other disgusting and stinky potion ingredients.

Snape would stand behind them and stare at them closely. Whenever Harry and Ron made a small mistake, Snape would make sarcastic remarks and ask Harry and Ron to do it all over again. The situation happened every day, and what was even more frightening was that this kind of confinement would last for a semester, which was enough to make Harry and Ron feel that every second was like a year, and they were lifeless.

Madam Pomfrey's medical technology is still very reliable. Before the end of the Christmas vacation, Hermione had recovered more than half of her body. The cat hair and feline features on her face had faded a lot, leaving only the cat's whiskers and... The cat-like eyes and cat ears on the top of her head made Hermione feel much better. She no longer closed the curtains tightly, and finally let Harry and Ron see her appearance.

In a strong desire to survive, Harry and Ron made many positive comments about Hermione's condition, such as "almost healed", "can't see it at all", "will recover soon" and other rainbow farts one after another. , Ron, who was saying compliments, felt a little weird in his heart. He somehow felt that Hermione in this state in front of him seemed to have a special charm. Of course, he would never say this out loud.

Ethan often visited Hermione during this time. Hermione was so idle that she asked Ethan to use this time to deal with her work as an assistant in sealology. Hermione didn't know where she found someone from. A small low table that can be placed on the bed. With this table, Hermione can complete work and study seriously in her free time.

At night, Harry struggled to carry a large bucket of toads from the storage room to the Potions Office. Although it was very tiring, Harry still liked this job because he could temporarily escape Snape's control. Suddenly, at Harry's feet A small figure appeared, startling Harry.

Harry looked carefully under the dim light of the corridor and finally recognized Dobby the house elf. He was short, with bat-like ears, a slender nose, and protruding green eyes as big as tennis balls. He was wearing a The pillowcase was dirty, and Dobby looked extremely nervous. He looked around to make sure there was no one around, and then turned his attention back to Harry.

Dobby nervously flapped his big ears, and held the hem of his clothes tightly with both hands, "Harry Potter must leave school!" Dobby said the same as before, "Dobby, if you really want to If you want to help me, you have to tell me the truth." Harry Potter said helplessly, he had no way to deal with this somewhat nervous house elf.

"Harry Potter should stay away from that cat-eyed professor and don't get close to him." Dobby's words immediately aroused Harry's great interest. He hurriedly put the big bucket full of toads on the ground and got closer to Dobby. "What do you mean, do you mean Professor Ethan?"

Dobby nodded nervously, "There is an evil thing next to Professor Cat Eyes. It is very, very evil. Harry Potter must stay away from him for safety. Harry Potter must leave the school!" Dobby still spared no effort to plead with Ethan. leave school.

Harry squeezed Dobby's skinny shoulders tightly and asked eagerly: "Is there any connection between the heir of Slytherin and Professor Ethan? Are the monsters in the Chamber of Secrets related to the things around Professor Ethan? Professor Ethan is a bad person. ?"

Dobby wailed loudly and painfully, and Harry was so frightened that he loosened his grip on Dobby's shoulders, "Dobby can't reveal his master's secrets. Dobby must not tell. Dobby is a bad house elf, Dobby." You have to punish yourself!" Dobby banged his head against the hard stone wall of the corridor again and again. Harry was so helpless that he tried to pull Dobby away to prevent him from continuing to harm himself.

Dobby suddenly froze, his bat-like ears trembling. Harry heard it too, footsteps coming from the distant corridor.

"Dobby must go!" The elf was frightened and gasped, only to hear a loud crack and Dobby disappeared out of thin air.

A senior Ravenclaw student was passing by. He glanced strangely at Harry who was squatting on the ground with a bucket of toads next to him and left without saying anything.

Harry picked up the bucket of toads as quickly as possible and hurried to the Potions office. He was eager to tell Ron and Hermione what he had heard the latest.

Snape looked strangely at Harry who suddenly became more active and agile. He didn't know what kind of medicine Harry had taken wrongly, so he tried his best to pick some thorns in Harry and Ron's hands, making the two young wizards suffer. Unable to bear it until today's confinement ended, he reluctantly let Harry and Ron go.

After finishing the confinement, Ron was physically and mentally exhausted. He just wanted to go back to his dormitory and have a good sleep, but Harry obviously didn't think so. He hurriedly pulled Ron towards the hospital wing.

Ron, who still didn't understand what was going on, tried to break away from Harry, and said tiredly to Harry: "Spare me Harry, we can go see Hermione tomorrow, and Hermione will be fine in one night. "

"You don't understand, Dobby told me something, and we must tell Hermione quickly!" Harry said hurriedly, still trying to pull Ron to the hospital wing.

"Harry!" Ron had to shout to tell Harry to stop, "There will be curfew soon. If we go to the hospital wing now, we will definitely violate the curfew. If we are caught, Gryffindor will lose points. I guarantee Percy will kill us!"

After hearing Ron's words, Harry finally calmed down. He couldn't help but shudder when he thought of Percy's furious state in the lounge, but he still said stubbornly: "This news is very important. Let's go back to the dormitory to get the invisibility cloak. Then go to the hospital wing and I'm sure no one will find out."

Ron sighed helplessly. Seeing that Harry was so insistent, Ron could not refute, so he could only follow Harry back to the Gryffindor lounge. The two of them first identified Neville, Seamus, and After Dean fell asleep, he slipped out secretly wearing an invisibility cloak.

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