Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 150: The Path of a Mighty Warrior

Not many people really understand the deep friendship that Victor of Bell Town and I, Dandelion, have built over the years through sharing joys and sorrows.

When we first met and then met again, he later admitted that he had wanted to draw his sword and cut me twice, just because I was much more handsome than him.

But the difference in appearance could not prevent us from becoming good friends who could talk about anything, because we had a common interest - poetry, and we were both full of passion and love for the world.

Love is the best medicine to cure everything.

Passion is the external manifestation of love.

Poetry is the best expression of passion.

—— Memoir "Fifty Years of Poetry"

In the room with a warm fire burning, the atmosphere was cold and desolate, and the three people who were silent had no desire to speak.

After explaining it clearly, it was not all the fault of the bard.

The era of lack of entertainment does not mean that people do not need entertainment, they just choose different ways of adjustment.

And the innate magical powers such as "gossip" are the same in ancient and modern times, both in China and abroad.

Often... it all starts with a small and interesting thing, and then at a certain point in time, a smart person suddenly discovers that a slight distortion does not seem to affect anyone, and makes interesting things even more interesting.

The story becomes more and more interesting, and it is further and further away from the original appearance, until in the end, when people see the "truth", they will loudly denounce, "This is fake, I will not be fooled!"

Starting from a poem in Vizima, the reputation of a dragonborn poet has made countless smart people who find it interesting work together and join in the celebration. When it spread to Novigrad, even top spies like Dijkstra could not distinguish some of the auras on Victor.

For example, crossing the "Koraz Desert" alone, a miracle that would be rare even in a few hundred years, was actually written into Victor's life resume.

In terms of geography, Temeria is only separated from Skellige by a strait, and the straight-line distance is much closer than Novigrad, so when "The Return of the Dragonborn" echoed in the White Stone Hall, smart people immediately thought that the islanders would definitely like this poem.

It is in line with their ancient traditions, combined with the concepts of the end of the world, the final battle, and the immortality of the heroic spirit. Of course, more importantly, it is full of entertainment value.

Whether it is poetry or poets, they are all mysterious things that came from the far east across the "Koraz Desert". Under this premise, the deeds of the dragonborn poet who eradicated the water ghosts were slightly adjusted to kill the behemoth, which seems more reasonable!

Quantitative change leads to qualitative change, and finally... On the island of Skellige, at a certain point in time, the word "poet" in the "Dragonborn Poet" became a burden in the story. Why add those two words? It's completely redundant!

People believe what they want to believe!

So the "Dragonborn Poet" turned gorgeously and became a "Dragonborn" who can sing poetry.


"...Can you explain it clearly to the king and let him clarify the rumors..." Breaking the silence, the girl put forward her own views.

"No, if you have read 'The Most Precious Wisdom', you won't have such naive ideas."

The bard shook his head, "Do you think I haven't tried? How do you think I got here?"

"Didn't you leave without saying goodbye? You have a conscience and left 'Amber' at Hawthorne's house, at least let me find her back." Angouleme replied angrily.

Victor heard the subtlety in the poet's words, "Wait... How did you get here? Didn't you volunteer?"

The bard smiled bitterly and sighed, "Of course not. One night I was drinking at the Golden Sturgeon Tavern, and a lovely lady Skellige greeted me. When I woke up, I was already lying on Sukrus's ship..."

Victor couldn't help laughing. From a certain perspective, Captain Sukrus and his Black Pearl did make an indelible contribution to the cause of cultural communication.

"So you explained, but no one was willing to believe it, until one day you got drunk and talked nonsense, helping them to certify all the rumors as 'true'?"

Dandelion rarely knew that he was in the wrong for this conclusion, so he turned his head away and did not make any excuses.

Victor shook his head helplessly, "You really deserve to die, really, but you don't deserve to die!"

Then he stood up from the chair.

The girl asked: "Wick, what should we do next?"

The boy made a face at her, "What can we do? Just do it! If I don't admit it, this bastard's dog head will soon say goodbye to his neck."

After that, he pushed open the door and walked back to the hall first.

Angoulême was a little puzzled about Victor's sudden departure, so she said to Dandelion: "No way! Just because you got drunk and talked nonsense, they are going to chop off your head?"

Pulling out a book of "Soy's Fables" from the bookshelf, the bard quickly turned to a page and handed it to Angouleme.

"The Most Precious Wisdom"

"Horvag" wanted to become a wise man, so he sought help from the old druid.

...The old druid said: "If you really want wisdom and knowledge, put your most precious things in a treasure chest, then go to Udvik, climb the mountain, walk on the cliff. Bow to the four directions one by one, introduce yourself to the gods, and then throw the treasure chest into the sea."

