After coming out of the Penal Department Prison, Long Hua went straight to the Imperial City, passed through the White Stone Imperial Road, and came all the way to the Tai Chi Hall.

After the Empress ascended the throne, she worked hard to govern and sit in court every day. In the first few years, the ministers had to get up earlier than a chicken and go to bed later than a dog every day. They were also worried that the Empress would be deposed due to the rise of the imperial examination. Official position.

Half a year ago, the empress was obsessed with Martial Dao, and the morning court meeting was changed to once every ten days, which indirectly gave many ministers a chance to rest; but today, before the tenth day, the empress notified all officials to have an early morning court meeting, which can't help but arouse people's imagination. Whether something big happened.

Long Hua came to the Tai Chi Hall, looked around at the many ministers, and felt a thump in his heart. He glanced up at the woman on the dragon chair with a guilty conscience, and then quickly lowered his head.

"I heard that King Ning intends to rebel, and for this purpose he is refining demons to fight against the Zhenwu Division. This matter has been spread in the imperial capital. At this time, your Majesty summoned hundreds of officials to attend the morning meeting. Is it because of this matter?"

"The tabloids are not trustworthy. Maybe someone is deliberately slandering Prince Ning and pouring cold water on him. Your Majesty should not believe these rumors."

"If others say it, I will not believe it, but the article was written by Mr. Xu. I think it is not groundless. Your Majesty has summoned Prince Ning now, and I am afraid he will confront him face to face."

The buzz around him made Long Hua's face look even more ugly. He bowed his hands and gently raised his head to look up at the empress sitting firmly on the dragon chair behind the bead curtain in the middle of the hall. He pretended to be calm and said: "Prince Ning's crown prince, Long Hua, is here to see your majesty. , I wonder what important matter your Majesty has summoned his younger brother."

The bead curtain was hung high, blocking the face of the woman on the dragon chair. All the officials could only vaguely see a beautiful figure, with slender jade hands supporting her cheek, and a cold voice came from behind the bead curtain, "Long Hua, the conspiracy is true. Fake".

Actually get straight to the point?

When the empress said these words, not only Long Hua, but also all the officials were surprised.

Long Hua knelt down with a 'plop' and said, "Your Majesty, you are unjust. My father has worked hard to guard Northern Xinjiang for more than 20 years and has never had a disobedient heart. This is slander. Someone is slandering my father."

"Your Majesty, think twice and don't listen to the villain's slander. Someone must want to split our Tianlong Dynasty. It cannot be believed."

"That's right, the Tianlong Dynasty is prospering with one heart and one mind. There must be someone who can't see it. They want to alienate Prince Ning and create a gap in His Majesty's heart. If His Majesty is gullible, my Tianlong Dynasty Myriad Tribulations will definitely be destroyed."

Prince Ning had nepotistic ministers in the court. If he was defeated, those nepotistic ministers would be implicated. At this moment when the empress questioned Long Hua, these people could not sit still and stood up one after another to say good things for Prince Ning.

The empress behind the bead curtain did not answer, but instead said loudly: "Li Xiao and Pei Jiangnan, the military commanders of Chuanzhen."

As he finished speaking, Long Hua's eyelids jumped wildly. What were the people from Chuanzhen Wusi doing at this time? Did they really have key evidence?

Impossible, he obviously hid it so well...Chen Mo, does Chen Mo really know anything? Their earlier plan to rob the prison was obviously flawless, and the people dispatched were all the confidants of Prince Ning's Mansion, so the news could not be leaked. However, Chen Mo still intercepted the news, which has always made Long Hua worried.

Now, the Zhenwu Division was dispatched again, and Long Hua began to feel a little uneasy.

Li Xiao, who was wearing a black robe with a unicorn embroidered on his chest, hurriedly led Pei Jiangnan all the way to the main hall. He first bowed his hands in salute, and then said respectfully: "Your Majesty, yesterday I inspected three strongholds fifty miles outside the city. The demon refining places in the imperial capital are all the same...".


Hearing this, Long Hua was like a bolt from the blue, and his mind was in a state of confusion. Those three strongholds were so secretive. How did they find them? The Zhenwu Division clearly had so many informants from their Prince Ning's Mansion. Why didn't he receive any news last night?

He acted beyond his line of sight, and his actions were so resolute...

Long Hua looked at the woman behind the bead curtain in horror, and his heart became more and more frightened. At this moment, he actually felt that his every move was known by the other party, and a bad premonition came to his heart.

"What was discovered?"

The empress said calmly.

Li Xiao nodded slightly and said: "I searched two places, just like the strongholds in the imperial capital. No one behind the scenes was found. However, my subordinate Pei Jiangnan found some clues."

Pei Jiangnan took a step forward, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I found a letter at the stronghold, with the seal of Prince Ning's Palace underneath it. Not only that, the general also found the special token of Prince Ning...".

While talking, Pei Jiangnan presented the letters and tokens one by one.

The empress waved her hand gently, and the old eunuch beside her hurriedly ran down, took the letter and token, and walked around the hall. All the officials looked at the letter and token.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the entire hall was extremely depressing.

Long Hua's eyes were fixed on the letter and the token, and his body trembled with fear, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this, this is slander, someone must be slandering my brother...".

"Slander? Does the letter have the seal of Prince Ning's Palace? Is the token your special token? Were these all found at the stronghold, or do you think my Zhenwu Division cannot be trusted?"


Long Hua stammered and was speechless for a moment. The officials who had originally spoken for him fell silent when they saw the solid evidence.

"Long Hua is suspected of treason. He has taken the Zhenwu Secretary into custody and waited for his fate. He sent the order and ordered Prince Ning to go to the capital alone to prove his innocence. If not... poof"

Before the empress finished speaking, her body suddenly froze, and blood mist sprayed out of her mouth, dyeing the bead curtain in front of the dragon chair red.

In an instant, the entire court was in chaos, and the old eunuch holding the letter and token suddenly exclaimed, "Quickly, send the imperial doctor...".


The prison door of the Criminal Department was suddenly opened. Chen Mo, who was lying on the tattered straw mat, looked up at the door and said with a smile: "Brother Pei, you are finally here."

Pei Jiangnan smiled slightly and said, "Fortunately, Brother Chen."

"Did you gain anything from the place I asked you to check last night?"

"Yes, as Brother Chen said, all three strongholds were searched. Mr. Li went to two places, and Mr. Long and I went to the most suspicious place you mentioned. I actually found the letter from Prince Ning and the prince's order. Card; today in the morning, I presented two things to His Majesty, which can be regarded as convicting Prince Ning. Your Majesty also asked Prince Ning to come to the capital to prove his innocence, but..."

"But what?"

"His Majesty suddenly fell ill, causing chaos in the DPRK."


Chen Mo jumped up immediately and stared at Pei Jiangnan in surprise, "Your Majesty is ill?"

"Yes, I vomited blood and fainted on the spot."

"This is impossible"

Chen Mo raised his eyebrows with a complicated look on his face. He remembered that Long Aotian clearly took away the golden cicada that day, and also asked him how to repair the damaged meridians...

Didn't Long Aotian dedicate the golden cicada to the empress?

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