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But now that she saw the pet store with a bunch of cute cats, she couldn’t help it, so after hearing Gokawa Shido’s proposal, she immediately nodded.

The two walked into a pet store, which seemed to specialize in cat-related things, as well as other animal items, but not many.

“What do you two need?”

A very cute female clerk came over and asked with a smile.

PS: Thank you all for your support!

One hundred fifty-three, the cat slave met

this clerk was a very beautiful woman, with special long orange hair and a sincere smile on her face, and when she saw a man and a woman walking in, she immediately greeted her.

“Let’s just see for ourselves…”

Wuhe Shidao said casually, speaking of the cat lady Sanqiang bought a small flower cat to buy, it is estimated that she went to raise it.

Therefore, it is time to learn some knowledge about raising cats.

“Ah…” Tokisaki

ignored the clerk and instead looked at the kitten in the store with a look of intoxication.

“This is your girlfriend?”

The clerk asked with a chuckle.


Gokawa Shido nodded and acknowledged.

“What about a

cute girl…” the

clerk smiled, she looked at Tokisaki’s side face, if it was such a cute girl, she would definitely be very successful if she became an idol!

“That’s how I think too.”

Gokawa Shido said with a complacent smile, in his mind, the elves are the cutest beings.


Tokisaki seemed to be talking to the kitten.

“You can try this meow!”

The clerk took a cat toy next to him and handed it to Tokisaki Kozo.

Tokisaki was not polite, picked up the funny cat stick and played with the cat.

Seeing such a scene, who would believe that this is a nightmare that has killed countless people?

“Does the guest’s house have a cat?”

The clerk asked softly.

“Sort of…”

Wuhe Shido nodded gently, after all, the cat of the cat lady three, he will definitely raise it.

“Do you usually buy any cat toys?”

The clerk asked, it was her job, selling things to customers.

After all, if everyone just looked at the cat and didn’t buy anything, the store wouldn’t be able to operate.

“No, after all, I just started raising it…”

responded casually.

“If you have the ability, buy some back!” After all, cats, like children, like toys. The

clerk suggested softly, her voice very pleasant, so even if she was selling goods, it was still comfortable to hear.

“I’ll buy it after school…”

Gokawa Shido nodded affirmatively, since he decided to raise the cat, then naturally he would not save this little money.


The clerk didn’t say anything more, after all, Gokawa Shido was wearing a high school uniform, obviously on the way to school, and it was impossible for him to buy cat toys now.

Moreover, she also knows that if she sells too much to customers, it will have the opposite effect, but will make customers reluctant to come back to buy things, which is not a good thing for the store and the cat.


A light voice said hesitantly.

Gokawa Shido turned around and saw a girl with long black hair, who was looking at him and Shizaki Mad three coldly.


Gokawa Shido frowned, not expecting to meet each other in such a place.

But if you think about it, Yukino Yukinoshita seems to be a cat slave like Tokisaki Madzo, so it is not surprising that he will come to the pet store to see the cat.

“Is this your girlfriend?”

Yukishita Yukino nodded thoughtfully, she also heard the conversation between Gokawa Shido and the clerk just now, so she already knew the answer without Gokawa Shido responding.

She frowned slightly, how many girls is this? Another overly cute girl….

Yukinoshita Yukino gritted her teeth, she grew up with adoration and jealousy since she was a child, so she is very confident in her cuteness.

Unexpectedly, Gokawa Shido’s girlfriends appeared one by one to blow her confidence.

“This is…?”

Tokisaki walked over, although the cat was very cute, but a girl came to Gokawa Shido’s side, which still made her feel a little relieved.

So he came to Yukinoshita Yukinoshita, and he meant to declare sovereignty.

“Hello, I’m Yukinoshita Yukino, and Gokawa-san is… Schoolmate?

Yukinoshita nodded lightly and introduced himself.


Tokisaki replied casually, Yukinoshita Yukino was the name she had heard the Hachimai sisters say, so after learning the identity of the other party, she became even more alert.


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