Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 83 I recommend some excellent works to everyone.

"Hogwarts, the best student becomes a god".

Author: Book Moving Taoist

Harry Potter adds DND elements, aims to become a god, and attempts to change the closed structure of the wizarding world.

Heroine Hermione.

"Hogwarts: Malfoy Rising"

Author: The Wind of Sleeping God

The protagonist Malfoy, the second young master, Draco's younger brother, creates the story of the conflict between the forces and Dungefu, and enters Slytherin Academy in the same year as the protagonist.

"The Sorcerer Supreme of Hogwarts"

Author: Five Swords Monarch

Harry Potter and Doctor Strange, updates are guaranteed!

The story of how a Hufflepuff who knew Feng Shui solved the mystery of his life step by step and became a Supreme Mage.

Qing Xiang, the author is very good at writing jokes. From what he said in the book, it seems that he does understand Feng Shui.

"The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits in Hogwarts"

In Harry Potter and Dragons (the world view has nothing to do with dragons), the protagonist has the dragon bone cross of the White King in his body. The descriptions of melee combat, firearms, and various war weapons are great, and the heroine Astoria is great.

(The plot is absolutely wonderful)

"The days of building friendship at Hogwarts"

The soul travels and becomes Ollivander's grandson. He enters school a year earlier than Harry, taking the Kitty route.

You can become stronger by brushing your friendship level, and there is also a milestone system for customized rewards.

How could a little salty fish who only knows how to increase friendship have any bad intentions towards the Dark Lord?

They are all very excellent works. I recommend everyone to read them and solve your book shortage.

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