With Love and Time

Chapter 511: Give him two choices

Upon hearing this, Luo Xiangdong's handsome face, which had been squeezed, showed a gentle and gentle smile. We went back to the hotel room. Luo Xiangdong picked up the phone and called room service. When asked what I wanted to eat, I only said one sentence: "Don't eat meat."

Taking off my boots and jacket, I took advantage of this effort to go to the bathroom and take a shower. When I come out. Just catching up with Luo Xiangdong to open the door.

The hotel waiter brought in two pasta and two regular soups. Luo Xiangdong turned around and saw me standing at the door of the master bedroom in a bathrobe. He said, "Come over and eat."

I walked over. sit on the chair. Looking at the truffle pasta in front of me, I didn't have much appetite. I was really hungry now, so I picked up a fork and rolled up to eat.

I heard Luo Xiangdong answer the phone in the bathroom before. I asked him, "Did Sister Guan Yue answer you? What's the matter with the bank card?"

Luo Xiangdong sat opposite me. Because the hotel room is very warm, he didn't wear a sweater, only a white shirt. Hear the words. He lowered his eyes slightly to eat. He replied as usual: "Stop it."

Although I had already expected it in my mind. But when I heard this, I couldn't help it. Luo Xiangdong looked the same, after taking a bite. He raised his eyes and looked at me, even curled his lips and smiled. He said: "It's over, the card was stopped as soon as I proposed to you. You will really have to live with me in the future."

I stared directly at Luo Xiangdong’s face, thinking that whoever could stop and dare to stop him, besides Luo Zhenye?

I said: "Everyone you propose to marry me is known to everyone. Uncle must be angry?"

Luo Xiangdong replied calmly: "When I was a child, he couldn't be my lord. I just do what I want. I'm thirty, not three years old."

I said: "Now it's not a question of keeping stuck. The key is the uncle's anger. We can't let the elders keep holding their breath with us."

Luo Xiangdong said: "Who made him hold his breath? It was he himself who was out of breath looking for anger."

The appetite I had just lifted dropped to nothing again. Putting down the fork, I said to Luo Xiangdong with my eyes full of worry: "Old people don’t think that way. The elders always have their reason to do things. Your dad thinks I have let down Yiyang, and he thinks that you don’t even want a nephew regardless of family affection. We are both here. Together, he will be angry. This can't be resolved in a day or two. If you smash him, he can only be more angry."

Luo Xiangdong had already rolled up a strand of pasta. Hearing the words, he paused. After all, he put the fork down, then raised his eyes and said to me: "I also tried to talk to him well, but he left a mouthful and I disregarded family affection. I forced Yiyang away with one bite. What do you want me to say? It makes me angry to think about it."

Luo Xiangdong is not a good-tempered master either. It seems that he followed Luo Zhenye. Both father and son are stubborn donkeys.

I said, "Uncle doesn't like the two of us being together, and you deliberately confronted him. Proposing to me makes everyone know that he must give you some color."

Luo Xiangdong laughed with anger and couldn't help saying: "Stop the card? He really thought I couldn't live without the money from my family?"

I said, "Don't get angry with your uncle, things are always going to be resolved."

Luo Xiangdong was silent for a moment, then picked up the fork again and said to me: "Eat, I will solve this problem, you don't have to worry about it."

Having said that, how can I not worry about it? My uncle and nephew went to "destroy" father and son again. It is estimated that Luo Zhenye hates the itch of my teeth now.

When I was not in the mood to eat, Luo Xiangdong said to me: "You can't eat without food. Ji Guanxin has to stay for three days. Don't let him do anything. You go here."

Hey, it's really a wave of unrest. I was so happy last night, but I felt stressful when I got up today.

I don't want Luo Xiangdong to worry about me any more, I have to eat like a waxy fellow. At any rate, I ate a third. I really can't eat it. The key is that I haven't eaten anything for a day, and my stomach is still pumping and painful.

I didn't tell Luo Xiangdong, nor did I show it. After eating and waiting for him to take a shower, we lay on the bed holding hands, closed our eyes and rested.

Having been with Luo Xiangdong for a long time, I can clearly tell if he is asleep. We can lie down for more than half an hour, neither of us moved. I didn't fall asleep, nor did he.

I know that Luo Zhenye’s card suspension is small, and I disagree that we are big together, and Luo Xiangdong’s burden must be heavy.

I didn't call him aloud, I just thought about it myself. First, I thought about Ji Guanxin’s illness, and then thought about how to make Luo Zhenye accept me.

Thinking about it, I fell asleep without knowing when.

Because of the high psychological pressure, I opened my eyes naturally just after 8 o'clock the next morning. Looking sideways, Luo Xiangdong was still sleeping with his eyelashes hanging down.

auzw.com I gently took my mobile phone into the bathroom and called Xu Yifan.

