Witcher's Atelier

《End of Volume Remarks》

Hehehe hum hum.

Huhuhuhu hehe.



Hey hey! A book with such a bad update. Dear readers, you have worked hard to follow it. Simon sincerely appreciates your company.

(Bow and thank you)

But fortunately, a journey of a hundred miles begins with a single step. This book is now halfway done.

It’s really a cause for celebration!

Great ヾ(●`●)

And the next volume is "Taiping Volume". As soon as I saw the title of this volume, I felt that it was about to end.

Yes, that’s right! The Alchemy Workshop of the Sex Demon Hunter is about to usher in the finale!

It’s really hard-won, sob!

Dear readers, to be honest, Taitai has had a hard time in the past few months!

The update is bad, so the subscription is declining, and the subscription is declining, so the update is getting worse.

This simple vicious cycle is the cycle of many eunuchs. Ximen is no exception. He has been thinking about cutting the 12-meter-long Seven-Star Breaking Army and Slashing Ships countless times to cut off the root of his troubles.

Although I heard that persistence is victory, I also drank a lot of chicken soup that millions of people will become gods.

But when I woke up in the middle of the night, my pillow was wet with tears.

It's already 1.64 million words! The fact is that I haven't become a god~ (crying)

Everyone says "No. 1 in Tianjin"...

Taitai, when are you going to be No. 1 in Tianjin?

Anyway, not today! o(TヘTo)

After working hard to code a chapter, I can't make more than 20 yuan in subscriptions in a few days. This can dampen my enthusiasm more than any slander.

I was heartbroken to scan the list and see other so-called boutiques that make money. Taitai deeply felt that his writing style must be changed and he must learn from the good!

But, that's for the next book.

My current mood is to be more Buddhist, to be more open-minded, and to try my best to give birth to this eldest son. Good or bad, there will be a result.

After all, your waiting will not be in vain, and there is no need to rely on grandchildren to burn books.

So if you think this book is okay, please go to Qidian to subscribe and support it.

Ximen Taitai. 2021/10/26


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