Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 170 Bloodshed at Larvik Harbor

Hiding his face in his hands, the Duke's heart was beating wildly. The blood of his wife and children smelled so sweet. As his muscles grew, his body swelled, and his noble clothes burst on the marble floor.

"Dear, you...how did you become hairy? You are a werewolf!?" Isabella's face turned pale: "Don't you love me anymore?"

In response, she heard a terrible roar.

——Excerpt from "City of Dead Lights"


Under the dim light of the moon phase, on the grass outside the cave, the Phantom Troupe and Caris drew their steel swords.

Finally seeing the werewolf with her own eyes, it has sharp claws and a strong and hairy body, but to be honest, Angouleme was a little disappointed, because Mokwag was not as big as she imagined.

Yes, the werewolf in front of him was at most six feet six inches, not much taller than Swanny, even if the muscles were indeed strong, but that was all.

"Ah... Aww..." It opened its mouth and pounced on the Phantom Troupe hungrily. Virgie raised his iron shield to support everyone.

With a loud bang, the rogue was knocked back. It was obvious that he was far from the opponent's strength, but the most ferocious acceleration attack of the werewolf was no more than this, and his fate was doomed.

The boy was not polite, and threw two luxurious dancing stars in a row. The furry monster was immediately burned and screamed wildly, rolling on the ground trying to extinguish the flames.

While Caris was still a little dumbfounded, Victor had already taken out the crossbow from the herbal bag, and shot arrows coated with cursed oil at the werewolf on the ground one after another.

Angulan held the sword to defend himself and did not move forward, while Viji, who had climbed up, also returned to the boy's side and raised the shield, which was obviously a discussed fighting method.

When the fire subsided a little, he added another incendiary bomb and continued to shoot. It seemed that as long as the monster was still struggling, the crossbow arrows would not stop.

The princess of the Quet family shook her head and smiled bitterly, holding a sword without any use. The fighting method of the dragonborn was very different from what she had imagined. She originally thought it would be a passionate battle, but it turned out to be a one-sided slaughter.

But she had to admit that this was the way of the king, to crush with equipment in an upright manner.

Every time an arrow of dog fat mixed with cursed oil of monkshood was sent into the werewolf's body, the severe pain would cause the monster to twitch and reduce its regeneration ability. Before he knew it, he had shot a whole box of crossbow arrows. Facing the werewolf that was lingering on, after adding another dancing star, Victor called everyone to come forward and cut it into pieces.

Some time passed…

In the square of the garden party hall, next to the newly lit fire, Swanny was warming herself by the fire in her cloak, swallowing the roasted dry food and mixed vegetable soup, and Angouleme was with her.

"Thank you so much this time. If you hadn't arrived in time, my martial arts luck would probably have ended here..." After drinking the mixed vegetable soup, the princess put down the bowl and said.

The girl made a face, "You've said it several times, can we still be sisters? It's my duty to save you."

Swani smiled and nodded, watching Viji gather the corpses that were abused by the ghouls and prepare to burn them with oil, "Do you know what the Dragonborn is looking for in the gathering hall? Should we go in to help? In about two or three hours, Mokvarg will be resurrected again."

"It doesn't matter, there is plenty of time, we will withdraw to Larvik soon. He is restoring the situation that day and looking for the key to unlock the curse. Going in now, according to Wick, is to cause trouble."

Seeing Angulan's firm words, Swani thought it was okay, at most, Mokvarg would be killed again, and this time with her help, there would be no need to waste so much gunpowder.

Just when thinking this, Victor and Caris opened the door and walked out of the gathering hall. The young man looked confident, and the princess of the Quet family admired him.

Duwak stopped to talk to Viji, then walked leisurely to the fire and sat down: "We have gained a lot. Don't worry. I will find a way to deal with Mokwag soon. But now it's time to leave here. Swani, is there any place nearby where we can rest for a night?"

The princess of the Sea Rose family smiled slightly, "To the south is Lovteng, and to the east is the Temple of Freya. I can guarantee that they will be happy to receive us no matter where they are."


It was the middle of the night, and the battle priest came forward. The Temple of Freya was really happy to open the door. Especially when they learned that it was Victor who led people to rescue Swani, the young priestesses were more enthusiastic. They were all her admirers.

Seizing the opportunity, the Phantom Troupe added a new itinerary to visit the temple, and the focus was on the super diamond "Passion Jade" mentioned in the travel guide.

The most conspicuous thing in the main hall of the temple is naturally the statue of the goddess. Believers will place offerings in front of the statue. There is also a large stone jar on the altar, surrounded by small statues of cats and falcons. These are her sacred animals.

