In the late autumn evening, the wind blows a little cool, and people's emotions become a little messy.

Hearing Chen He's question, Liu Fang's eyes did not change in the slightest.


What's wrong?" "What are you talking about, did I get off work a few minutes early, or did I ask my uncle to add a few more chili peppers when I was shopping for groceries?"

Chen He squinted slightly, staring at her eyes tightly, trying to find a flaw.

It's a pity that this middle-aged woman behaved impeccably.

At this time, he didn't feel in a hurry.

Sitting on the bench, his slender fingers resting on it, knocking on and out.

"Nurse Liu is really worthy of being a person who has worked on the front line for more than 20 years, and she is not chaotic in the face of danger, and she can deal with it calmly.

Chen He began to change his offensive and began to praise Liu Fanglai instead.

She smiled, and seemed to take the compliment.

"That's natural, after all, we are used to seeing life and death in hospitals, and when those patients are on the verge of death, it is natural to be surprised by other things.

"You're looking for me to compliment me? If so, I think I've already received it, and I don't want to accompany me when I go home."

After speaking, Liu Fang was ready to turn around and leave.

This young man's mind is too deep to grasp.

Chen He stopped her.

"Wait, Nurse Liu, this is your daughter, right?"

Chen He held up his mobile phone, and there were some high school students about fifteen or sixteen years old, with high ponytails, and the breath of youth came to his face.

Liu Fang glanced at it, and her expression immediately became stagnant.

"You, how do you know that this is my daughter, you investigate me?"

she stepped forward and forced Chen He in, and her whole body began to exude the majesty that belonged to her mother.

Chen He put away the picture on his phone, slid it to a middle school website, and showed her the content on it.

"She studied in the middle school affiliated to my workplace, and she also won the three good students of the year, and by chance, I found that she is very similar to your eyebrows.

"I'm not looking into you. "

Actually, this is the information that Chen He just spent money to find, not by himself.

Where in the world can there be so many

coincidences? Man-made coincidences cannot be counted as coincidences.

This is just because he doesn't want Liu Fang to seize the handle.

Chen He said it reasonably, which eliminated some of the doubts and vigilance in Liu Fang's eyes, but it did not completely fade.

"What do you want to say?"

At this moment, Liu Fang's panic could be clearly felt, and Chen He felt that the dialogue between the two had finally entered an effective stage.

"Why are you so nervous, Head Nurse Liu, why don't you sit down and talk?"

Liu Fang sat patiently on the bench and waited for him to speak.

"As you may have heard, I was one of the babies who was swapped by mistake twenty-five years ago.

"I lived in the Bai family for twenty-five years, and then I was suddenly told that it was the Chen family.

Liu Fang's eyes moved, and then said, "I heard it, I sympathize with you." "

Other than that, there are no more words.

Chen He knew that this person could be the mastermind, or even the main culprit, and he must have something extraordinary, and he had to fight her psychologically.

So Chen He continued.

"Everyone thinks that my more than 20 years of affluent life was stolen.

"They sneered at me, they mocked me, and even my five sisters, whom I had cared for for many years, found me disgusted to the core.

"They wish I was going to die.

"What does Nurse Liu think?"

Liu Fang, who was originally just listening quietly, was suddenly named, and the fingers of her left hand were unconsciously raised.

"I think it's just fate.

She only gave this short answer, but it made the corners of Chen He's mouth rise a lot.

"Fate makes people?"

"However, it has now been confirmed that this fate was manipulated.

"That nurse, do you know that?" Chen

He threw another question at her.

Liu Fang was very calm at the moment.

"I don't know. "

I don't know, but she has also worked in this hospital for more than 20 years, don't you know?" Liu

Fang raised her chin and said without any hypocrisy.

"I don't know, there are so many departments and so many floors in the hospital, and there are too many people coming in and out every year.

"Do I have to get to know each one?" Chen

He squinted slightly, trying to find a flaw in her face.

If you don't know each other, just ask someone from the hospital to find out.

However, if they have the intention to hide it, they will not find out.

Chen He nodded and continued.

"Also, it's normal not to know each other.

"So Nurse Liu had such a good relationship with my parents back then, why didn't I have much contact after I was born?"

There is a reason for the estrangement of any relationship.

The muscles on Liu Fang's face twitched unconsciously, and his eyes also evaded.

"Isn't it normal for everyone to have their own families, and we're not in the same unit anymore.

Her gaze stayed on the darkened sky, and she didn't look at Chen He again.

"Hehe, that's right.

Chen He smiled, slid his phone again, and called up Liu Fang's daughter.

"Your daughter is lovely.

"Anyway, I won't live long, so I might as well take her down to play."

When Liu Fang heard this, she stood up and glared angrily at Chen He.

"What are you talking about, are you crazy?"

Only when he mentioned the people he cared about, Liu Fang's mood would fluctuate.

Chen He also stood up and looked at her condescendingly.

"I have cancer, and I don't live long, seeing that your daughter is so cute, can't you want to have a companion?"

Liu Fang stretched out his hand to slap Chen He, but he took a step back and avoided it.

"You're not sick, if you want to die, hurry up and die, don't pull my daughter, you can't see anyone else, right?"

Anger appeared on her face, and her expression became fierce.

Chen He smiled, his eyes became cold, and his aura changed, no longer the young man who was polite just now.

"Aren't you the same

?" "Do you dare to say that you didn't have your hand to change the baby by mistake back then?" "

Since my family is going to be ruined, why should the murderer get away with it!"

Chen He's emotions became excited, and resentment and anger flowed from his angry eyes.

Liu Fang choked for a moment, and the impatience of the sudden revelation and the threat of her daughter made her no longer calm, so that she didn't deny it at the first time.

"You, you are talking nonsense, I was not in that delivery room at all, how could I manipulate it?"

"You are

a madman!" Chen He laughed, like a real madman.

"I am, so I'd rather kill by mistake than let it go.

"Just wait. "

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