The Spartan Empire was just a small empire, and they didn’t want to get involved in the struggle between these large empires before, because it could basically be understood as sending death.

However, they did not dare to disobey the instructions of the Skrull Empire, so they could only send more than half of the Empire’s warships to support the Dark Order with the help of the fleets of some of the Skrull member countries.

But I didn’t expect them to come to the evening, and their support targets have already been destroyed!

What the commander of the Spartan Empire fleet did not expect was still behind, and the fleet of the Zefan Kingdom, one of the member states of the Skrul Empire, actually directly launched an attack on the Star Spirit fleet!

Originally, it was possible to retreat safely and steadily, and afterwards ask the Skrurl member states what to do next, but now it seems that there is no way, let’s fight.

“Commander Gillier! We need a reasonable explanation afterwards! He roared frantically in fleet communications.

“Retreat! Retreat immediately!! Then he hung up the communication without waiting for the other party to respond, and immediately issued a retreat order to his imperial fleet.

A super battleship that looks like the pride of Otaris, and if they continue to fight, I am afraid that they will all die here.

As for the attitude of the Skrull Empire, let them die!

It’s just that what this commander doesn’t know is that the flagship of the Zefan Kingdom has already been destroyed after a round of strafing from the Arden Spear just now.

“Your Majesty, they have already begun to retreat, do you want to continue the pursuit?”

Arden’s spear pushed all the way, and the combined fleet, which had the slight upper hand, had long been defeated.

“Inform the executive officer of the Armada of Tassadar to use the Spear of Arden as a folding coordinate to support the dreadnoughts and surround these debris.”

Levi was furious this time, and the actions of the Skrull Empire made him feel very unhappy.

When they fought the Kree Empire, the Star Spirit Empire did not participate in it, but now, Levi has changed his mind.

It just so happens that he has been having trouble recently, so he will take them first!

“Tassadar has responded, and within ten minutes they will be at their destination.” Soon Arden turned to report to Levi.

“I can’t wait to see their desperate expressions, attack with all my might!”

Soon, the Star Spirit Battleship with full firepower made these guys who didn’t know the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth feel the absolute gap in what is called force.

After the storm battleship unlocked the attack limit, the roaring unstable force field energy ball made them suffer.

“We can’t hold out for long, the enemy’s combat effectiveness is not as strong as we imagined!” The adjutant of the Spartan fleet shouted at their commander.

Because outside the porthole is the roar of roaring cannons, and their flagship has already been hit twice, it is already lucky not to crash.

“We must leave the battlefield immediately, Commander

“I know! No need for you to remind me! The commander grabbed the adjutant’s collar and roared with red eyes.

Then he violently pushed his adjutant away, immediately turned around and ordered: “Abandon our so-called allies, move at full speed, get out of this battlefield, throw off those Star Spirit fighters on our backs, and let their group of people get out of trouble!” ”

The flagship of the Spartan fleet instantly accelerated and began to retreat towards the periphery of the battlefield, behind which the Spartan Imperial warships were desperately covering them, because this commander was a member of the Spartan royal family.

On the other side, the combined fleet, which had lost their support, quickly fell to the downwind.

“Your Majesty, there is a fleet that is leaving the battlefield, it is the people of the Spartan Empire.” Arden stood with his hands in his hands, his eyes indifferently watching the fleet that left the center of the battle.

“They can’t leave, how long will it take?”

Levi asked calmly.

“Nineteen seconds, Your Majesty.”

“Good show, debuted, despair will make them regret their decision.”

Soon, the Spartan fleet left the battlefield, abandoning its allies.

“Commander, we have escaped the pursuit of the Star Spirit Empire and will soon be able to reach the nearest jump node from here, but the fleet has lost more than one-fifth.” The adjutant of the Spartan fleet said.

“Speed up, we must…”

The commander of Sparta was stuck before he finished speaking, and he looked at the behemoth that suddenly appeared in front of his fleet in disbelief.

“Oh, no…”


The huge shadow of the pride of Otaris instantly shrouded the entire Spartan fleet, the energy shield was propped up, and even the naval guns were not activated, so they directly crashed their flagship into a cloud of sparks!

And the shield of the pride of Ottaris, just a ripple.

“Your Majesty, the Armada has arrived on the battlefield, please instruct.” Tassadar stood in the bridge command room, calmly asking Levi for instructions.

“Start attacking, leave no one.”


Immediately afterwards, the spaceport inside the Pride of Otaris opened, and one warship after another flew out of it and pounced on the nearest Spartan fleet to them.

Terrifying artillery fire instantly enveloped the entire enemy fleet.

“The Pride weapon system of Otaris lifts the restrictions, fires with all its might, and defeats them!”

The supreme creature of the Star Spirit Empire is their three ark ships, and the fear brought to the enemy by the appearance of two ark ships at the same time is not comparable to that of an ordinary fleet.

Moreover, these combined fleets are not armies of insect insects, they do not have an endless sea of insects to use to break the shields of the ark ships.

Soon, in just a few hours, this huge fleet was completely destroyed under the siege of the three main fleets of the Star Spirit Empire, and no one was let go.

“Your Majesty, there is no life reaction in the battlefield, we have won.” Arden said softly.

Death, he has long been commonplace.

“Issue an ultimatum to the Skrull Empire to hand over the mastermind of this operation, and contact the Kree Empire, I want to make a deal with them.” Levi ordered with an indifferent expression.

This time, if the Skrull Empire does not give him a satisfactory answer, I am afraid that from now on, the three major empires will have to change one.

As for why he didn’t directly lead the fleet to break through the Skrulll defense line with the Kree Empire, it was because he didn’t want to cheapen the Kree Empire.

The Star Spirit Empire is very far away from Skrul, and it is not capable of eating their resource planet or habitable planet, and finally can only watch the Kree Empire feast.

He has no habit of being an enemy. _

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