Liu Wuxin, this name is an unknown name in contemporary times. Not to mention Kyushu, even the Tianlong Dynasty is rarely known.

But hundreds of years later, this name has frightened countless powerful people in Kyushu. They know his name but dare not call him by his name.

After fighting her way out of the Tianlong Dynasty, she fought all the way to the T0 position in the version, stepping on the sea of ​​blood and mountains of corpses, and achieved the reputation of the Empress of the Demon Cult.

Chen Mo looked at the girl in the prison car with uncontrollable excitement in his eyes. This was the future empress of the Demon Cult, Liu Wuxin.

Hundreds of years later, she became a woman who made the entire Kyushu fearful.

At this moment, Liu Wuxin is just a weak woman with no strength. She may not be as good as an ordinary woman, but Chen Mo knows that in a few hundred years, she will become the second one on the land of Kyushu. A person who masters the art of life and death, flesh and bones.

She is the key to breaking the situation.

Chen Mo thought for a long time. In this era, Ye Liangchen is almost invincible. He cannot fight or escape the fate of death, but he can live toward death.

Death is not terrible, but death is terrible.

If, hundreds of years later, Liu Wuxin can resurrect himself, then even if he dies today, then there is nothing to fear.

What's more, the version T0 hundreds of years later is Liu Wuxin.

"Hey, what's your name?"

The prison car was moving forward, and Chen Mo followed it. He tentatively spoke to Liu Wuxin in the prison car.

A pair of empty eyes stared blankly ahead. Liu Wuxin ignored Chen Mo and squatted quietly like a puppet.

"This place must be very miserable. Don't worry, I will rescue you."

Chen Mo looked around and found that the officers and soldiers had not noticed him, and quickly called out in a low voice.

Pebbles flew from a distance and hit Liu Wuxin's body. Her head was also bleeding, but she remained silent.

He didn't feel happy at all because the other party said he would save her, and he didn't even see a trace of movement on his face.

Those strange-colored eyes were hollow and lifeless, and his thin body remained indifferent even when others threw stones at him.

Does it hurt?

Of course it hurts

However, I am already numb.

Chen Mo grabbed his chest. When he recalled Liu Wuxin's past, he felt his heart suddenly twitching and heartache...

Liu Wuxin's childhood was very miserable. She was regarded as the source of disaster because she was born with abnormal eyes. Her parents abandoned her on the roadside on a snowy night.

Later, an old beggar picked her up and raised her.

However, the old beggar was not a kind person. The reason why he took Liu Wuxin home was because he was interested in her daughter and planned to raise her and then 'eat' her...

At the age of six, Liu Wuxin looked young and cute, which already made the old beggar have evil intentions. However, at this time, the old beggar discovered that she had several disgusting pimples on her hands.

The old beggar didn't know what it was, but he had a hunch that it was definitely not a good thing. If he dared to get his hands on it, it might kill him suddenly.

So, the old beggar took a knife and cut off the lumps on Liu Wuxin's hands. The bloody patch made the six-year-old Liu Wuxin feel distressed for a day and a night, and then he passed out.

When Liu Wuxin woke up, she had been sold to a brothel by an old beggar.

Liu Wuxin, who was only six years old and could not accept customers, could only work as a handyman in a brothel.

But what kind of good place is a brothel? If something goes wrong, he will be verbally abused at least, or punched and kicked at worst. Liu Wuxin spent three months of despair.

Three months later, the pimples on her body grew more and more, and because of this, she was discovered by the madam.

Even if a sick woman leaves the pavilion, there will be no customers, and she may infect other girls.

The old bustard sent Liu Wuxin to be beaten and thrown out of the brothel.

Liu Wuxin, covered with bruises and bruises, was once again dying on a snowy night.

This cold night, this body full of injuries, this miserable world, am I in the human world? Perhaps, the word hell is more appropriate to describe it.

Perhaps dying here would be easier than living in hell.

Just when Liu Wuxin closed her eyes in despair, a man rescued her and healed her injuries.

Just when she thought she had finally escaped from the abyss, she didn't expect that this was just the beginning of entering another abyss.

Demon Refining

With ten thousand poisons as the gas and hundreds of insects as the body, they are placed in the cauldron. When the ten thousand poisons merge, the hundreds of insects continue to fight in the cauldron. In the end, only the last one of the hundred insects is left, which devours the formed All poisons can create the core of a demon.

And Liu Wuxin was one of the furnaces used to create demons.

As a furnace, you have to experience the pain of being gnawed at your heart by all kinds of poisons and the pain of hundreds of insects invading your body. That kind of pain is heartbreaking, and once it attacks, it is more painful than death.

Death is the best destination for the furnace.

But how could those in power let Luding die so easily? Whenever someone begs for death, they will order someone to take action immediately to save them, and then a new round of torture will follow.

Six years, nearly six years later, Liu Wuxin has completely lost hope in life. She no longer expects a happy life, she only hopes that she can leave this hell-like world as soon as possible.

"I will rescue you. I will not let you stay in this hell anymore. I will not let you get hurt or suffer anymore..."

Chen Mo grasped the bars of the cage tightly with both hands and said with firm eyes.

These were Chen Mo's true words. Every time he thought of Liu Wuxin's experience, his heart ached. How many days and nights had he thought about transmigrating to her childhood and rescuing her.


Liu Wuxin still remained silent. It seemed that she had not heard Chen Mo's words. Perhaps, she had heard them, but she would not believe them or dare not believe them.


Another stone flew towards Liu Wuxin. Chen Mo, with quick eyes and quick hands, grabbed the flying stone, then turned around and shouted angrily: "Are you all crazy? Why do you treat her like this if she has any grudge against you?"

"Born with strange eyes, that is the source of disaster"

"She will only bring us misfortune if she remains in this world."

"Kill her, kill this source of disaster, and we will have a good life."

"For you to speak for her like this, you must be an accomplice of the source of this disaster. Go ahead and smash him to death."

The overwhelming stones were flying towards Liu Wuxin in dense numbers. Of course, more of them were flying towards Chen Mo, the guy who spoke out for the source of the disaster.

Within a few breaths, Chen Mo was beaten to a bloody head.

At this time, the accompanying officers and soldiers also discovered Chen Mo's presence, "Who are you and what are you doing here? Are you trying to hijack a car?"

One by one, the officers and soldiers held the swords at their waists and drew their swords and rushed towards him with murderous intent.

"Bold, I am Chen Mo, the son of Chen Dewang, the young minister of Dali Temple. You dare to touch me?"

Chen Mo shouted loudly and drew his sword. The officers and soldiers stopped and looked embarrassed. The onlookers who were throwing stones also stopped. They lowered their heads in fear, threw away the stones in their hands, and said, "I don't know anything." It wasn't me. 's appearance.

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