With a Door In Mind

Chapter 1324, open the road in the mountains, lift the car in the water

The latest website: Everyone felt the same, and the women set off for the primary school with their children. Xiaomi couldn't be of much help here, so he went with Xiaoman, and someone would come to inform him if there was something wrong.

But Qin Xiao and Yang Yuemei took their two children into the car and did not follow. It would be nice to have Xiaomi in the past.

This man was so addicted to cigarettes that he was not even afraid of death. Zhu Guodong hesitated at the door for a while, then rushed in and took two packs of cigarettes and a box of matches.

Unwrapping the cigarette, he smiled at a few people and said, "Let's rest for a while, and I'll fix it later." Except for Zhou Xiaochuan, everyone else smoked, and they all smoked there.

Zhou Xiaochuan looked at the accumulated water next to him, picked up the shovel and started digging there. A canal was dug near the tent to allow the accumulated water to flow away along the canal, preventing the water from flooding the Jinshan Mountain.

The dug out soil just covered the edge of the tarp. Give the new tent a better location.

Seeing this, a few people didn't squat there, but came over and started working. With previous experience, the speed of everyone's work will not be too slow. After more than an hour, another simple shed was built.

Lay planks inside. From time to time, he rushed into the house, took out the quilt and spread it on it, leaving an open space on each side for people to stay.

Look at the boards and raincloths in the airspace. At least two or three more sheds can be built. Zhou Xiaochuan looked at it for a while, and proposed to build a place to take a bath and go to the toilet, otherwise it would be troublesome for her daughter to take a bath.

No one dared to go to the toilets in the street, for fear of being crushed into the pile of shit. But Sister Sun's house collapsed, but the stove was still exposed.

Cook here after cleaning out. Everyone nodded one after another and began to make them in batches.

"Xiaochuan, Xiaochuan!" Zhang Guoguo's voice came from the door while he was busy. Seeing the other party coming, Zhou Xiaochuan already knew what to do.

"What's the matter? Are you going to go on a mission?" Zhang Guoguo nodded: "Well, the data you gave has come true. An earthquake really happened in Tangshan, but now the contact has been lost. I don't know for sure. After receiving the notification, the members of the special training team will immediately go to the disaster area for rescue.” Zhou Xiaochuan looked at half of the things, and then thought about not having a man at home, so he planned to leave later, anyway, he ran fast.

"You don't have to worry about it at home, I will make arrangements for it." Zhang Guoguo probably saw what he was thinking, and hurriedly said to him.

Hearing this, Zhou Xiaochuan nodded,

"Okay, let me tell them. I'll go to the special training team in a while." Zhang Guoguo stood beside him.

"Brother Zhu, my work unit wants me to go back. You can look at it here. Use these things anyway, don't be afraid of waves."

"Hey, okay, go get busy, we're here! They can't be wronged." Zhou Xiaochuan nodded when he saw this, and walked out of the compound to the alley.

He said to the two people in the car: "Mother, Xiaoxiao, it's been confirmed that there was an earthquake on the other side of Mount T, and I have to go to the rescue." Qin Xiao nodded lightly: "Okay, you go, we are at home! Nothing will happen." Zhou Xiaochuan nodded and looked at Zhang Guoguo beside him.

"Did you go over this time? If you did, who did you contact?"

"You are acting alone. Just contact the earthquake resistance headquarters there and act on the spot. Basically, those who have gone there will act on the spot, and the others will see the situation at that time." Zhou Xiaochuan nodded after hearing the words. The head: "That's okay, I'll go there now."

’ At this time, Qin Xiao and the others had already got out of the car. Seeing this, Zhou Xiaochuan drove the car and left the alley. The shed has been set up and he can sleep in the shed.

The car drove to Di'anmen. At this time, countless people gathered here, and there was a lot of excitement there. The houses in Kyoto are already crowded, and now all the servants have come out, so densely packed that they almost blocked the road.

"Dududu!" He honked the horn from time to time, and then slowly drove towards the outside of the city. It took more than ten minutes to drive, and it took a full hour and a half to reach a place with few people.

The back is much wider. From time to time on the road, you can see groups of people gathering together, people who dare not go home.

The car drove to the training team. Zhou Xiaohe and the others were already waiting there, including more than 300 health workers.

When they arrived at the place, Guan Zhongguo came over and saluted: "Instructor, I'll be waiting for you." Zhou Xiaochuan nodded lightly: "How are you getting ready? When can we leave?"

