Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 74 Bloody Battle

The atmosphere on the street was solemn, and the faces of the dark wizards present were tense. Everyone had a premonition of the tragic war that was about to happen.

Under Mary's order, a team of twelve dark wizards cautiously approached the small building where Ethan was located.

Ethan hid in the dark corner of the door and looked coldly at the approaching group of dark wizards. This group of dark wizards obviously had no combat experience. They stood close together, trying to find a sense of security in their teammates.

Without much thought, Ethan lit a bomb and threw it towards the densest crowd.

A smoking ball with a beautiful parabola landed at the feet of a dark wizard who wanted to enter the small building. The dark wizard had never seen such a thing before, so he kicked it curiously. His movements caused a stir. attracted the attention of other teammates.

The wizard captain turned around and wanted to scold him not to make small moves, but soon the captain discovered this glaring little ball in the team.

The captain's pupils shrank to the size of a needle in an instant. He knew this thing. The captain yelled to remind his team members to avoid it, but it was already too late.

A fiery wave rushed out of the team, followed by a loud noise. The flames from the explosion covered half of the team. The bomb made by Ethan viciously added a lot of steel balls. With the explosion, these steel balls also Shooting out in all directions at a rapid speed.

The bright red blood splashed everywhere. The dark wizards closest to the explosion were blown away with their flesh and blood before they even had time to scream. The black wizards who were a little further away were also beaten to a bloody pulp by the steel balls. The twelve wizards The team was disintegrated almost instantly.

The dark wizards who were still guarding the surroundings also suffered. They covered their bleeding ears in pain, and the shock wave generated by the explosion damaged their eardrums.

Several dark wizards felt something falling on their heads. They curiously took it off and discovered that it was a severed finger. The dark wizard threw away the severed finger on his head as fast as an electric shock.

The dark wizards around him were also unlucky. Their bodies were covered with the broken limbs and internal organs of the dark wizards.

This horrific scene greatly exceeded the limit of their hearts, and the dark wizards, who had finally been emboldened by Mary, collapsed again.

At first, it was just a few clever dark wizards who wanted to take two steps back. They really had no intention of running away, they just wanted to step back a little to avoid being affected by the explosion. However, they were shocked to find that there were no longer a few people who had the same idea as them, and many people were there. Quietly retreating.

So soon, the retreat began. The morale that Mary had finally used to intimidate was defeated by Ethan with a bomb. Mary looked at the dark wizards running past her with a gloomy face, without stopping them.

But these dark wizards still failed to escape. The core members of the Church of the Mirror had already guarded all entrances and exits. They did not hesitate to use the Death Curse to kill several dark wizards who tried to escape through them, and finally stopped the others. The trend of the black wizard's retreat.

The dark wizards who were forced back to the battlefield could only suppress the fear in their hearts and cautiously continue to approach the small building that had harvested countless of their lives.

The dark wizards learned quickly. They no longer stood densely together, but spontaneously formed dispersed formations, which greatly reduced the damage caused by bombs.

A particularly tall dark wizard stood at the front of the crowd and said loudly, "Ms. Mary asked me to convey to you that we can surrender quickly." Before he could finish speaking, a crossbow arrow shot into the black man at a strange angle. The wizard's throat.

"You can go and convey your request to the God of Death!" Ethan's cold voice came from the small building.

Almost at the same time, several magic spells were shot towards the place where Ethan made the sound, causing sawdust to fly from the wall of the already somewhat rotten building, breaking a large piece and revealing a big hole.

The negotiation obviously failed. The dark wizards from the Church of the Mirror raised their wands in unison and began to attack the small building like a storm.

The old and disrepaired small building let out a dull wail under the attack of the violent wind and rain. It could no longer withstand any more attacks. The first floor of the small building had already begun to burn due to the fire spells of several dark wizards.

"This building is going to collapse!" Mundungus' voice sounded a little frightened, and Tonks swallowed nervously.

Ethan's face was gloomy, and he also understood that this small building could not hold on for long and had to break out.

Ethan took out a bomb that was different from the one before, lit it and quietly threw it outside the small building.

The dark wizards who were frantically attacking the small building did not notice that a smoking ball rolled from the small building to the dark wizards.

This bomb did not explode like the previous bomb, but with a "pop" sound, a stream of green smoke spread out in all directions.

The dark wizard standing closest to the bomb was unprepared. He took a big breath of green smoke and coughed loudly in an instant. The cough was so severe that he seemed to be coughing out his lungs.

Coughing and coughing, the wizards collapsed on the ground, tore their clothes to pieces, and scratched their chests in pain, even if the scratches were bleeding.

Not long after scratching, the bodies of these dark wizards began to twitch violently, and they made terrible inhaling sounds, as if they were gasping for air with all their strength, but it was still to no avail.

Soon, they slowly stopped struggling, black blood flowed from the corners of their eyes and noses, and they lay motionless on the ground.

The tragic situation of these dark wizards aroused the fear of their teammates. They desperately stayed away from the green smoke, causing chaos in the formation.

This time, no one is stopping these people, because even the core members of the Mirror Church are trying their best to stay away from the terrifying green mist.

During the escape process, several dark wizards inhaled the poisonous gas and fell to the ground in pain and twitched, making other dark wizards escape faster.

The chaos created precious time for Ethan. He lowered himself, his back almost stretched into a straight line, and rushed outward like a crossbow arrow so fast that he almost became a blurry black shadow.

