With Love and Time

Chapter 501: He can give what I want (fine)

However, the time when the screen was dark did not last long, and the big screen lights up again for at most five seconds. There appeared a picture that made me stunned.

That is a pre-recorded video. The picture freezes on a familiar face, it turns out to be my milk.

Someone pressed start, and I sat at my house in Liangcheng. Everything in the background is so familiar. She smiled at the camera and said: "Today is my granddaughter's 25th birthday. Grandma has bad legs and feet, so I can't go to the night city to see you. But I want to wish you a happy birthday and hope you are happy and happy every day."

The background music is the familiar "Meet". Piano piece.

Accompanied by the astonishment of people in the projection hall, my vision instantly blurred. Tears surged up. I immediately reached out and covered my mouth.

The picture flashed, and the next person in the camera was my uncle.

He was obviously doing this for the first time, his expression was somewhat embarrassed. The smile is also slightly stiff.

He said to the camera: "Junjin. Happy birthday. Since you were in college for the past few years. We have not been able to celebrate birthdays at home, we all remember. Especially your milk. Every year you celebrate your birthday, she has to cook a bowl at home. Longevity noodles. Take care of yourself outside. Don’t forget to eat noodles."

My aunt said: "Happy birthday, Zijin, my aunt has prepared a birthday present for you. I will give it to you when you come back during the Chinese New Year."

In the next shot, Liang Zixun appeared on the screen.

The dead boy also deliberately stole a new haircut, and said coolly: "Sister, happy birthday. You said you are twenty-five, hey, in a blink of an eye, I am twenty-one too. Remember when you were a kid, you carried our milk When hitting me? In the winter when I was wearing a linen and pants, you closed the door for me and almost didn't freeze to death..."

I heard my old aunt's background voice saying: "Don't correct those useless, speak well."

Liang Zixun had to say: "Sister, I miss you when I come back during the New Year."

I was already crying, Tan Huan was holding my hand next to me, and I held her tightly.

The two of us were sitting in the third row from the bottom of the auditorium. At this time, everyone in the front row looked back. Seeing me crying, a group of people were busy recording videos and taking pictures of me again.

I can no longer care about other things, just look at the familiar faces on the big screen, from my nanny's house to my grandmother's house, all relatives are present.

My parents also recorded a video, saying happy birthday to me.

I thought it would be done like this, but in the end a new round of pictures came out, and my milk said: "Jun Jin, you have grown up, and you have reached the age to talk about marriage. The happiest thing in grandma's life is to be able to Watching you marry."

Facing the camera, my uncle blushed his eyes and said, "It's not easy to find someone who is close to him. It's good."

Liang Zixun was silent for more than five seconds when facing the camera. I saw him bow his head and shed tears. When he looked up again, he smiled and said: "Sister, get married now. If you don't marry, I can't get married. child."

In the end, my parents were sitting together. I could see that my mom was also in control of her emotions. She smiled and said, "Zijin, Xiangdong has greeted us early for your birthday this time. Let's tell you. You don't know the character of Mom, I'm all suffocated."

As she spoke, her eyes became redder and red, but she forced herself to smile more and more.

She smiled and said: "Zijin, mother bless you and wish you and Xiangdong happiness forever."

After finishing speaking, my mother could not help reaching out to wipe her tears. My dad took her shoulders and said to the camera: "Zijin, dad wishes you a lifetime of happiness, as long as you are happy."

Luo Xiangdong's posture to start my family to propose to him, I couldn't cry. After the video ended, the lights in the theater were on, and hundreds of people in the front row all got up and looked back at me.

Tan Huan took my hand, and I only vaguely heard: "Zijin, let's go."

I was dragged by Tan Huan and out of the cinema room under the gaze of a bunch of strangers. I don't know, all the big screens in the movie theater and the LEDs in the corridor are all playing together. At this time, there were crowds of people outside, and Tan Huan fiercely took photos with me.

I was dumbfounded and couldn't react at all, but let Tan Huan drag me down and took the elevator downstairs under the **** of the security.

In the elevator, Tan Huan and I were the only ones in the elevator. Tan Huan took a tissue and wiped my tears. She also said with red eyes, "Zijin, don't cry, you will spend all your makeup on crying.

When she said that, I couldn't help it, and choked up and asked, "When did you prepare?"

Tan Huan smiled and said, "I learned about it a month ago, and they knew it earlier in Yichuan."

While talking, the elevator went down to the first floor. I thought that as soon as the elevator opened, there must be a crowd of people outside, but unexpectedly there was no one on the first floor of the huge Yintai.

Surprised, my tears were collected. Tan Huan took me to the gate, and the farther I went, the clearer I could see, where there is no one in the mall, and the crowded crowd outside, it looks like a square outside the mall. It's all filled up.

auzw.com Starting from the entrance of the mall, a long red carpet stretches straight ahead, and huge arches made of pure fresh roses line up one after another. The crowd of onlookers was kept out of a safe distance by the mall security, and everyone was taking pictures with their mobile phones.

