Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 173 The King is dead but his noble spirit lives on (Part 1)

In the far south, Nilfgaard, also known as the "City of Golden Towers", this magnificent city located on the banks of the Alba River is the heart and capital of the empire.

The "Imperial Palace", the core area of ​​the City of Golden Towers, is the main residence of the emperor of the Nilfgaard Empire.

"Ym'grymie aep Aard Ker'zaer, Deithwen Addan yn Carn aep Morvudd, Emhyr var Emreis!

Your Majesty, the white flames dancing on the graves of our enemies, Emhyr var. Emris! "

Following the announcement of the roll call officer, the head of the intelligence agency waiting in the audience room, Viscount Vatier de Riddaux, bowed deeply to greet his emperor, the Emperor of Nilfgaard, Medina and Ebin. and Lord of Gimrea, Supreme Ruler of Nasser and Vicovallo, King of Cintra.

With brown eyes, black hair, and an unkempt hair, he is the ruler of half the civilized world and the invader of the other half. Emhyr. Emres, his actions and decisions affect the fate of the entire world and people.

The emperor picked up the document and read it. The content was "The Current Situation of Skellige". He tapped his fingers on the table and signaled his spy chief to start reporting.

Vatier held his breath and said, "Your Majesty, the information is true. Bran Ann Turchi died of..., but he publicly claimed that it was a heart attack. Our kind... hopes to get more help. Do you want to increase the number of people? Strength of support?”

Without raising his head, the emperor curved his lips into a cold smile and tapped his finger on the table, "It's interesting that Bran actually left like this. Of course, if you want to increase your support, you have to thank the old guy for his long-term care."

Continuing to read the document, he waved his hand for the viscount to leave.

After receiving the instruction, Lidox saluted again and slowly retreated until he was close to the door. Emhyr's voice suddenly came, "Wait a minute...who is this 'Duwaqin'?"

Dowak'in - the unparalleled hero sung in the poem "The Return of the Dragonborn".

He is Victor from the east of Serikania, crossing the Koraz Desert, born of the storm, the Unsullied with extraordinary destiny and the oracle of Meriteri, the Fist of East Dou, the Dragon of Belltown, the Breaking Dawn, The alchemist of the witcher, the crosser of the warrior's path, the arena champion, the demon slayer, the nightmare transcender, the sword-drawing slayer, and the last dragonborn──Duvacin──Victor the bear-breaker. Corleone.

──"The Current Situation of Skellige" compiled by Vatier de Lidaux

The first ray of dawn streaked across the north of the great Skellige Island. Standing on the top of the mountain, "Keldra" was majestic and steep. It was indeed the proud fortress of the Quit family.

And in the strait below the fortress bridge, a sailing ship with a lion-shaped bow is as calm and happy as the sun, crossing the cruel sea of ​​thousands of miles, heading for the most prosperous external port of the archipelago.

The person standing proudly on the bow of the ship at this moment, admiring the scenery, is Victor, the captain of the Thousand Sunny. Corleone, and the one talking to him next to him was Veggie, the tool man of the Phantom Troupe.

"Phew! Looks like we caught up. We're not late at last." He patted the rogue on the back, "Thank you for your hard work."

When setting off from the port of Larvik, Caris took the warship of the Sea Rose family and acted together with Lord Dona, Ortrig and Swanee. Although the Phantom Troupe was also kindly invited, Victor was unwilling to Abandon your own ship.

By chance, a sudden violent snowstorm occurred. Although the Thousand Sunny successfully overcame it in the end, it still deviated from the channel for several days. Fortunately, after calculating the time, it was able to catch up in time.

Taking off his helmet, Weiji scratched his hair in embarrassment, "Captain, I'm very sorry. It's because I'm not skilled enough in boat operation."

"Don't worry, wait until the ship docks and let my men handle the details. We will go directly to the funeral site."

"Understood, I'll go down and make arrangements right away."

After the Thousand Sunny docked, Victor took the lead in sprinting. The parkour king of Kaer Morhen was by no means a wasted name. Fortunately, he had been to Keldro before, so he knew how to get to the funeral site.

Not long after running, the young man heard the familiar sonorous voice of Arch Druilmiya from a distance, "Life only lasts for a blink of an eye. Today, we are here with a very sad mood to mourn our relatives and friends. The great king of Kelij..."

Opening the way with his hands, Victor moved forward. He was wearing the attire of a Skellige noble today, so no one thought there was anything wrong with his behavior.

After finally squeezing through the layers of human walls and arriving at a more spacious place, Victor happened to see four warriors carrying the body of King Bran, passing him and walking towards a small boat.

