Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 59 Drunk Ethan

"Hagrid had his wand broken and was expelled for this reason?" Harry, Ron and Hermione opened their mouths in surprise when they heard the truth from fifty years ago.

"This is really cruel to you, Hagrid!" Hermione's eyes were a little red, and she patted the back of Hagrid's large hand comfortingly.

"It's okay, it's been so long, I don't care anymore." Hagrid comforted Hermione instead.

"We must catch the real heir to the Chamber of Secrets and find out the truth of the matter!" Harry and Ron were filled with indignation and gritted their teeth. "How could the Ministry of Magic conclude the case so hastily? It's so unfair to you!"

"Hey! Hey!" Ethan interrupted the emotional Harry and Ron, "Don't you think you want to get involved in the Chamber of Secrets heir again? I have warned you more than once!"

"But..." Ron contradicted Ethan for the first time. As Hagrid's friends, he and Harry couldn't accept that they already knew that Hagrid had been unfairly wronged, but they couldn't help him at all.

"It's nothing!" Dumbledore interrupted Ron, "Leave this matter to the professors at the school, we will take care of everything." Dumbledore said seriously.

Harry, Hermione and Ron shrank their heads and did not dare to speak out against Dumbledore.

For the next hour, Hagrid and Ethan began to toast with abandon: to Hogwarts, to Dumbledore, to the wine in front of them, to

It has to be said that Hagrid is quite easy to communicate with when there is no conflict. While drunk, Hagrid and Ethan eagerly exchanged knowledge about the domestication of magical animals and the habits of fire dragons. In the end, Hagrid mysteriously Ethan shared several channels for trading in magical beasts that are "less than permitted by the Ministry of Magic."

Ethan nodded repeatedly, remembering what Hagrid said. Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at Dumbledore nervously. They were sure that Dumbledore must have heard what Hagrid said. They were afraid that Dumbledore would suddenly Ordered to arrest Ethan and Hagrid.

As the greatest and most powerful white wizard, Dumbledore, who hates evil and hates evil, he seemed to have not heard anything about this situation. He was staring at the fire in front of him while holding a goblet and was wandering.

The red wine that Ethan brought was quickly finished, and Hagrid, who had not finished drinking, took out several jugs of terrifyingly large beer, giant cups as thick as buckets that were the same style as the cups Hagrid used.

Dumbledore refused the giant cup offered by Hagrid on the excuse that he was too old to drink more. It was inappropriate for the three young wizards to drink, so the scene quickly turned into a drinking contest between Hagrid and Ethan.

It didn’t take long for it to turn into a drinking contest between Ethan and Hagrid. Neither of them were mortals. Ethan relied on his witcher’s strong tolerance to alcohol through mutation, while Hagrid was a hybrid giant who was resistant to any alcohol. Everything has strong tolerance.

The war soon started, and Harry and Ron were very excited. They cheered loudly for Ethan and Hagrid, and acted as recordkeepers, recording how much alcohol each of them drank.

Hermione looked at what she saw in disbelief. Ethan had already taken off his magic robe and was only wearing a shirt with the collar open. He was competing with Hagrid to see who could finish a glass of wine faster. This was different from her. The calm and wise image of Professor Ethan that we usually see is completely different.

Dumbledore had left at some point, leaving Hermione sitting in the corner, stroking Fang's head, watching Harry and Ron jumping up and down, and Ethan and Hagrid, who were still having a drink, doubting life.

In the end, no one remembered who won the game, and for a while, Hagrid and Ethan sat side by side, hugging each other, and sang a soothing and sad song.

It is about a dying wizard Odo. The hero Odo was carried back to his hometown, to the place he was familiar with as a child, with his hat turned over and buried in the ground with his wand broken in two. How sad.

What left the deepest impression on the three little wizards was Professor Ethan's drunken dance. Hagrid was excitedly beating the beat while Professor Ethan kept spinning and turning his body into A spinning top, and then fell into Yaya's doghouse and fell asleep.

Hagrid laughed so hard that the dust on the roof fell. Then Hagrid hummed a few times, rolled his big unkempt head into his arms, and began to snore deeply.

Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment. After they tried to wake up Professor Ethan to no avail, they tried to carry Ethan back to the castle, but because Ethan was drunk and was dead, The three little wizards tried their best but failed to move, and accidentally knocked Professor Ethan's head on the table, causing Ethan to frown in his sleep.

Harry, Ron and Hermione quickly gave up the idea of ​​moving Ethan. Hermione added a few cushions under Ethan's body and tried to find a quilt to cover Ethan. After searching to no avail, He had no choice but to take Yaya's blanket and cover it with Ethan, which aroused Yaya's strong dissatisfaction and made Yaya scream non-stop. Harry had to pick off a piece of meat that Hagrid hung on the beam and fed it to Yaya. Only then did Yaya stop protesting.

After doing all this, the three little wizards closed the door gently and left Hagrid's cabin.

"Oh my god, we should really bring a camera to capture this scene!" Ron said excitedly. This was also the first time he saw Ethan's "wild" side.

"I'm warning you, no one can tell anyone what they saw today." Hermione reminded Harry and Ron seriously. As Professor Ethan's assistant, Hermione felt that she should stand up and defend her professor's teacher. Tao dignity.

Harry and Ron hurriedly swore that they would never reveal a word. Then the three of them looked at each other and laughed. The scene of Ethan spinning and falling into his teeth was really impressive.

When the three young wizards arrived at the castle, it was already curfew time, which made the three of them a little nervous. Harry did not bring the invisibility cloak, and he did not have a leave note from the professor, which meant that they had to sneak back to the dormitory, otherwise they would be arrested. If caught, points will be deducted.

"It's okay. We used to go out at night, so we won't be discovered." Harry comforted his two friends, and then the three little wizards sneaked into Hogwarts Castle.

Sure enough, as expected, they were caught by Professor McGonagall on their way back. Professor McGonagall looked at the three dejected little wizards in front of her in surprise. She really couldn't understand what Harry, Ron and Hermione were doing. Why did Min have such courage, completely ignoring the college points, and so unscrupulously violating school rules again and again.

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