With Love and Time

Chapter 326: This time, it's not a joke


Hearing this, my eyes widened suddenly, and a few seconds later, I said in surprise, "Switzerland? Why go to Switzerland suddenly?"

Ji Guanxin smiled, and he said aloud: "Don't you get excited about Valentine's Day?"

Valentine's Day?

My brows are frowned and my eyes are confused.

Upon seeing this, Ji Guanxin couldn't help but put away his smile, and said with contempt: "Don't say you didn't know that the 14th is Valentine's Day?"

I really don’t know, or don’t remember.

Ji Guanxin curled his lips in disgust, and said, "How many years have you lived as a single dog?"

I said: "Even if you are not single, no one invites me to Switzerland on Valentine's Day."

This is the truth, but Ji Guanxin glanced blankly and said: "** Silk!"

I ‘cut’ and said, "Should I go skiing in Switzerland? Winter City also has a ski resort."

Ji Guanxin said: "The ** silk is ** silk. There is a small Great Wall in the park in your city. I haven't seen anyone here to see it."

I raised my eyebrows and said, "Can you not hurt your mouth like this?"

Ji Guanxin said: "It was a romantic thing at first, and there is no surprise in your mouth."

In fact, I was quite surprised. As for hi, of course it is also hi. It's considered a luxury for ordinary people to travel domestically. When Ji Guanxin is here, my monk Zhang Er can't figure it out, and once again, God has followed him to Winter City from Liangcheng.

Before leaving, my mother told us to be careful on the road and call her immediately when we got to Switzerland.

Ji Guanxin and I took a train from Liangcheng to Winter City, and then took a taxi to the airport. On the road, Ji Guan freshly did not speak, but leaned on the back seat of the taxi and closed his eyes to rest.

It was too cold and I dared not drive the window. There was a faint smell of gasoline in the car, and I was a little sick and nauseous.

After more than an hour of driving to the airport, I stretched out my hand and pushed Ji Guanxin next to him and told him to get up.

Ji Guanxin didn't move at first. I thought he was asleep, so I pushed him a few more times.

Ji Guanxin slowly opened his eyes and looked out the car window. He reached for his wallet.

I said: "I have finished giving it, get off the bus."

We got off the taxi on the left and right. Because Ji Guanxin didn't say a word, I looked up at him and asked aloud, "You haven't woken up yet?"

Ji Guanxin went to the trunk to take his luggage. Hearing this, he whispered back: "I'm a little sleepy."

After taking the suitcase, he took my hand and walked into the airport. His fingers were cold. I changed my posture and clasped his fingers, hoping to warm him.

I went to the counter to collect the tickets, took the lead in the security check, and came to the VIP lounge. Everything went well.

When I walked to the large seat, Ji Guanxin said, "I will go to the bathroom as soon as I sit down."

"it is good."

Ji Guanxin stepped towards the bathroom. I glanced at his back. I only felt that he was sluggish today and was a little unconscious.

In fact, since Ji Guanxin caught a bit of cold the night before the previous year, he hasn't been very clean this week. My mother gave him cold medicine and anti-inflammatories every day, and wanted to take him to the hospital. Ji Guanxin kept saying it was okay.

He has good times and bad times. Before going to bed at night, he is alive and well. In the morning, he is obviously lack of energy. Especially when he got up, it took a lot of effort.

I sat in a chair and called my mother. I could talk for more than ten minutes. Ji Guanxin hasn't come back yet.

My mother told me on the phone: "Guan Xin's cold may not be clear. You will put the medicine on the side of your suitcase. After getting on the plane, if he is uncomfortable, you can give him the medicine."

"okay, I get it."

There is a watch on the wall directly opposite me. It has been almost 20 minutes since I got up to find Ji Guanxin. He came out of the bathroom wearing a white coat.

His face was pale, as if covered with frost. I looked up at him and asked aloud: "Why have you been there for so long?"

Ji Guanxin sat down beside me and said casually: "Long time?"

I stared at his face and asked, "Are you uncomfortable?"

Ji Guanxin habitually took my hand, leaned against the seat behind him, closed his eyes and said, "I didn't wake up, I squinted for a while and called me when I boarded the plane."

I just said that Ji Guanxin was a little tired and didn't think about anything else. Half an hour later, the voice of a stewardess came from the radio, calling us to board the plane.

I stretched out my hand and patted Xia Ji Guanxin's arm, and said aloud, "Go."

Ji Guanxin didn't open his eyes immediately, I patted him a few more times, and he opened it after a lapse of five seconds.

I said: "If you are sleepy, go to the plane to sleep."

Ji Guanxin said ‘um’.


I stood up first, but Ji Guanxinru was still sitting. I looked at him and said, "Get up, don't be lazy."

After finishing speaking, I took his hand with both hands, trying to pull him from the seat.