At a glance, the body seemed to have been processed and still looked rosy and lifelike, but it also completely cut off the young man's thoughts: It was not fake, the king was dead.

Victor sighed deeply and noticed the hill next to it as a viewing platform. The outermost circle was the warriors who were guarding the safety. The middle layer was the position of the family heir. At the top stood the chiefs of the archipelago's clans, King Bran's widow, and the eldest son. Druilmiya and the guests.

Taking steps forward, the young man walked towards the viewing platform, thinking with some evil humor that if a meteorite fell from the sky and flattened this hill, Skellige's historical inheritance might be completely cut off.

When Victor approached, the noble clothes he wore were not enough to allow him to pass through the family guards at the bottom of the hill. However, after seeing his face, the people of the Turxiqu, Haimei and Dimen families unanimously agreed. Make way for a spacious passage, caress your chest and pay tribute.

The slight commotion also attracted the attention of the heirs of the second-level families. Seeing the boy, Caris covered her mouth with her hand to hide her smile. After the blizzard separated them, she was always worried about Victor's safety.

Their eyes met, and she knew that he knew her concern.

Those who watched the ceremony at the second level were Svanrigi of Tuerxiqu, Swani and Otrig of Haimei, Halma and herself of Quite, Habjorn of Dimen, and Alan of Drummond.

Noticing that the boy did not stop and was going straight to the highest point, Little Sparrowhawk couldn't help but worry about him. The previous families might know him or have dealt with him, but the heirs of the Dimen family and the Drummond family didn't know anything about Wakin, and it would be very bad if a conflict caused it.

She was about to introduce them, but Halma reached out and gently pressed her hand. Caris was startled and didn't have time to speak.

Then the situation developed completely beyond her expectations. Alan and Harbjorn smiled and nodded, allowing the boy to pass. Their tacit consent meant that no one in the second generation of the archipelago objected, and all members recognized Victor Corleone's qualification to stand on the highest point to watch the ceremony.

Halma whispered to his sister: "You just came back, and I haven't had time to tell you that our brothers have made brilliant achievements in the south, and Duwak is now famous."

After listening to the explanation, the little sparrowhawk had a complicated expression and watched the boy climb to the top of the hill step by step, shoulder to shoulder with the heads of the families in the archipelago.


Standing on the high ground, Victor looked around. He saw Birna in the front, followed by an unfamiliar young woman, and then behind were Krachi and Ermia. This order seemed to have a subtle meaning.

Nodding to the acquaintance of the madman Lugo and Hogg Blackhand, the boy noticed that the coffin-bearing warriors below were putting King Bran's body on the boat. According to Victor's understanding of the Skellige customs, they were going to perform "ocean cremation".

Ocean cremation: When a brave and warlike king dies, he will be buried with a boat and his spoils of war. The mourners put all the burial objects on the boat, including the deceased himself, and then set sail to the sea, and finally ignite it from a distance with a rocket.

At this moment, the second young woman suddenly sobbed, then turned and ran down.

The archdruid stopped her, "Child, you don't need to do this."

"I know, but I want to do this." The young woman said, gently pushing away Ermia's hand.

Victor's heart moved, and from the ranking, he guessed that the young woman might be King Bran's lover. Wait, she wouldn't want to be buried alive!

Just when he figured it out, he didn't have time to stop her, and she had already passed the boy and ran down.

"It's crazy. For such a young girl, Birna should go. After all, they have slept together for a longer time."

"Quiet, this is her decision."

Hearing the whispers beside him and watching her resolute back, the young man was a little annoyed that he didn't hold her back, but unexpectedly, the young woman was still stopped. The person who stopped her was Svanregi from the second floor.

He blocked the way for his father's lover to be buried alive, and spoke with a serious expression. It was too far away to know what they were talking about, but the young woman soon squatted on the ground and wailed.

Relaxed and remembered this scene in his mind, Victor turned around and found that the warriors had finished their arrangements, lowered the sails, and were sending the ship out of the port.

For a long time, the lone sail was far away.

The rockets were lit on the bonfire, and the person in charge of shooting arrows was King Bran's nephew, Crachi, the patriarch of the Quet family.

When the arrows fell on the ship, the flames rose up. The horn sounded sad and sobbed, and the seagulls cried loudly.

In this scene, the boy was in a trance of past and present lives. He had seen it more than once in the game as Geralt, but in this life, the White Wolf himself was destined not to see it.