Horvag did so, and then returned to the sacred grove.

He said: "I threw the treasure chest into the sea, but I don't feel any wiser."

The druid replied, "That's because there is no shortcut to wisdom. Neither prayer nor devotion nor listening to the wise will give you wisdom. This is the lesson you are to learn."

When Horvag heard that he was furious, he strangled the druid to death with his bare hands, then put the druid's head on a spear and placed it in front of his house to let everyone know, "Although he has no wisdom, he is not good either." Liar."

After reading the fable, Angouleme gave Dandelion a hard look, and then the two opened the door and headed to the banquet hall.

There was a slight delay in reading before going out, so they did not hear the first half of the conversation between Victor and King Bran, but the silent environment proved how attractive the conversation just now was, enough to make the Islanders put down their wine glasses and stop making noise.

In the high-ceilinged stone hall, King Bran's solemn words echoed: "Attention! Young man, be careful with your tongue. I respect genuine warriors, but that does not mean I am willing to be fooled. You should know every word you say now. Everyone must bear the consequences.”

Then, at the center of everyone's attention, Victor was majestic and domineering.

"Yes, I am from the east of Serikania, from the crossroads of the Koraz Desert, Victor from the Stormborn, the Chosen One, the Unsullied from the Meriteri Oracle, the witcher from Belltown. Alchemist, Skyrim's Nine-Leader Warrior, Guardian of the Dawn, Herald of the Comrades, Legendary Singer, and the Last Dragonborn - Duwaqin - Dragon Slayer Victor Corleone."

Dandelion's vision went dark and his feet became weak and shaky as a result of this string of titles. He seemed to have seen a scene in the near future where he and his two friends' heads would be put on spears.

Angouleme, who was used to it, naturally knew that the leader was sick again. Facing the stunned Skellige who was shocked by the reputation, she covered her mouth and snickered proudly.

I'm telling you...I'm telling you...The Dragonborn is back!

When the flowers are withering and the first snow is approaching,

Watch out... watch out... The Dragonborn is back!

The darkness has passed and the legend has risen,

Believe it! Believe it! The Dragonborn is back!

The next day, at Riara Port, the most prosperous city on Skellige Island, Victor picked up a conch. The beautiful shape and bright color caught his eye, and he paid for it and kept it in the herbal bag.

"Sir, the time is almost up." The person who issued the reminder was Wei Ji. Todaro.

With brown hair and blue eyes, he is known as "Scoundrel Viggie" and comes from a well-known blacksmith family from Udvik Island. He is now a follower of Victor.

Yesterday, he sneaked into the Tulsi Qu family's banquet and feasted. When the boy finally finished reading his title, Weiji, who was shocked, immediately realized that this was his chance to make a name for himself. As long as he could defeat the Dragonborn on the spot, he would win. He will receive a great honor and may even be called "Fearless Veggie"!

So he jumped out to challenge, and the boy chose to fight in a hand-to-hand fight without using weapons.

Judging from his size, a strong man like him had no reason to lose, but the result was that he was taught a lesson by the Dragonborn, and he was knocked to his knees with just one punch.

The scoundrel Veggie, who failed in the challenge, was deeply "impressed" by the boy's power, and became a loyal supporter of Duvacin, closely uniting around the Phantom Troupe with Victor as the center.

Considering his status as a member of the Todaloqu family, and if he hadn't cheated, he would never have been able to knock him down with one punch. It was not a bad thing to have such a follower on the islands, so the young man accepted him as his subordinate.

Defeating a "scoundrel" at the banquet was nothing, but Weegee's tragic defeat deterred other impulsive people from stepping forward to challenge Iron Fist. As a result, Victor had to use other methods to prove that he was worthy of Bran. Courtesy of the King.

So after recuperating last night, today he will challenge the "Warrior's Road", which is an ancient trial. Young people must pass the test before they can be called true warriors. However, they usually set off in groups, and Victor is alone.

Folan. Tulsi Qu, he is a good archer and is responsible for leading the dragonborn to the starting point of the trial. He seems to think that this is unfair to the young man, and he actively and enthusiastically introduces details about the path of the warrior along the way.

"The man responsible for commentating and providing guidance at the starting point was old Gunnar, who was an extraordinary warrior until he took an arrow in the knee."

Raising his eyebrows, Victor didn't complain. After all, he was being serious and didn't seem to be joking.

"The Warrior's Road has two branches. One leads to the mountain, and the other leads to the depths of the earth. Complete both routes to prove your courage."

"Two routes? Can you tell me some information about the underground path? Is it a cave?"