I don't know if Ji Guanxin did it on purpose or something. His body was heavy, as if all his weight was on the sofa. I was struggling to pull, and he just bent his knees and got up from the chair later.

After getting up, he also stood still. I took his arm and dragged him forward: "How much do you like to sleep? You are too lazy."

Finally dragged him to the boarding gate, scanned the ticket, and we walked inside. Ji Guanxin has only taken five or six steps through the long glass passage, and I can only hear him breathing heavily and fast.

Glancing at him sideways, he frowned and opened his lips slightly. That really frightened me.

I stared slightly, stopped to look at him and said, "Ji Guanxin, what's wrong with you?"

Ji Guanxin didn't return to me, he just squatted down slowly, breathing heavily.

I was so frightened that I quickly bent down and looked at his face. On the one hand, I was afraid that something happened to him, and on the other hand, I was afraid that he was lying to me.

Anyway, he didn't bluff me with scaring people once or twice. He almost cried to death when he lied to me in the cemetery.

"Ji Guanxin, don't scare me, is it true or not?" I stared at his face without blinking, trying to see what was happening.

When the passengers passing by us saw this scene, they all cast glances, some just stopped and asked anxiously: "Is it all right?"

Ji Guanxin may tease me, but there is no reason to scare even strangers. He squatted on the ground for a minute. I was so frightened that my fingers trembled, and he trembled: "You are scaring me, I can't cry."

Ji Guanxin is most afraid of me crying. If he lied to me, it would be enough to play the show here.

How I wish Ji Guanxin could suddenly bounce up, smiled and said to me: "Fool, I scared you!"

Ke Ji Guanxin squatted on the ground, in addition to the heavier and heavier breathing, the frequency became more and more rapid.

I couldn't help but turned my head and shouted at the airport staff not far away: "Come here, hurry up and help."

The airport staff heard my shout, and after a pause, they hurried over. Seeing Ji Guanxin's reaction, someone said: "Contact the airport emergency center!"

"Go and push a chair here!"

"Call 120..."

Ji Guanxin still didn't stand up. I suddenly felt soft, tears bursting out of my eyes, and gently tugged his sleeves, crying, "Ji Guanxin, what's wrong with you?"

Soon, someone pushed a wheelchair over, and the two ground workers helped Ji Guanxin sit on it, and then pushed him to the emergency center.

My legs were weak, and a woman next to me supported me and said to me: "Who are you from the gentleman just now?"


"What's wrong with that gentleman?"

"..." I don't know what kind of illness.

The brain is blank, really like endless white snow on the ground. I paused for five seconds, and then said in a panic: "He, he has pharyngitis."

"Pharyngitis? I thought his symptoms just now were asthma or heart disease."

My ears are buzzing, my brain is also in a crashed state, I can't think about anything.

Ji Guanxin was taken to the emergency center. A doctor and several nurses escorted him into a room. I also wanted to follow in, but I was turned away.

Because I was so frightened, I felt a little untenable. The ground crew who supported me said, "Don't worry, we have already called 120 and will be there soon."

I stared straight at the door that Ji Guanxin was pushed through, and I didn't know how long it took before I suddenly thought of someone. I flipped out the phone with trembling fingers, and then made the call.

The connection sound of toot toot, I hold my whole heart, for fear that he will not answer.

Fortunately, after five rings, a man's voice came from the phone. He said, "Zi Jin?"

I said: "Brother Tanqing, it's me. I'm at the airport. Ji Guanxin has been very awkward today. He didn't like to talk all the way. He went to the bathroom as soon as we arrived at the airport. Then he came out and sat in a chair without speaking. I took him to board the plane, and he suddenly squatted as he walked. He panted and didn't speak. I don't know what happened to him... Come here."

I have never been so incoherent in my life. I speak quickly, and I don't know if Zhang Danqing understands it.

On the other end of the phone, he paused for three to five seconds, then said in a deep voice: "Are you at the Winter City Airport?"

I nodded vigorously, my throat choked up and I couldn't say a word.

I tried to squeeze out the word ‘um’, and Zhang Danqing said: “Zijin, don’t panic. Now you are the only one beside Guanxin. You must stabilize your position.”

I still nodded, regardless of whether Zhang Danqing could see it.

He said: "I'll take the fastest flight to rush over right now, and your mobile phone is in your hand at any time. Tell me immediately if there is any situation there.

Tears blurred his vision, Zhang Danqing's sentence Ji Guanxin was the only one beside me, so I quickly suppressed the panic. I reached out and wiped my eyes, took a deep breath, and said aloud, "Okay, let's get in touch anytime."

Hanging up the phone, I was standing at the door of the emergency center, squeezing my phone with both hands, and my mind was turning over and over again with small pictures that I had discovered these days but didn't take my heart.

I have seen Ji Guanxin's nosebleeds every once in a while, I have seen him taking medicine with me on his back, and I even found a white pill without the name of the medicine from him... But I was so stupid that these were trivial things.

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