Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 57 Aragog’s Funeral

In the Gryffindor common room, Ron was complaining to Harry. Mrs. Weasley's behavior in the Great Hall had left Ron with great psychological trauma, and now he was constantly venting his inner anguish to Harry. , Harry looked at his friend with some sympathy. He felt that if he was asked to bow and apologize in front of Malfoy in front of the entire school, he would definitely not be able to do it.

Harry was just thinking about how to comfort his friend when he saw Hermione trudging into the Gryffindor lounge holding a tall stack of books. "What's going on? Is there a surprise exam?" Ron looked at Looking at Hermione with a nervous look on her face, Hermione usually did this when she started her final review. Ron knew that Hermione had just gone to Professor Ethan's office, thinking that she had obtained some "inside information."

"I've fallen behind a lot in my study progress!" Hermione threw the book on the sofa in the lounge with difficulty. "Penelo can cast spells today, but I haven't learned anything yet!" Hermione was anxious. scratched his head.

Harry and Ron looked at each other, feeling a little ashamed. They still didn't even understand what a sigil was. "This is normal Hermione, Penelope is three years ahead of you." En grinned and tried to comfort Hermione, but Ron's words obviously had the opposite effect. Hermione glared at Ron angrily, making Ron shrink back in fear.

"I can't waste any more time." Hermione stamped her feet anxiously, lifted up the pile of books again, waved her hands casually to say goodbye to Harry and Ron, and was about to return to her dormitory. Then she suddenly thought of something. He turned to Harry and Ron and said, "By the way, Hagrid invites us to attend Aragog's funeral tonight. You must be ready." Then he walked into the dormitory without looking back.

"Spider's Funeral" Ron felt a little chill when he thought about this. When Ron was a child, he had a beloved teddy bear. The prankster twins George and Fred turned the teddy bear into a giant spider, which scared Ron so much. From then on, Ron had a deep shadow of spiders, and he never thought that one day he would have to attend a spider funeral.

Time soon arrived at night. The three little wizards walked through the snow on the ground and headed to Hagrid's cabin. All three of them were dressed in black. Even their scarves and ties were black. Looking for a tie. There was a little incident when Ron couldn't find a black tie. It was best for Hermione to make a double copy of Harry's tie to temporarily solve the problem.

As soon as Harry, Ron and Hermione arrived on the hillside near Hagrid's cabin, Ron saw a quite terrifying scene. There was a huge dead spider lying in the sky outside, with its legs bent and tangled. This made Ron involuntarily "I have decided, I want to go back to the castle. Sending a letter to Hagrid can also be a good way to express my condolences."

"Ron!" Hermione poked Ron in the back with dissatisfaction, "Hagrid is our friend! Besides, the spider is dead long ago, there is nothing to be afraid of!" Ron still wanted to say something else. , but Hermione and Harry quickly overcame Ron and half-forced him to the door of Hagrid's cabin.

Realizing that there was no way out, Ron could only promise Hermione and Harry that he would attend Aragog's funeral honestly, and then Harry and Hermione let him go.

Harry knocked on the door of Hagrid's cabin, "You are here." Hagrid opened the door and saw Harry, Ron and Hermione appearing in front of him, he said hoarsely.

"Yeah, we're here to see Aragog off," Harry said.

Hagrid let out a loud sob. He made himself a black sleeve, which seemed to be made of rags dipped in shoe polish. His eyes were red and swollen. Harry patted his elbow reassuringly, the highest point he could reach without straining.

Hagrid turned sideways and put Harry, Ron and Hermione into his hut. The three young wizards who entered the hut discovered that there was another person in the house who was actually Dumbledore. Dumbledore was wearing a solemn black robe. , seeing the three little wizards walking in, he nodded and greeted them.

Harry, Ron and Hermione hurriedly responded to Dumbledore. At this time, the three young wizards were too embarrassed to face Dumbledore because of the mistakes they had just made. The three of them had to sit on the sofa in Hagrid's cabin. , looking down at his toes.

The only sound left in the hut was Hagrid's low sobs. "When will the funeral start?" Hermione was the first to break the silence.

"We are still waiting for a visitor, who will be here soon, I think, Miss Granger." Dumbledore answered Hermione.

As soon as Dumbledore finished speaking, there was a knock on the door. Harry quickly stood up and opened the door. To his surprise, it was Professor Ethan standing at the door.

When Ethan was in the office this afternoon, Dumbledore's silver phoenix patronus came and invited Ethan to attend Aragog's funeral tonight.

"Ethan, you're just here. I've been waiting for you for a long time." Dumbledore greeted Ethan warmly. He planned to mediate the conflict between Hagrid and Ethan today.

Ethan took two bottles of red wine and put them on the table. Ethan discovered that the red wine he brought from another world was really a good gift for visiting relatives and friends.

"Ethan, what are you doing? You're too polite." Dumbledore looked at Ethan with a smile and said, "It's just a small thing." Ethan said politely, "You're too polite. They are all our employees."

"Ethan, let me introduce you. This is Hagrid, the keykeeper and gamekeeper of Hogwarts." Dumbledore patted Hagrid's broad shoulder and introduced to Ethan.

"Hello, I'm the close defense professor, Ethan from Toussaint." Ethan took the initiative and stretched out his hand to Hagrid.

Hagrid was a little reluctant at first, but it was obvious that Dumbledore had done some ideological work for Hagrid before. Hagrid still stretched out his broad palm and shook Ethan's hand.

"Ethan, I learned magic earlier than you. Dumbledore also knows a little bit about your abilities Ethan. If anything happens in the future, let me know."

Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at Hagrid and Ethan nervously. They already knew about the conflict between Ethan and Hagrid. Now Ethan actually came to attend Aragog's funeral. The three little wizards were afraid that Hagrid and Ethan Ethan is starting a fight now, and if there is a fight, they don’t know who to help.

"Ethan, Hagrid, I know there are some misunderstandings between you. You are both a valuable force in Hogwarts. I sincerely hope that you can resolve the misunderstanding and get back together." Dumbledore said seriously.

"Hagrid, I'm also very sorry about Aragog. I really didn't know that Aragog was your friend beforehand." Ethan apologized seriously.

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