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Mai Sakurajima tilted her head and muttered to herself in bewilderment.

Mai Sakurajima looked left and right, there was no one else next to her, she looked at the box of Daifuku in her hand, a little hesitant whether she should take it home and eat it.

Mai Sakurajima has a very good literacy, she will not do bad things, so even if no one sees her now, she has not stolen anything, and she has not done anything illegal at all.

This is very rare, if others are in such a state, I am afraid that they would have done evil and done whatever they wanted.

“Lady, this box of Daifuku is…”

Mai Sakurajima asked, but the other party obviously didn’t hear it, so he didn’t answer her.

But I don’t know if it’s boredom or what the reason is, Mai Sakurajima saw that the other party suddenly made a call, and said with a smile into the phone:

“Husband, just now the boy who was always high in martial arts bought three boxes of Daifuku in one go, which reminds me of the previous things, I think when you pursued me, you also bought me Daifuku, so I will run this store now…”

, Mai Sakurajima didn’t hear it, but she heard the lady immediately say again:

“Indeed, at that time, you also bought two boxes, one box for each of us, which is normal, after all, there are only two of us, that… Who did the teenager buy the third box of Daifuku just now? Mai

Sakurajima glanced down at the strawberry Daifuku in her hand, she had a hunch that this was the third box of Daifuku that the hostess said.

After all, she had only been distracted for a while, and there shouldn’t be too many guests to buy Daifuku during this time, so she was probably the teenager the boss lady just said, bought Daifuku and put it next to her.

Mai Sakurajima doesn’t think it’s an accident, or she doesn’t want to think it’s a coincidence, you know, Daifuku also has many flavors, she just said that she wanted strawberry Daifuku, and she really came to a box of strawberry Daifuku, so it should be specially bought for her by the teenager.

As for why the teenager did all this silently, Mai Sakurajima didn’t understand, maybe he didn’t know her condition, or maybe he had his own concerns.

But in any case, Mai Sakurajima is very grateful.

Moreover, she really wants to find this teenager who bought her Daifuku!

The appearance of Gokawa Shido was like a lifesaver for her, and she had to grasp it.

“Is the general martial arts high…?”

Mai Sakurajima smiled, she is also a student of Somugao, her cousin is the teacher of Sotakegao, it shouldn’t be difficult to find such a boy!

Gokawa Shido naturally didn’t know that the proprietress had inadvertently leaked his information, so that Mai Sakurajima began to plan to find him…

Now he has converged with Wuhe Qinli and is walking in the direction of home.

“Happy today?”

Wuhe Shidao touched the head of Wuhe Qin and asked a little concernedly.

“It’s okay…”

Wuhe Qinli replied casually, but looking at her brisk steps, she should be in a good mood.

“That’s good.”

Gokawa Shido nodded gently, because he had to go to school today, plus the matter of Hiratsuka Shizune and the Immortal River Bunkou, he didn’t have much time with Gokawa Koto, and he was afraid that the other party would feel unhappy because of this, but it seemed that Gokawa Koto was still considerate of him.


said Wuhe Qinli suddenly with a serious expression.

“What’s wrong?”

Gokawa Shido asked curiously.

“You better go and find a way to increase your spiritual power as soon as possible! They also want to be with you more…”

Gokawa Qinli said to Gokawa Shido again solemnly, of course, the so-called them, including herself, only see each other two or three times a month, she is really unbearable, but with her personality, it is difficult to say it clearly.

And now that they are about to separate again, the next meeting will be more than ten days later, and she is also very reluctant.

“I will!”

Wuhe Shidao nodded solemnly, but the problem is that this is an everyday world, there is nothing sci-fi, is there really a way to increase spiritual power?

At this time, Wuhe Shidao suddenly remembered the figure of a classmate he saw in the class this morning, the golden waste angel, I don’t know if she will have any way?

The two returned to the Wuhe family, which is quite large, a large mansion in the city center, which shows that Wuhe Shidao is quite rich.

Although the sales of Gokawa Shido novels are not high, he writes quickly, and he writes three volumes when others write one volume, so the income is quite good.

So, Gokawa Shido decided to buy a bigger house or something, maybe when the elves will move in together!

The two looked at the wall clock, it was already past eleven, and they knew that by twelve o’clock Cinderella’s magic would be lifted, and Wuhe Qinli would return to the original world.

Gokawa Shido was also reluctant, but there was really nothing he could do, so he had to eat delicious strawberry Daifuku with the two of Gokawa Koto, and then wait for the arrival of twelve.

At this time, Wuhe Qinli had already taken off his dating clothes and put on his spiritual costume…

Because there was no way to take anything with them when they crossed the world, she didn’t want to go back wearing nothing, so she changed into a spiritual costume!

Spiritual clothing is part of them, so they are not subject to this limitation.

Back at the beginning, because I didn’t know this, I didn’t know that it was the elf who crossed into this world, appeared in front of Gokawa Shido and then wore nothing, which was very embarrassing…

Now they know that only they can cross the world with spiritual power, and nothing else can be taken away.

Wuhe Qinli sighed, and then felt a surprised attraction and pulled her down into the abyss, she knew that the time was almost up, and her spiritual power was no longer enough to support her to continue to stay in this world.

That means she has to go back.

“Shido, see you next time!”

Gokawa smiled reluctantly, she was reluctant, but she tried not to show it as much as possible.


Gokawa Shido gritted his teeth and waved his hand, only to see Gohe Qinli suddenly disappear in front of him, he knew that she was going back to the world over there…


elf sighed again, but there was not much time for him to be sad, because he knew that the next elf was coming.

With a flash of golden light, an elf with a gorgeous purple spirit suit all over his body walked out from the gap in the void…

I saw only the elf who came, with extra-long golden hair, wearing a pink-purple cheongsam spirit suit, and silver metallic samurai boots under his feet.

The girl was holding a bronze key taller than a human, and a pair of golden pupils were looking at Gokawa Shido expectantly.

Although the height is not much different from Wuhe Qinli, but the figure is too much to win, of course, Wuhe Shido is not a superficial person, for him, no matter how big or small, he wants it all!

Of course, only elves.

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