Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 519 The King's Final Argument

Starry night at midnight.

In a dark and unknown corner off the coast of Novigrad.

It was both accidental and inevitable. On the Royal Tritog, the prison guard at the bottom of the cabin left his post and quietly approached the prisoner in charge of guarding.

There is no doubt that his movements are very subtle, but this level of silence can be heard clearly in the ears of the witcher.

So he stopped dozing, and Yoyo opened his eyes, "Good evening, Bosler."

"Long time no see, Victor." The man standing outside the iron railing said in a gentle and gentle tone.

The elf swordsman with white hair and ponytail, the ferocious knife marks under the dim candlelight looked like a winding snake crawling on his face.

Seeing this not-so-elegant face, the blond-haired demon hunter sat up cross-legged with a slight smile on his lips.

Bosler, who was outside the prison, raised his eyebrows narrowly, "Oh, you can still laugh? Don't you know that you will die soon?"

Let me tell you in advance, find Philippa. After Erhart, His Majesty Radovid is not prepared to keep you to waste food. "

Victor blinked and raised his arms to show the handcuffs, "Judging from the treatment, I'm not surprised, but we're not panicked at all, because good people get more help than bad people; for example, now, don't you just come here to save people?" ”

"Hahaha! You are so shameless, why do you think I am here to save you?"

"Just for you to show up at this time, and your name. Oh my god! I'm so stupid, I should have thought of it earlier.

Boss-liar, boss-liar (boss-liar=one who deceives the boss).

True to his name, he sent away Hawthorne I, betrayed Hawthorne II, and now it’s Radovid V’s turn? "

Facing the elf's smug and successful mischievous smile, the witcher rubbed his chin and said, "I remember I asked you this last time at the Hawthorne Mansion. Now I'll ask you again. My friend, who are you really loyal to?"

Stopping his smile, Bosler was silent for a while.

Then he knelt down on one knee, "The person I am loyal to is right in front of me─Mr. Victor, my real name is Tesio, and you are my king."

Such a sudden surprise, there is no joy, only surprise.

"What are you doing?" Victor frowned, "This joke is not funny!"

"No, this is not a joke, I am serious." The elf's eyes became bright, as hot as fire, "I used to be Iorveth's direct subordinate. When he decided to return to the Valley of Flowers, I did not follow him. Instead, he stayed with Radovid and continued to lurk.

And now, I am a believer of Galvatron, your believer.

Although Galvatron is only effective on men, to countless desperate fellow elves, he is an eternal fire in the darkness.

Whether it is out of hope for the future or personal sincere gratitude, I cannot let you die here, my king. "Bosler's narrative is clear and logical.

This is a temporarily dormant Decepticon Scoia'tael, excited to see the King, determined to be loyal and give everything including their lives.

His intensely hot eyes could almost melt steel. The witcher had no doubt that as long as he opened his mouth, the elf would take off his pants and raise his buttocks!

──Of course he wouldn’t ask for that!

"So what Xi'er said is true..." Victor murmured, then raised his voice slightly to prevent the elf from using the key to open the cell, "Don't do this! Bosler, or Tesio.

I understand your enthusiasm and am prepared to accept your service. But no need to unblock me. The handcuffs or the cell are just a cloud, I have more important things for you to do..."

Novigrad, on the third floor of the Vanilla Cabaret, between the sapphires.

The calm discussion ended and a simple show of hands took place; the sorceresses had just reached a consensus to stop all marriage plans for Ciri and provide her with personal protection.

But then, when Chairman Philippa extended the topic and began to discuss the plan of setting up traps and launching a war against the Wild Hunt, the two Ain. Xidi's elves simultaneously raised their hands to interrupt.

Ada Emin, who holds the title of Sage, clenched her right fist to her lips, "As we all know, the Wild Hunt...that is, Ain El, is a distant relative of our elves.

Out of respect for Your Excellency Victor, we are willing to protect Xili's personal safety, but directly fighting with the organized army goes against the fundamental interests of our ethnic group. I cannot agree with this motion..."

──Out of respect for Victor! ?

Hearing the keyword, Yennefer silently remembered Ada Emin's speech. Although she didn't know exactly what Victor had done, it was obvious that the reason for the change in attitude of the two elf sorceresses was the witcher who couldn't control his lower body!

It can help Ciri's situation and make Yennefer's sense of Victor slightly improved; but because of Pucilla, the increase in favorability is quite limited. No mother-in-law in the world will appreciate a playboy son-in-law.

As for the two elves refusing to go to war with the Wild Hunt, the sorceress was not surprised, let alone disappointed.

Anyone with a little knowledge knows that the massacre two hundred years ago resulted in the loss of an entire generation of fertile young people. "Infertility" doomed the decline of the elven race.

After finally taking advantage of the last Civil War and betraying the Scoia'tael officers in exchange for recuperating in the "Valley of Flowers", Francesca and Ada Emin cannot easily accept another bloodshed among their tribe.

So Yennefer is in a very peaceful mood...

She was quite satisfied with the results of the meeting so far.

As for the troops against the Wild Hunt, they may be able to borrow troops from Ciri's biological father, Emhyr Enreis, and ask him to release the imprisoned Fringilla Vigo.

Although that dissolute cousin is annoying, no matter what, I owe her a favor for receiving treatment for mental disorder. In addition, Fringilla's race is human, and she will be a reliable helper in the cause of fighting the Wild Hunt.

What a perfect plan!

