With ten trillion disciples, my demon sect is invincible!

Chapter 126 One of the Eight Cities of David

At this time, the entire Tianjiao battlefield has noticed Zhou Qiong's name. Although this is only the first time the list has been announced, and it will continue to change in the future, it is enough to show how powerful Zhou Qiong is!

In the Tianjiao battlefield, there are more than hundreds of millions of Tianjiao who have entered. They are all figures of their own. Who is not a genius of his own race? The human race Zhou Qiong can be ranked among the top three and is an absolute ruthless person!

Chu Xiong, who was in the other direction, also looked up at Zhou Qiong's name and frowned deeply!

The top two on the list of geniuses also appeared at this time!

"Second place, Yangzhou, Wu Clan, Wu Yuan!"

"First place, Zhongzhou, Shenzu, Guangyu"

Zhou Qiong mainly looked at the Witch Clan, after all, they were in the same place as him, and then ignored these two names, because he would see them sooner or later. At this time, the voice of the system came to mind again in his mind!

"Ding, start the task of robbing the city, rob one of the eight great cities of Tianjiao City, and reward the host with a level of cultivation. Do you accept the task?"


Fei Zhu continued to fly forward. This battlefield was too big. Even if it advanced at full speed, it would probably take several years to reach the Acropolis!

Zhou Qiong sat in Feixu and began to sort out his skills. Outside, millions of demon soldiers and many high-level officials of the demon sect began to fight crazily!

This will be the best place for them to improve their cultivation!

Time turns,

Two years have passed. In addition to sorting out his own skills, Zhou Qiong will often kill some ferocious beasts to maintain his ranking!

Zhou Qiong has sorted out the skills he has practiced in the past two years, especially the Sky-Swallowing Demon Skill, which has allowed him to advance to the fourth level, and his swallowing attributes have also been enhanced again! Even Zhou Qiong felt like he could swallow up the Heavenly Tribulation and strengthen himself!

At this time, Mo Wudao's voice came from outside Fei Chu,

"Reporting to the leader, Xuanbu has sent a message. Three thousand miles ahead we will reach one of the Eight Great Walls. That city is now occupied by the Shura Clan. The strongest member of the Shura Clan is the Blood Dragon, and the genius is ranked eleventh!"

"Okay! Go to that Acropolis!"

"As you command!"

Three thousand miles away, there is a huge acropolis, which is full of prosperity. Countless creatures and races are setting up stalls, selling goods, and exchanging things. Some are running shops and even brothels!

The Tianjiao battlefield has existed since ancient times, and all the major forces here know the rules. One of them is that force cannot be used within the Eight Great Walls, not to mention killing people, even injuring people.

Therefore, every time Tianjiao Battlefield opens, the Eight Great Davids City will be extremely prosperous. All the major forces in the Eastern Region will open shops, set up stalls here, communicate with each other and buy things.

After all, the Eastern Territory is too big. Even those who are powerful in the Holy Realm do not leave their own continent. Therefore, this battlefield that can build the thirty-six states of the Eastern Territory will become an extremely prosperous trading place every time it is opened!

However, all creatures doing business in the Acropolis need to pay taxes to the City Lord's Palace, otherwise the City Lord's Palace has the right to expel them!

The City Lord's Mansion of this acropolis is now occupied by the Shura clan. If you want to replace the opponent, you need to seize the City Lord's Mansion. There will be a challenge to the City Lord's Mansion every other month. On that day, killing is not prohibited in the City Lord's Mansion!

On a main street, some creatures were setting up street stalls leisurely. The moment they entered the acropolis, they were already safe. They did not intend to leave the acropolis. The purpose of coming was to do business and they would stay until When the war is over, they go back!

Everyone is talking to each other!

"I heard that none of the blood wolves who challenged me a few days ago came out alive,"

"Yeah, you'll know if you look up and see that the name of the wolf picture has disappeared!"

"Oh, the same goes for Wolf Tu. He dares to challenge the blood dragon even though he is only ranked 30th on the list of geniuses. Isn't he looking for death?"

Next to several stall owners, there was a young man wearing simple clothes. There was a rag on the ground and a few things. He was sitting on a rocking chair with a comfortable look on his face!

Next to him stood a young girl in a green shirt, who pushed the man next to her!

He hummed softly and said, "Senior brother, it's hard to come to this battlefield once, but you just brought me to the Acropolis. You are cheating people like this every day, what's the point!"

The man glanced at the woman and said, "Little junior sister, how can this be called cheating? I just deceived them about some fairy stones!

And you, don’t think I don’t know that you just sneaked out of the city and robbed two warriors. I tell you, you must not leave the city! It's very dangerous out there! "

"All right!"

The woman nodded, but she still looked a little longingly outside the city. After all, she could rob some warriors outside and make money faster, which was much better than fooling people in the city.

Then the woman looked at the City Lord's Mansion and said, "Brother, do you think the Shura Clan can always defend the City Lord's Mansion!"

The man pointed to the list of geniuses above his head and said, "There are not many people in the top ten yet. Currently, the eight great cities will change their owners sooner or later!"

After hearing this, the woman nodded speciously, but her eyes were still staring outside the city, showing longing!

"Roar, roar, roar" The huge roar of the magic dragon came from outside the Acropolis!

All the creatures in the city looked up, and some curious creatures had already flown above the city wall! Among them was the girl in green. The man watched his little junior sister run up to the city wall, and followed him with a look of helplessness! Who let the other party be his childhood sweetheart and junior sister!

At this time, many creatures looked at the flying demon dragon flying over, and the millions of demon soldiers shrank their eyes. Although they didn't know who it was, they knew it was definitely extraordinary just by relying on this momentum!

"Who is this? He brought so many people here. Is he the emperor? He is so pretentious!"

"I don't know, but he is definitely not simple!"

Just when everyone was still guessing, a creature with a pig's head and a human body said angrily, "This is Zhou Qiong, the big devil. He has done all kinds of evil. I don't know how many creatures he has slaughtered, even my girlfriend, my girlfriend..." When the pig said this, he covered his face and cried!

The people around him looked at the pig with horror. This is really unlucky. His girlfriend will not be killed by a woman!

This pig looks like this. How good can his girlfriend be? The other party's taste is heavy enough!

But why does the name Zhou Qiong sound so familiar? The surrounding creatures were confused at first, then suddenly raised their heads, opened their mouths, and said in horror, "You are not talking about Zhou Qiong, who is third on the Tianjiao list!"

The pig nodded!

Damn! Many creatures were shocked. Although no one had seen Zhou Qiong, the entire battlefield knew this person. After all, as long as they looked up, they could see his name. Who could not remember it?

"The Shura clan is going to be miserable this time! I guess the city lord's mansion can't be defended."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, no fighting is allowed in the city. What are we afraid of? If there is anything to be afraid of, it should be the Shura clan!"

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