"Yes, but the corridor leading to the cave is flooded. No mainlander has ever been able to swim across it, unless they have been trained to dive for pearls since childhood."

"I see, it sounds really difficult. Angouleme will definitely drown, what else?"

The group member who was watching the shooting looked ugly and almost kicked the group leader in the ankle. However, remembering the lessons she had taken before, she decided to give Wick a face.

"There is a surprise deep in the cave. If you are too smart and come up to the surface to breathe, you will have to deal with the human-faced demon bird." Folan added.

The young man nodded, "Let's talk about the information about the mountain road."

"It will lead up to the peak of Mount Yadcofo. Climb to the top of the mountain, 'Ingvar's Fang', and find a bright red shawl to bring back. It will prove that you have completed the trail."

"Sounds like nothing difficult?"

"You must have never stayed on our mountain here. The Fang of Ingvar is not that easy to climb up. There are female sirens harassing you along the way. At the same time, the plank road is twisted and broken. If you are not careful, you will fall to death."

Victor touched his nose and did not explain that his title had been omitted a few days ago. He actually also had the Parkour King of Kaer Morhen, the Extreme Physical Fitness King, the Triple Crown of the Vizima Road Race, and the Novigrad Fruit and Vegetable Cup Obstacle championship, and a series of unknown achievements.

The starting point of the Warrior's Road is quite busy today because of the well-known reason──The return of the Dragonborn?

You can easily hear the whispers of the villagers while walking along the way.

"Look! Is that Duwaqin?"

"It feels like he's still a kid, and he doesn't even have a beard, so he's going to challenge the Warrior Trail?"

"And he's a solo challenge!"

"Oh my god, this foreigner wants to die?"

Old Gunnar, who had been hit by an arrow in the knee, took Victor into the tent for a rare occasion and gave him a brief introduction to the Warrior's Path, which was roughly the same as what Folan said.

Then Old Gunnar withdrew from the camp, leaving space for Victor and his companions, Dandelion, Angouleme, and Weegee. This guy was really thick-skinned enough to stay, as if Already considered one of our own.

Victor smiled and did not chase him away. Instead, in front of the three of them, he took out a few jars of potion from the herbal bag and drank it.

"The great power of the tawny owl" will make you full of energy, full of vitality, faster recovery, and longer endurance.

"Blizzard Power Enhanced Edition" has better taste, lower side effects, enhanced response speed that is 10% higher than the previous version, and it will no longer cause dizziness, drowsiness and other adverse effects after the medicinal properties end.

The next-generation thunder potion has been modified with stronger explosive power and lower toxicity. Compared with the previous generation thunder, the instantaneous power is increased by 20%, giving your opponent an unprecedented ultimate experience.

After the experience of Novigrad, these are the second-generation pharmaceutical products that have improved the spirit. I originally planned to give the warriors of the Tulsi Qu family a deep memory after drinking the medicine last night, but unfortunately I couldn't hold back my strength and punched them down. Wei Ji, resulting in no one coming up to challenge later.

Stretching his limbs, the young man made preparations. Out of his confidence in the leader, Angouleme was smiling, but it was Dandelion who looked serious, unlike the usual happy poet.

"Hey, friend, why are you looking so heavy? What's there to worry about?" Victor asked.

Dandelion punched the pillar with his fist and said dejectedly: "...you...you were really too impulsive yesterday. Although most of the titles you mentioned cannot be verified in detail, it is so difficult to just pass the Warrior Trail. I am very It’s hard to imagine what tests you will have to go through before you can satisfy them.

And all this is for me, I...I'm sorry, when I started to spread your reputation, I just hoped that you could go further on the road of poet, but I didn't expect... "

At this point, the bard lowered his head and choked up.

Victor shrugged, stepped forward, hugged Dandelion, and patted his back, "Friend, don't be like this. Although I was once angry with you and even wanted to draw a sword and chop you, I know your intentions are good.

I brought this situation on my own, and since the words came out of my mouth, I am mentally prepared to make it happen. "

When he let go of the poet, the boy winked and hinted that there was an outsider in the corner, Weegee, "Don't be ashamed to reveal my true identity. If it is, it is, if it is not, it is not. Hold your head high, you are Duwakein's friend." , I look forward to you writing more poems to praise me!”

Victor's open-mindedness made Dandelion laugh out loud. As the few people who knew the boy's ins and outs best, they certainly knew what kind of bullshit dragonborn he was.

But since the other party is determined to help him get through this situation, he has no reason to let go. At most, he will be beheaded together.

So the bard patted his chest: "Go without worry! I will write your heroic gesture into an epic and let everyone know that Durvak'in has returned in Skellige!"

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