The little abacus in her heart was snapping. After considering everything, Yennefer turned her attention back to the meeting, and was surprised to find that the topic was still discussing the issue of sending troops.

Philippa Ehrhardt: "Dear Lady Hundred Flowers, I don't ask the Hundred Flowers Valley to send troops directly, I just need to tell Iorveth to mobilize the Squirrel Party organization lurking in the north!..."

"Tsk tsk! It seems that Philippa and Ciri still have unrealistic fantasies about asking Ein Sheed to send troops." Yennefer thought to herself.

The sorceress's persuasion continued, "...Dear Daisy, sniping the Wild Hunt is just the beginning. In fact, based on this cooperation, we will expand a more ambitious plan, rebuild the long-standing royal advisory system, and highly expand the legal rights of spellcasters..."

Yennefer closed her eyes.

As expected! I knew this crazy woman would not give up her desire for power. Victor was too naive to think that he could buy Philippa with just a pair of artificial eyes.

Simply refining the meaning of the other party's words, it sounds like the same old story, still managing the king who lacks restraint through mutual assistance among spellcasters.

However, there are still some fresh elements, because the Unicorn Dynasty and the Aedirn Dynasty have been cut off, and she actually proposed that the sorceress should directly carry out strongman politics! ?


Perhaps this plan will be very attractive to Keira, Xi'er, or Triss, but to impress Francesca, who is already a ruler, it can only be said to be wishful thinking and absolutely impossible to succeed.

Yennefer opened her eyes.

Sure enough, not long after, the Grand Duchess of the Valley of Flowers waved her hand to interrupt the conversation and calmly announced the conclusion, "Ms. Ehart, it's enough. The future you talked about is very attractive, but I refuse!

We can provide private side assistance, but Dol Bretanna does not want and will not fight against the Wild Hunt!"

Her decisive words meant that the dust had settled and there was no room for discussion.

"The meeting should end," Yennefer thought, "If we continue talking, it will only turn into a useless dispute. Francesca will never give in."

Take a deep breath and Yennefer is ready to come forward to ease the situation, but at this moment, she saw Philippa turn to Xi'er and spread her hands, making a helpless gesture of courtesy.

"Hey! I was hoping you would agree first, and then I would take it out." Xi'er tapped her palms twice to attract everyone's attention, and took out a tube of lavender potion from her chest, gently shaking it towards the two elves, "Dear, I am honored to report to you that in the process of making this potion, I provided a little help in the raw materials.

Guess what its function is?

Give you a little hint, this is the latest work of Mr. Victor."

A wisp of cold air surged up from the end of the spine in a trance, and Yennefer couldn't figure out what was going on. But compared to the stinky face that always looked like everyone owed her money in the past, Xi'er's smile now gave people a gloomy feeling.

Although no one knew what the purple potion in her hand was, the abnormal and out-of-control appearance of the two elves was visible to the naked eye.

The indifferent Ada Amin stood up suddenly, and the glass in Francesca's hand fell to the ground with a clang, and the expressions of the two of them were exactly the same.

Fearful and excited...

Xi'er held the purple test tube high.

"Look! The king's final argument!"

She deliberately prolonged the ending tone, imitating the tone of an opera, "Cheers! Lucky Ain. Sheedy, you should offer gratitude.

Salute to the great Lord Victor, the incredible alchemical work!"

"Could it be... could it be... that potion in your hand?" The overly excited Grand Duke Francesca's high-pitched voice was sharp and piercing.

The potion was spinning in her hand, and Xier nodded casually, "Yes, it's just what you think. Since there is a Galvatron that restores the fertility of male elves, there will naturally be a legendary potion that allows female elves to conceive."

The bomb-like speech made everyone present, except Philippa who knew about it, take a breath of cold air, making an indelible contribution to global warming.

"Thunder! Bang!!!"

The winter thunder suddenly exploded outside the window, and Novigrad was drenched in heavy rain.

It seemed that the heaven and the human were in harmony, and the clouds were dense, and the purple lightning rushed into the sky and the thunder snakes danced wildly!

Following the roar, a pale blue portal opened, and the Grand Duchess of the Hundred Flowers Valley and the Elf Sage, two sorceresses, stepped into the sapphire together.

This was a temptation they could not refuse.

Whistling with a smile, Xier Tanshavier casually threw the potion to Francesca, "Hey! We are so familiar with each other, don't be polite! Take it to someone to try it first, and it will take effect in twelve hours after drinking it. We will continue to talk if you are satisfied."

Her arrogant and fearless attitude implicitly explained a lot of things.

For example, she was confident in the efficacy of the medicine, and she was not afraid of the formula being reversed and cracked.

The last time Iorveth brought back "Galvatron", it was given by Victor for free, and the whole set of processes was included, which took them a long time to study before mass production.

By analogy, if it is effective this time but there is no formula... it is absolutely unacceptable!

In a flash, Francesca, who had just received the object, made a decision that went against her ancestors.

Holding the purple test tube tightly, as if strangling the throat of fate, the Grand Duchess of Baihua Valley took a deep breath, lifted her skirt, bent her knees, and bowed.

"Dear lady, what is the name of this potion?"

Squinting her eyes proudly, Xi'er raised her chin slightly, danced a brisk three-step dance with the tip of her tongue, and tapped her upper teeth three times.

"Egg. Shock. The sky!

Its name is Egg Shocks the Sky."

The rumbling thunder outside the window accompanied.

The playful tone made the world tremble!

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