"After receiving the notice, all the things in our warehouse have been cleared out. Those that can be loaded are loaded into cars, and those that cannot be loaded are brought by the team members! We can start now." Hearing this, Zhou Xiaochuan looked at the special training The people in the team are all covered with things, at least one or two hundred catties.

Nodded: "Zhou Xiaohe, count the personnel."

"Report, except for those who were injured in the hospital, all the special training team has arrived. There should be 379 people, but there are actually 378 people." Zhou Xiaochuan cast a glance, and only Kong Shengli, the most unlucky one, was left.

"Okay, the driver gets in the car and starts. Run with all your strength!"


"All teammates, stand at attention, take a rest, show your five-kilometer cross-country speed, and move forward at full speed." Following the order, the car set off, and the team members set off.

Going forward in a mighty manner towards the outskirts of the base. There are a total of six large trucks in the car, including his own, a total of seven trucks.

Everyone's things were put in some cars, but they still couldn't put them down. At this time, the road was not easy to walk, and the cars could not keep up with the speed of people running.

On the main road, the speed can be regarded as keeping up. Two hours later, people had arrived at the location of the canal in the northeast of the city. At this time, there was already a long queue to cross the river.

There were not many bridges at this time. Just by looking at his clothes, he knew he was from the army. People were also curious about a group of strangely dressed people, and cast curious eyes one after another.

There are also many people in ordinary clothes. After crossing the river, the speed of the crowd increased, leaving this group of teams behind.

"Who is this? Running so fast?"

"Yeah, aren't you tired? You'll be bored after a while."...People were talking about them. After a while, they surpassed the front team and headed for their destination.

The non-stop speed of 20 kilometers per hour scared everyone. After advancing for another two hours, there is still more than half of the way to the destination. At this time, people have already seen the chaos nearby.

The rivers and ponds were dry, the houses collapsed, the trees leaned, and even the railway beside the road was twisted into a twisted shape, making it completely impassable.

When I came to a river, there was still water in the river, but the bridge collapsed. Watching the blocked team. Zhou Xiaochuan looked at it, and said to the crowd: "Put down some things and carry them over." After receiving the answer, everyone unloaded their burdens one after another, came to the side of the car, and surrounded the car.

"One, two, three!

"With a loud shout, people exerted their strength one after another, and the car slowly got up.

"Keep your balance and go down the river!" The people put the car on their shoulders and helped their companions in front of them to cross the river bit by bit.

The river was waist-high, and the river of more than 100 meters was resisted in this way. When they came to the other side, they put down the car and ran back to pick up their things again, and continued on their way.

Along the way, the road was opened in the mountains, and the car was lifted in the water. The progress was very fast. It rained heavily on the road from time to time.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the crowd came to a town. The houses inside were basically collapsed, a mess, and there was a foul smell, which was rotten.

"The Jie Fang Army came to rescue us, the Jie Fang Army came to rescue us, we are saved."

"There is food, there is food here."... A group of people stopped the convoy with a clamor. His whole body was covered in mud, almost like a beggar.

Seeing this, Zhou Xiaochuan frowned and got out of the car quickly. Regardless of the heavy rain in the sky, he shouted at the crowd: "Don't move, whoever is in charge, come out." In the heavy rain, people looked at them blankly.

After waiting for a while, the last one came out a middle-aged man,

"Hello, I'm Luo Kaichun, the director of the commune. Can you help us out? A lot of people are injured. Also, we don't have anything to eat." Zhou Xiaochuan looked around and nodded.

Then he shouted at Feng Yue: "Feng Yue!"


"People from the health platoon went to the rescue, and after a while we continued to set off."

"Yes!" Feng Yue led a team and stood up with medical supplies.

"Zhou Xiaohe!"


"Leave a cart of supplies."

"Yes!" Zhou Xiaohe got the order and started unloading things with his people. At this time, Zhou Xiaochuan looked at Luo Kaichun: "Director Luo, we still have to go to the city to rescue, and I will give you some supplies first. The team behind will probably arrive tomorrow. Don't worry. What you have to do is to manage people well. Don't worry." There's trouble."

"Hey, good. Good." Luo Kaichun nodded quickly, and then shouted at someone: 'Go back, didn't you hear?

There is rescue behind. ’ After hearing this, the crowd dispersed. Zhou Xiaochuan looked at it, and explained to Zhou Xiaohe: "Leave some people to look after the supplies, and the rest will help. By the way, how far is the distance to the destination." These people can easily bandage.

Hearing this, Zhou Xiaohe agreed and left with his people. Watching the crowd leave, Zhou Xiaochuan thought for a while, and walked towards the back. He planned to take advantage of the dark to fly around the city later.

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