After Xu Yifan connected, Beier excitedly asked me to propose marriage. He didn’t know that Ji Guan Xinsheng was sick, so I waited for him to finish, then calmly said: “Brother Yifan, I’ll ask you for a few days off. In Japan."

Xu Yifan asked in surprise: "Are you in Japan? When did you go? Is this the rhythm of your honeymoon?"

I didn't say anything, but just said in passing: "There are some things to deal with. In the last few days, I have specified that I can't go back to Night City. The travel agency can only trouble you to take care of it first."

Xu Yifan said cheerfully: "It's okay, you play with yours, just remember to come back, don't miss Shu."

I greeted Xu Yifan, and I called my mother again, also telling her that I am currently in Japan and Ji Guanxin will take three days to determine the final result.

My mother comforted me and said, "Zijin, don't feel too uncomfortable. Let's do our best to obey the destiny."

My mood today is obviously much more stable than yesterday, or it may be that I overdrawn too much yesterday. Now I feel sore in my heart, but I can't cry.

I said, "Mom, I never thought that Ji Guanxin would have such a serious illness. If I had known...I would have treated him better before."

My mother sighed and said with emotion: "Don't say you didn't expect it, Mom didn't expect it. You see that the child is innocent, who knows he has a heart disease? The key is that he doesn't say it himself. He even drank and smoked with your dad. Doesn't this harm my body?"

I used to say that I would regret after losing, but now that Ji Guanxin is still there, I already regret it deeply.

Seeing that I was silent, my mother asked in a low voice, "Where is Xiangdong?"

I said: "Still sleeping."

My mother said: "Zi Jin, you are used to being careless, and you don't pay attention to what you say or do. Mom has to mention you. Now Xiangdong proposes to you. Although you haven't got the certificate, you are still half a couple. You are here. When visiting in Japan, I usually have a sense of measure in my words and deeds. Don't let Xiangdong think that you are still with Ji Guanxin."

I said, "Mom, the things I have with Ji Guanxin have passed, and I also told Xiangdong. This time I visited as his wife. Xiangdong is not the kind of person who just competes regardless of occasion. ."

My mother said, "Xiang Dong is a good boy, so you have to restrain yourself. Others don't say you are unscrupulous."

"I know."

After hanging up the phone, I also asked my mother: "Mom, you will go to my nurse's house again today, and some more incense sticks, bless Ji Guanxin can survive these three days."

My mother replied: "You don't need to say, I'm worried about your milk if I didn't go, saying that I had incense three times a day yesterday."

After the conversation, I sat on the edge of the bathtub in a daze with my mobile phone, looking at the light yellow floor tiles on the floor, I felt that there was very little I could do for Ji Guanxin. Apart from rushing to see him, all that was left was to pray for God and worship Buddha.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I stepped out. There is half a wall between the bathroom and the master bedroom. I heard Luo Xiangdong’s voice. He couldn’t tell whether it was unpleasant or provocative: “You tell my dad that I’m begging for marriage, and I have to make a decision. He If you want to force me to do something like this, then I can only reply to him, impossible."

I froze for a moment, and then walked out quickly. Luo Xiangdong sat on the head of the bed, holding his mobile phone, that was really unhappy.

I guessed that the person in the phone must be Guan Lin, so I winked at Luo Xiangdong and motioned to him to speak well. When Luo Xiangdong looked up and saw me, the expression on his face became a little less.

I don’t know what Guan Lin said on the phone, Luo Xiangdong just said: "Okay, he said that, right? Then you tell him, I also give him two choices now. One I stay at Luo's work, give He saves face, don’t let outsiders think that something happened to Luo’s family, I have to go to work outside. But he has to pay me as usual, the monthly salary and annual salary dividends cannot be less, and I have to be a senior citizen; if so He was really blocked when he saw me, so I simply resigned from Luo's position as president and went out to find a job. It would save him from worry."

I climbed onto the bed, stretched out my hand to pull Luo Xiangdong's arm, frowned and stared at him, why did I speak so aggressively?

Luo Xiangdong held my hand back and clasped my fingers. His palm is big and warm, wrapping my hand in it, steady and firm.

Getting closer, I heard Guan Lin’s voice on the phone. He said, "Xiang Dong, your dad is just getting angry. He had a heart bypass operation just a year ago. You asked me to tell him that. Mad at him?"

Luo Xiangdong's thin lips opened, and his voice fell a little bit low, but he still said firmly: "It's not me who is pushing him now, it's him who is pushing me in a different way."

After that, without waiting for what Guan Lin said, Luo Xiangdong said to himself: "I am in Japan with Zijin and cannot return home immediately. These few days have just given him time to calm down. We will wait for everything to be said after we return. If he returns this attitude, Don't blame me for angering him, well, I'll hang up."

Guan Lin also really spoiled Luo Xiangdong. If it were my mother, it would have been **** with three big ears. I don't have the courage of Luo Xiangdong, and I dare to challenge Luo Zhenye across Guan Lin.

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