Seeing me and Tan Huan appear at the gate, bursts of exclamation erupted from the crowd.

Tan Huan said to me: "I'm leaving now."

I was so nervous that I pulled her subconsciously and asked, "Where are you going?"

Tan Huan smiled and said, "I can't stand by your side at this time, just wait for yourself."

After speaking, she ran out from the side door beside her.

I was standing alone at the entrance of the huge shopping mall, with no one behind me and the crowds in front of me. It felt like I could imagine.

I tried not to look too cramped, but fortunately, this scene did not last long. I just stood alone for less than ten seconds, and saw several buildings across from Yintai, all of which became extremely gorgeous at the same time. It was the LED display screen the size of a half high-rise building. All the display screens that can be shown publicly in the streets and alleys that I can see are all one screen. The person in that screen is Luo Xiangdong.

Luo Xiangdong wore a royal blue sweater, with a circle of white shirts exposed at the collar. His handsome face was magnified dozens of times and hundreds of times, and he jumped in front of everyone.

There are countless faces of Luo Xiangdong on countless screens. He seems to be looking at me from all angles, curling up the corners of his lips, smiling and saying, "Liang Zijin, happy birthday."

His low and sweet voice was like an opened cello, instantly causing the crowd in Yintai Square to shout excitedly.

The tears that I finally pressed down came out again uncontrollably. Staring at the largest screen directly opposite, I looked at Luo Xiangdong's face as if looking at him.

He smiled and said: "I often think about your twenty-fifth birthday, what kind of gift should I give to make you unforgettable and very happy. After thinking about it, I have to give myself..."

There were some women screaming frantically in my ears. I glared at the screen, thinking that I would wait for him to show up later. It doesn't make it clear that I was screaming.

"Liang Zijin, in front of so many people today, I will tell you clearly. I, Luo Xiangdong, will marry you in this life. I promise not to watch other women. No matter what happens in the future, even if you dump me , I won’t want you. Don’t you always be afraid that I will be pried away by others, then I’ll tell everyone that you are the only person I want to marry in my life... Zijin, I love you, marry me ."

Luo Xiangdong's voice fell, and the huge venue did not know where the familiar music came from. It was "I Do", and it was Luo Xiangdong's voice.

The song he sang to me for the first time in his life was "I Do".

It is said that the moment a woman is proposed is the happiest in the world. So when Luo Xiangdong proposed marriage in front of thousands of people, I was really happy and dying.

When the big screen is replaced with familiar faces, there are Wei Zheng, Zheng Zeyu, Qin Yichuan, Dou Chao, Yang Hao, Shen Zisong, Tan Huan, kitty, Guan Yue, Han Xuetong, Xu Yifan, Li Zhuke... Those who have appeared in my life. The people in, those who have helped me and laughed.

For example, Wang Huining, I don't know when Luo Xiangdong went to find her. I guess Wang Huining must be happy to see Luo Xiangdong, right?

The key is that these people have long known that Luo Xiangdong wants to propose to me, but I don't know.

I even ate up two cakes in the restaurant like a fool.

Accompanied by the screams from the end of the red carpet, I opened my eyes vigorously and looked forward with my naked eyesight through tears.

Because the distance is too far, I can only slowly move forward with the figure at the end, and then vaguely see that the kingb and queenb are in the lead.

There is a beautiful small sign hanging around kingb's neck, which says: wouldyou.

Queenb was **** with the bride's veil on her head, and the veil covered her body. There was also a small sign hanging around her neck that said: marryme?

Luo Xiangdong then appeared in my sight. He was wearing a long black cashmere coat, revealing the navy blue sweater inside, holding a large bouquet of fiery red roses in his hands. The moment I saw him, I flew towards him without restraint.

God knows, in the future, when I watch this video, I really want to go back in time. I should be standing there and waiting for him to come over, so why not hug me so calmly?

Fortunately, Luo Xiangdong did not stand in place and waited for me to pass. Instead, he opened his arms to me while walking forward.

I threw into his arms and almost stomped to cry. Luo Xiangdong hugged me tightly and buried his face in the fur on my shoulders.

He said in my ear: "Happy?"

"Ah..." I cried so much that I didn't know what my last name was.

Luo Xiangdong patted me on the back and smiled and said, "Calm down, I haven't proposed marriage yet."

Luo Xiangdong's words instantly awakened me. I thought of the tens of thousands of people nearby watching, and instantly held back tears. Luo Xiangdong also took a step back. He knelt on one knee, took out the ring, looked up at me and asked, "Put on the ring, you will be Mrs. Luo from now on, would you?"

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