The dark wizards who had not received professional training did not even notice Ethan at the first time. Ethan arrived in front of these dark wizards without any attack.

Ethan's long sword drew a beautiful silver arc, and the sharp blade cut into the chest of a leading dark wizard like cutting tofu. The blade cut from his chest to his lower abdomen, causing a huge incision.

The dark wizard looked at his chest in disbelief, let out a terrified scream and fell to the ground.

Ethan's behavior finally attracted the attention of other dark wizards.

"He's coming, stay in formation and attack together!" the core wizard of the Mirror Church gave the order decisively.

The wizards around Ethan quickly pulled out their wands and threw spells at Ethan.

Ethan waved his left hand, and a light yellow round shield wrapped around Ethan's whole body. The magic spell hit the shield and made a dull sound, but it did not break the shield.

"He's guarding them all!" A dark wizard shouted to remind the teammates around him, his voice was slightly distorted due to fear.

Ethan pulled out the crossbow and fired a sword at the dark wizard who had just given the order. A light blue shield rose in front of the dark wizard. After the crossbow arrow hit the shield, it was bounced aside and landed on the ground. on the surrounding ground.

Ethan did not hesitate and rushed towards the wizard again. Upon seeing this, the dark wizard hurriedly fired two green death curses at Ethan.

One was dodged by Ethan, while the other hit the Quinn shield.

The dark wizard who was close to him was extremely weak. Ethan's long sword quickly thrust forward and pierced his stomach directly. The severe pain caused him to kneel on the ground. Ethan saw the situation and thrust the long sword at his neck. Cut it down.

For a moment, blood burst into the sky, a head rolled to the ground, and the headless body of the dark wizard fell weakly.

"Thunderbolt explosion!", "Shattered to pieces!" Two dark wizards viciously cast spells behind Ethan's back.

Quen's shield was already shaky due to resisting many magic spells before, and it shattered after being forced to receive two magic spells.

The two dark wizards finally showed a hint of a cruel smile. They thought that Ethan would not be able to dodge their next attack. They had already foreseen the tragic situation of Ethan's death after being cursed.

"Avada Kedavra!" Two green Kedavra curses attacked Ethan.

In an instant, Ethan's figure deflected wonderfully, dodging two life-killing curses that almost passed by him at an incredible angle.

The blade turned and struck the faces of the two wizards with thunderous force.

One of the dark wizards had his neck cut open, and blood gurgled out of his mouth, making a gurgling sound.

The other dark wizard was not so lucky. His entire face was cut open. The severe pain almost caused his mind to collapse. He held his face and let out a horrifying scream. Ethan couldn't bear to let him continue to suffer. He stabbed his heart with a sword, ending his pain.

Tonks and Mundungus were also helping Ethan deal with the dark wizards surrounding Ethan. Since the wand was not suitable, Tonks simply abandoned the wand and used the crossbow that Ethan gave her to harvest. The life of a dark wizard.

Mundungus drew out his wand and used a curse to attack the dark wizards who were near him. The entrails of the cursed dark wizard would be ejected from his mouth and lower parts.

Although counter-spells can be used to restore these internal organs, it is obvious that no one will have time to help them in the current scene, so these dark wizards can only fall to the ground and scream, waiting for death to come.

Ethan's powerful combat power made the surrounding enemies despair. With their last bit of courage, they used all their strength to launch various offensive spells at Ethan. These spells were blocked by Ethan's re-released Quen Shield. blocked.

"Igni" Ethan drew a simple rune with his left hand, and a fire comparable to a flamethrower violently sprayed out from Ethan's palm. The flame in Ethan's palm had even turned pure white.

The dark wizard who hit Igni barely made any sound. His muscles and skin had been instantly carbonized, and he fell to the ground like a piece of broken wood.

The flames ignited many targets. They screamed and rolled on the ground, trying to extinguish the flames on their bodies, but all this was in vain.

Seeing this tragic situation, other dark wizards avoided the edge of the flames one after another. They crowded with each other, causing a large number of people to huddle again. Naturally, another bomb greeted them, and the surrounding area instantly became a Shura field. , and for a moment there was a rain of blood consisting of internal organs and pieces of meat.

The shock wave generated by the explosion also caused pain to the remaining dark wizards affected.

The explosion of the bomb caused the dark wizards at the scene to completely lose their desire to fight. They ignored the death warnings from the supervising officers and ran out desperately.

The terrifying crowd even overturned one of Mary's men who was trying to stop the black wizards from escaping. When the crowd passed, the man was dead. Almost all the bones in his body were crushed, and his hands and feet were twisted at weird angles. .

Mary looked at Ethan fiercely. There was an obvious burn on her face. Mary was about to order all her remaining men to attack, but the dark wizard who was on guard outside came to warn that a large number of Aurors had arrived. .

"Sir, we have to withdraw." Mary looked at the person who said this. This was the dark wizard she trusted most, and at this moment, the dark wizard's face was full of fear.

What the dark wizard was afraid of was not actually Ethan's ferocity, but he was shocked to find that in such a fierce battle, Ethan didn't even shed a drop of sweat, as if it was just a simple warm-up. This scene completely destroyed The courage of this wizard.

Mary sighed softly and waved her hand to signal everyone to evacuate. Mary took a deep look at Ethan before leaving.

She seemed to want his appearance to be remembered in her mind, and then turned around and left under the cover of her men. This loss was too heavy for the Mirror Church. Ethan's strength far exceeded her predictions.

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