With a Door In Mind

Chapter 83, no name

On the way to the fields in the afternoon.

Jiang Xiaochuan saw the big wooden bucket for drinking water in the morning.

Jiang Xiaochuan thought for a while and added a little space spring water to it.

If you don't add more, it will only be a hundred or ten drops, and on average, it will be about one drop per person.

Don't know what the effect will be. If not. Add more next time.

I took a break at noon, and I worked in the afternoon to gain the energy of the morning. After all, the busy farming season has just begun, and it is estimated that after a few days, I will be very tired.

Jiang Chunwu looked at Jiang Xiaochuan who was casually picking up wheat, and threw the wheat head in his hand into the bag.

He secretly asked Jiang Xiaochuan, "Xiaochuan, have you practiced martial arts? They all said that you might have fought."

Jiang Xiaochuan was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and it was estimated that he had beaten the second child of the Jiang family before. transmitted.

This villager's ability to spread the word is really good.

He thought about it for a while, thinking about how to make up this lie. Just make up one.

"Yeah, my father's comrades taught me."

Jiang Chunwu asked strangely, "Didn't your father sacrifice long ago?"

He glanced at him and said with a smile: "When my father died, I was only three years old. Later, my father's comrades came over, and they taught me when they watched us. They said it was called martial arts."

Jiang Chunwu nodded and asked again: "Then why are you being bullied so much by your uncle, why don't they care. Isn't the brotherhood between the soldiers very good? If it were me, I would have to send them all to re-education through labor."

Jiang Xiaochuan's head went black when he heard his words, how smart are children nowadays? Or listen to who?

He raised his eyebrows and said to Jiang Mingwu: "My father's comrade-in-arms was in the county town before, and sometimes he came over to see us. Later, he was transferred and went to a farther place. He hasn't been here for a few years. already."

"And my grandma was still there at that time, and he was responsible for receiving the money. When my grandma died. My mother has remarried."

These people can't stand up to the scrutiny of the conscientious, but there is no way to prove these things.

It is impossible for the Zhou Mingli brothers to come out and tell others the cause and effect. There's nothing wrong with fooling a little kid.

Jiang Mingwu nodded, thinking that he might not be able to defeat Jiang Weijun. He hesitated for a moment and said, "How about we compare with each other and see who is better. My uncle (Jiang Dingzhong) also taught me. If you are great, you will teach me in the future?"

Jiang Xiaochuan rolled his eyes upon hearing this. He said, "How do you compare? What should I do if I get hurt from this random punch? Your father can't chase me to my house and beat me."

Jiang Mingwu blushed when he heard this, "How is it possible. That's what a coward did."

Jiang Xiaochuan pouted and ignored him.

What children fear most when they fight is to be called by their parents.

Of course, there must be a premise for this, it must be that children are playing with each other and cannot be injured, if their own children are injured. The parents may be better, but the aunts in this village don't care who is right or wrong.

Jiang Chunwu saw the other party's expression and knew that the other party didn't want to believe him.

about to speak.

Jiang Xiaochuan interrupted him and asked him, "I'll talk about this later. By the way, let me ask you something. Before, you used soybeans to grind tofu and squeeze oil. Do you know where you got it?"

Jiang Chunwu licked his mouth subconsciously when he heard him say tofu. He said to him: "There used to be a man in the village who made bean sprouts and grinded tofu. The nearby villages used to grind tofu at his house, but his family is now raising cattle and pigs for the team. As for soybean oil, there is no one in the village. , only the commune has it.”

Jiang Xiaochuan understood what he said. I guess that was all contributed.

He glanced around with his mind, and secretly asked, "Then the tofu he made was donated?"

Jiang Chunwu thought for a moment, then shook his head: "I don't know, I used to go to the commune to get it. It's been so many years. I guess it was burned as firewood.


Thinking of something, he licked his mouth again and said, "I haven't eaten tofu for a long time. It is estimated that the village will not grind tofu until the New Year."

Jiang Xiaochuan also sighed. Tofu is something that is rotten on the streets of later generations. It's all babies now. Scarcity is no better than meat.

Now people all over the country are deficient in protein and oil. Therefore, although the price of soy products is not expensive, it is difficult to obtain, and the city will be better. Every once in a while, a little tofu ticket will be issued.

However, in rural areas, after the soybeans are harvested, they collectively grind tofu during the Chinese New Year.

He secretly asked, "Xiao Wu, which one is it?"

Jiang Mingwu indifferently pointed to the north and said, "It's the Wu family at the far north of the village."

Jiang Xiaochuan silently wrote it down in his heart.

In the afternoon, the child was obviously impatient. Play and play, and sometimes slapstick.

But this is also normal. Whose children are not distressed?

Even if you can earn work points, it is limited. The family mainly depends on the adults.

Jiang Dingzhong also had a headache looking at it. And he also found that adults also began to have this sign.

Especially the lazy people in the village like Jiang Weijun.

Jiang Weijun was bragging with a group of young people of the same age, using the excuse of having a stomachache.

During this time, he was very aggrieved, the boy who was kneaded by the previous person. Now he dares to ride on his head.

If the other party was not a martyr orphan, he would have been killed by himself. The most annoying thing is that the other party actually hit him.

But he can't do anything right now. He was thinking of finding a chance to cut him, but this guy ran out every three days. And the person who came to his house that day seemed to be a high-ranking official.

A group of four lay on the ground, covering their faces with hats.

One of the young men in their twenties teased Jiang Weijun: "Junior, you can't do it. Your little brother is standing on your head and peeing. You don't even say a word?"

Jiang Weijun glanced at him and said, "Rat, are you capable of going? I don't dare, anyway, you are considered a martyr's orphan. If you beat him, you will beat him."

The mouse is called Jiang Minghao, and his father died in battles before. But before the solution.

Because of the limited manpower at that time, the progress of the aftermath work was slow, and he always settled in the countryside. Later, the place found this family and arranged work for his mother in the city.

His mother is also a strong person. In order not to burden the country, he stayed in the countryside with a child and his parents-in-law.

It is a pity that in this rural area where every family has more children. The only son, Jiang Minghao, was used to being lawless by his grandparents.

Fortunately, nothing bad was done.

Jiang Minghao sneered and said, "I won't go, let my mother know, and don't break my legs? I want something from the other party. I don't dare. Then just rest. Don't talk about it in front of us."

People of this age are weird. The courage is very bold, and for a little water source, he can beat his head and blood.

Equally timid and small. In the village, seeing the elders did not dare to make trouble at all.

Jiang Weijun was also angry when he heard his words.

But what he said was right, that mother on the other side is really not easy to mess with.

I stole other people's chickens when I was a kid. The skin that was beaten by his mother was split open. While beating and calling out to his father, he was embarrassed. No one pulls it.

Seeing that Jiang Weijun could not say anything about the other party, he secretly hated him. "Looks like I have to figure it out myself."

Jiang Xiaochuan didn't know about this matter, and even if he did, he wouldn't care.

Jiang Weijun was irrelevant to him. If it weren't for my own 21st century concept. It is estimated that the graves of the other party have begun to grow grass.

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