Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 53 Black Lake

The Christmas holiday was over soon, and Hermione's cat features were almost invisible. Thanks to Madam Pomfrey's superb medical skills, the beard on Hermione's face disappeared and her eyes returned to their normal appearance. She no longer coughed up hairballs, but her cat ears still hadn't disappeared. Hermione, who didn't want to miss class, took a brown wool beret and put it on her head, covering her cat ears, matching Hermione's The wizard's robe looked a little cute and cute, and despite Madam Pomfrey's advice, Hermione insisted on leaving the hospital.

Harry and Ron found an empty classroom to celebrate Hermione's discharge from the hospital and held a small welcome ceremony. They did not dare to invite too many people because the Gryffindor students still had not completely forgiven Harry and Ron. ’s doings.

The Weasley twins and Ginny also attended the welcome ceremony. The little rich Harry ordered a batch of delicious candies from Honeydukes candy store for the guests attending the party. Surprisingly, Luna also came to attend. At this small gathering, Ron and Harry looked at Luna with some doubts. They did not remember that they had invited this little Ravenclaw witch, but they saw that Luna was chatting happily with Ginny. Harry and Ron En didn't say anything in the end.

Luna and Ginny became friends very early. Their homes were not far apart, so the two little witches quickly got to play together. When she was young, Ginny accompanied Luna to find corners for a long time. Snorlax, but when Ginny grew up, she realized that the Snork might not exist, but Luna was obsessed with finding the Snork until now.

Luna threw a sizzling honey candy into her mouth and squinted her eyes in enjoyment. She had been introducing to Ginny the paper she was writing recently about the scimitar-horned snore beast. Ginny was very interested in her friend. I understand the eccentric character so well that even though I didn’t take the words to heart, I still responded to Luna’s words.

"I'm glad to see that you're in a much better mood recently, Ginny. The harassment is no longer bothering you." Luna swallowed a sweet honey candy and narrowed her eyes in enjoyment.

Since Ginny got rid of Voldemort's notebook, there have been no incidents of basilisk hurting people. This finally made Ginny feel a lot more relaxed. She thought that the notebook must have been properly disposed of by Professor Ethan. The big stone in Ni's heart was finally let go.

"Yes, I did encounter some trouble some time ago, but fortunately it was resolved," Ginny said easily.

"It seems that Professor Ethan has really helped you a lot." Luna picked up a pile of cockroaches, frowning and considering whether to taste them.

Ginny was startled by Luna's words, and her face turned pale instantly. She thought Luna had discovered her secret, but soon after Ginny's inquiry, Luna asked Professor Ethan to help Ginny. Ginny told everything about Luna. Ginny breathed a small sigh of relief after hearing Luna's words, but she was still a little nervous. She was afraid that Ethan would find out that she was the one who opened the secret room.

Hermione's cat ears turned flexibly in the hat, and she heard the conversation between Luna and Ginny. The extra cat ears gave Hermione very keen hearing. She was a little curious about Professor Ethan's help. What, but Hermione's attention was soon drawn to the conversation between the Weasley twins.

The Weasley twins were discussing exploring the interior of the Forbidden Forest. George and Fred had already learned from Ron that Ethan had eliminated the Acromantula, a major threat in the Forbidden Forest, so the two decided that they could Feel free to explore the depths of the Forbidden Forest, but these conversations were captured by Hermione's sensitive cat ears.

"Oh my God, you must not get into trouble! Gryffindor can't deduct points!" Hermione said to George and Fred in surprise. George and Fred looked at each other in confusion. They really They didn't understand why Hermione could still hear their conversation even though they were speaking very quietly, so they had to assure Hermione over and over again that they would not go to the Forbidden Forest, so that Hermione gave up the idea of ​​continuing to preach to them. .

During the rest of the party, Ron and Harry kept complaining to Hermione about the inhuman abuse they had received from Snape in the past few days. Hermione was secretly glad that it was Professor Ethan who was in charge of her confinement. , several little wizards laughed and played until it was almost curfew before they ended the party and returned to their respective lounges.

Time gradually fell into the night, and Ethan followed the night to the black lake of Hogwarts. The moonlight cast a layer of light silver mist under the black lake. The water surface of the black lake was calm, dark, and smooth as a mirror. Ethan casually used his hands to After flirting with the cold lake water, he took out the conch that Margery gave him from his arms. After carefully looking at the ordinary conch again, Ethan decided to follow the method Margery taught him in the Black Lake. Blow the conch next to you and see what happens.

Ethan held both ends of the conch with both hands, holding the head in his left hand and the tail in his right hand. He placed the blow hole on the lower edge of his lips, aimed at the blow hole and blew hard. The conch made an unpleasant beeping sound, and then there was no more words. .

Ethan looked around, but there was no change, nothing happened. The black lake did not split in half to reveal a passage, nor did it boil, nor did there be any other abnormal movement. It was obvious that Ethan had been deceived.

Ethan felt a little ashamed. Fortunately, it was already the curfew time and there was no one around. Otherwise, if people saw Ethan standing by the black lake blowing conches in the middle of the night, someone would definitely doubt Ethan's mental state. There is no doubt that Margery is a despicable fraudster. Through a sophisticated serial scam, Ethan made him work for nothing. If he guessed correctly, Margery has now run away with the other centaurs.

Even an osprey in the sky made a squawking cry and began to laugh at Ethan's stupidity. Looking at this stupid human standing on the edge of the black lake in the middle of the night blowing conches, it planned to show off its flying skills. He flipped twice flexibly in the air, and then prepared to catch a fish in the black lake to show off to this human being.

The osprey's eyes quickly locked on a fish that came up to try to breathe under the black lake. The osprey gracefully rushed to the lake, tried to catch the fish with its talons, and then hit it as hard as if it hit a solid wall. On the calm lake, the collision caused feathers to fly around and he fainted.

Ethan also noticed something unusual on the lake, and then he put away the crossbow that was already loaded and ready to shoot down the silly birds in the sky.

Ethan cautiously tested the surface of the Black Lake with the toe of his shoe. What surprised Ethan was that at this time, the surface of the Black Lake was like solid ground. An invisible resistance prevented Ethan from stepping in. Lake water.

Ethan seemed to understand something, and he tried to take two steps forward. As he expected, Ethan stood directly on the lake. The water was very clear, and he even saw fish swimming under his feet.

Ethan walked cautiously toward the center of the lake. He could vaguely feel that something seemed to be attracting him.

"Human, was it you who blew the horn and summoned me?" A gentle and watery voice sounded in Ethan's heart.

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