After the viewing, they returned to their own place, where they felt safe. Swani was very happy and pulled Caris and Angouleme to sleep together. The three of them slept with their feet touching.

The next morning, Angouleme's screams resounded through the sky.


Two days passed in a blink of an eye, at the port of Larvik...

"Qori, you idiot, if you drop something again, I will throw you into the sea!" The man with a horse face and a dark beard scolded his men.

Einar, the son of Torda, and his sailors were fully armed and preparing to go to sea.

"Are you free now?" A young voice interrupted his scolding.

He turned his head and looked up and down at the intruders. The trio of two men and one woman was quite subtle. The leader had four scars on his face. The leather armor style looked a bit like that of the Kuite family, but the details were definitely not the same. The woman's dress was similar to his. But the last man's armor must have belonged to the Todaloqu family, and he looked somewhat familiar.

He said impatiently: "Where are the strangers from? Didn't you see that I am preparing the ship? We are going to sea to hunt some of Nilfgaard's lackeys!"

"Except for the Dimen family, I really don't know when Hai Mei also developed the habit of hunting in winter." Victor responded calmly.

Unexpectedly, the other party pointed out the doubt easily, "It's none of your business. If you keep nagging me, believe it or not, I'll beat you up!"

Angoulin remained calm because in her eyes, this guy was going to be in bad luck soon, not just because the leader was stingy.

On the contrary, Weigi couldn't help but jump out and choked back: "Do you know who you are talking to? If you dare to do it, just try it, you son of a bitch!"

Aina turned his head dissatisfied and shouted, "Brothers, someone is looking for trouble. Let him know how powerful our Haimei family is!"

In an instant, twenty or thirty people approached from the pier. They were all tall and round, holding the steel swords at their waists.

Then he glared at the Phantom Troupe, "Now you know who the boss is, right? The stranger?"

Victor stretched out his hand to stop Weggie behind, "Don't be like this, I'm not here to cause trouble, but I'm here specifically to see you, Aina, son of Thorda."

When his name was called, the other party was a little surprised, "Then quickly tell me why you're here, so I can decide whether to beat you up so you can learn how to talk to people."

"Morkvarg," the young man noticed, the name made the son of Thorda's pupils shrink, "We are the Phantom Troupe, and we are here to deal with the beast that is ravaging Freya's garden - Morkvarg.

When he destroyed the garden, I heard that you were at the scene and you were the only survivor. Please tell me what happened in the garden that day. The information you provided will be of great help to us. "

After listening to the questions, Aina's somewhat frightened and arrogant attitude subsided a lot, and then he waved his hand to signal the sailors to return to their jobs.

"Are you another guy here to die? Well, I will answer all your questions. Yes, I was the only one who managed to escape that day, thanks to the blessing of the Supreme Mother."

Victor crossed his arms and said, "It's strange. If it's looking out for you, why didn't Freya save those priestesses by the way?"

Ignoring the boy's doubts, he continued to state: "At that time, Mokwag first tied up the female priests, then cut their throats like they were killing horses as sacrifices, and even laughed loudly, can you believe it? He actually laughed."

At this point, he sighed deeply, with a sad look on his face, "Then Priestess Uf, ah, what an amazing saint. With her last breath, she cast a curse, 'From now on, you will always be A beast!'"

"What happened to Mokwag next?" The young man rubbed his chin with his finger.

"It was unbelievable that thick hair began to grow on his body, and his mouth protruded forward like a dog or wolf. After letting out a long and painful howl, he pounced on his men.

Those men wanted to escape, but Morkvarg was as fast as lightning. When he bit their throats, the torn flesh immediately turned into ashes. I saw with my own eyes the dust running out from the gaps between his fangs. "

"It sounds bad. This curse is not simple, it's quite tricky."

Aina put her right hand on her chest, "This is the power of the Supreme Holy Mother!"

"Speaking of which, if you are really as pious as you say, why didn't you help the priestess at that time?"

"What can I do? I'm just a sea runner. How can I defeat those thugs? And I don't like the way you look at me now."

Victor chuckled, "The look in my eyes - maybe it's contempt? I feel like you guys talk about honor or courage all day long, but when it's time to show it, you run away with your tail between your legs. It's really contradictory."

Aina lowered her head, "I feel ashamed myself. From that day on, I wanted to die gloriously at sea, but obviously the goddess has not yet planned to summon me."

"So that's all? There's nothing else you want to tell me?"

"No, I've told you everything I know. There's nothing else I need to add."