Shaking his head, Victor turned his eyes away, but with just one glance, he was full of regret. There were three women standing in the guest group, wearing clothes that were very economical in fabric. They were obviously sorceresses.

The other two people didn't matter, because he didn't know them anyway. What made the boy upset was that it was like a replay of the White Hall of Vizima. The woman who met his eyes was Keira Metz.

The petite and slender royal advisor had bright eyes and looked like she was in high spirits when she saw something interesting. After all, Victor could stand at the highest point of the viewing platform, which itself explained many things.

Pretending not to see it, the boy turned to Archdruid Irmia. The coffin had been burned, and he stood on the podium and began to give a eulogy.

"King Bran of the Tulsicht family has embarked on the final journey of his life. Our great ancestors will be waiting for him at the end of the journey.

They will hunt and plunder together, they will sit together by the fireflies and praise the great achievements of the past, and he will live in our hearts from now on.

One day we will stand beside him and face the ocean together.

That will be a beautiful day."

After the speech, the wind whistled and the snow fluttered.

After the archdruid, it was Crachie. Quite who stood up to speak. He wore a golden headband, which made his red hair particularly bright. He announced loudly: "The families of the Skellige Islands coexist and die together. In times of war, tradition makes all families unified under the leadership of the king. We have said goodbye to Bran, and now it is time to choose his successor to lead us to continue fighting against the black-clad men of Nilfgaard.

Tonight, as long as you respect Bran of the Tulsicht family, the door of Kel'Dro is open to you, and you are welcome to enjoy the endless wine and food.

And when the wake is held, those who think they are qualified to be king, please stand up! "

After speaking, amidst thunderous cheers, Krach walked down the pulpit, came to Victor and held his arm, "Thank you for coming to see him off for the last time."

"King Bran is a respected elder and king."

"Yes, but he has passed away. Can you come to Kael'dra earlier in the evening? There are some things I want to talk to you about before the banquet."

"I will visit in advance. "


After the funeral, Victor quickly blended into the crowd to avoid being entangled by Keira and disappeared from the port hill. Although they were neither enemies nor friends, the sorceress was synonymous with trouble, and the boy was in no mood to deal with her now.

Just like the last time they came, the Phantom Troupe chose to stay at the "New Harbor Tavern".

The rogue Viggy's good brother, the store manager "Jonas", also received him sincerely, but from his face, the boy could see sadness and sorrow. Thinking that King Bran was so loved by his subjects, he could only say that he admired him very much.

Entering the large rented suite, the walls were hung with oak shields and decorated with embroidered tapestries. The flames of the fireplace exuded a warm atmosphere. Eager to clear the remaining fatigue from last night, the boy quickly set up the cauldron and fell on the bed for a nap.


The nights come early in winter, and with the snow, it was more than three o'clock in the afternoon. The sky was already gray.

Riding a horse to Kelzhuo, Victor could not help but sigh at the ingenuity of the engineering. The manpower and material resources required to build such a passage that could accommodate several horses running in parallel were really extraordinary.

After passing through the tunnel, he put the horse in the stable and came to the Kelzhuo Sky Bridge. After crossing the sky bridge, he officially entered the castle.

Looking down from the bridge, the sea surface was clearly visible hundreds of meters above the sky where the Thousand Suns passed in the morning.

With Angulan and Viji, Victor suddenly felt that he had chosen the wrong time because three women were blocked by the guards at the city gate.

The guards at the gate obviously had no respect for the sorceresses, "Get out, you three bitches who can't even wear clothes properly. No one here needs you to open your legs today!"

"We are guests who come to attend the wake banquet. Is this the way the Quit family treats guests?" The leading strange sorceresses scolded.

"Ha! The clan leader had already told you sorceresses that it was enough to just attend the funeral. As for the wake, only friends who truly respected King Bran were welcome, not spies who were trying to gather intelligence.

Get out! Don't block the real guests from coming in and out here!" The guard yelled and even stretched out his hand to try to push him.

Seeing this, Victor took a breath. The young man vaguely remembered a few sorceresses who were higher in status than Keramez and could stand in front of her. Basically, they were all ruthless characters who could burn the guards to ashes with a little anger.

But it was obvious that they still had some reservations. Whether it was the restraint of anti-magic weapons or political considerations, they were not allowed to turn their faces and fight. Knowing that they could not go in head-on, the sorceresses retreated and passed by the Phantom Troupe.

Accepting the respectful and grand welcome from the gatekeeper, Victor felt the sharp eyes behind him and witnessed her being insulted by the guards. Keramez would definitely vent his anger on him.

Sorceress... a troublesome woman.

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