The young man nodded, took out his gold-rimmed glasses and put them on, then took out the diary and turned to the last page, reading and reading.

"Morkwag's Diary"

Day twenty-four.

Sage Tiosta really does not deserve this title. He paid me not to attack his village, but thought he was being smart and canceled his sentry.

Things are rarely that simple. We slit the men's throats while they were all asleep, and the women had fun until dawn. Not much was found, but it was really fun.

Day 26.

As we set off from Llanvig we heard an owl hooting. This was a bad omen, so I ordered to turn back. Puke also laughed at me for being so brave and still afraid of God. I inserted a knife between his sides and threw him into the sea.

But I can see that I've lost a bit of authority in the eyes of everyone. I have to do something to prove that I'm still the boss before they come up with any stupid ideas.

Thirty-three days.

The visit to Indarsfell was a success, the priestesses were killed, the monuments were destroyed, the holy books were burned, and the wine barrels were drained.

We divided the silver, I took the artifact, Norov son of Oldrak took the bowl and spoon, Mens son of Gudva took the candlesticks and ornaments, and "Eina son of Thorda" gave up his share , afraid that Freya would punish him.

Forget it, we can get more this way. Tomorrow we will go to Spikerug Island to see what those merchants have to offer.

Ever since Victor started reading, Einar's face had turned livid. When he clearly read "Eina, son of Thorda", he closed his eyes until the boy closed the diary.

Taking off his glasses, the boy pinched the bridge of his nose, "Now, is there anything else you want to tell me?"

"Okay, you caught me, but you ignored one thing. There are all my people around here, and they are all fully armed. Let me introduce them to you." Aina said fiercely.

Victor waved his hand, "We are not righteous people, we are just a passing mercenary group. We are not here to arrest you for trial."

"Then what do you want to do by exposing this?"

"Again, I need to know what happened in the garden in order to undo the curse of Morkvarg.

Uf had no reason to curse this filthy beast to stay in Freya Gardens forever. This was not in line with the piety of the priestess, so I thought of another possibility. Who witnessed the situation and told us that it was the priestess who cast the curse─ ─Aina, son of Thorda.

Having this suspicion, I searched the Garden Hall and found this diary easily. "

"Do you really want to break the curse for him? If you ask me, I hope that guy will suffer forever!"

"But it's Freya's garden where he's wreaking havoc, and it's my job to get him out of there."

After a moment of silence, Aina put his hand on his forehead and said, "Before Mokvarg ordered us to come to Indarsfell Island, I thought the same thing - this is just a job.

I'm a pirate. Killing women and children or launching attacks is normal for me, but attacking a priestess? I never thought about it.

That night, after their sin was over, and Morkwag was drinking heavily with the other brothers, I pulled this out. "

The young man identified the object in his hand, "A wolf fang pendant engraved with runes!?"

"My father gave this to me. He is the elder of our village. He said that those cut by these fangs would be worse than dead. It seems that what he said is true."

"Did your father say how to remove that effect?"

"As long as the cursed person gets this wolf fang, it can be unlocked, but I won't give it to you. That bastard deserves to suffer."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a flash of sword light, and the son of Thorda was a little startled, why suddenly a jointed arm floated in the air, and then the wolf tooth item fell into the hands of the young man in front of him, and he neatly put the things into the herbal bag.

Aina's screams were heard far away, and when they saw the scene of blood spurting wildly, the surrounding sailors put down their work in unison, pulled out their steel swords and rushed towards the Phantom Troupe.

The moment when the situation is on the verge of breaking out.

The majesty of the loud voice was unquestionable, "I declare that Aina, son of Thorda, is guilty. Anyone who stands with him and draws his sword for him is my enemy, and the enemy shall die!"

this is me. Freya battle priest. Swani said it! "

Turning to the source of the sound, all the sailors clearly saw the pride of the Haimei family. She was covered in heavy armor, holding an indestructible flail, and dozens of shield-wielding guards behind her.

The gap in combat power is so obvious, especially since these crew members are just new members of Aina's crew and have no intention of dying for him.

"Dang Rang...Dang Rang..." It only took a short time from the first crew member to throw down his weapon to the time when all the crew members disarmed and bowed in greeting.

Swanee and Caris approached the Phantom Troupe.

Victor smiled and spread his hands, "Thank you two princesses for your cooperation and assistance. I believe that Freya Garden will reopen soon."

Brothers, thank you for subscribing, thank you for your monthly votes, and don’t forget your recommendation votes~ Thank you Tao Chenggong for your reward and encouragement.

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