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PS: Thank you for the tip of the teenager who is always 17, after all, more than a thousand VIP points, thank you separately! Please continue to support!

. 21. Nakano May

If Wuhe Shido knew what the middle-aged boss was thinking, he would definitely not be able to help laughing, of course, he didn’t want to laugh at the other party or single, but laughed at the other party for underestimating the super-dimensional stomach bag of the Star Palace Rokuyo.

You know, the amount of rice in the Star Palace Rokuyo is also very terrifying, compared to the Night Sword God Shixiang, it is only one Shitono difference!

“Boss, thirty meat buns!”

Gokawa shouted.

“Three… Thirty? The

middle-aged boss was shocked, and then showed an incredulous expression.

“Didn’t you?”

Gokawa Shido asked rhetorically.

“Yes! Yes! The

middle-aged boss smiled awkwardly, then took out a large bag of meat buns, handed it to Wuhe Shidao, collected the money, and finally couldn’t help but ask:

“Did you buy breakfast for the whole class?”

“Not really! It’s just the size of the two of us…” Gokawa

Shido shook his head gently, in fact he didn’t say everything, he actually only ate one of them, and the others were all parts of the Star Palace Rokuyo.

Without caring about the middle-aged boss, the two came to the small park next to them, under the cherry blossom trees, and began to enjoy a delicious breakfast for the two of them…

After the two of them left for a while, a girl with long pink hair also came to the Chinese restaurant, and she hesitantly considered how many meat buns she should buy.

I saw that the girl had bright pink long hair, wearing two yellow star pattern headdresses on her head, placed on the left and the right, wearing the school uniform of the general martial arts high school clothes, and her blue pupils were very conspicuous, her facial features were also very delicate and charming, and her every move attracted the attention of passers-by.

If Gokawa Shido was present, he would definitely be able to recognize that this beautiful girl named Nakano May, the youngest sister of Nakano quintuplelets.

Of course, if the five of them were playing some quintuple game and pretending to be each other, Gokawa Shido did not think that he had the ability to recognize the sisters, after all, he only judged their identities by the objects on each other’s bodies and the length of their hair.

However, the one who will come to buy meat buns early in the morning should be Nakano May himself who did not run.

Nakano May carefully looked left and right, and seeing that there were no other guests in the small restaurant, he came to the boss and shouted in a low voice:

“Boss, I want ten meat buns!”


The middle-aged boss has seen it strangely, and even began to think that it is especially popular for female high school students to eat meat buns now, and they are not happy if they don’t eat ten or eight.

Suddenly he had a bold idea, if he went to the gate of high school every day to distribute meat buns, to these female high school students who like meat buns, would there be a chance to leave the group?

But he just thinks about it, he doesn’t have the courage to do so, and if he has such courage, he won’t be single now….

I saw that the middle-aged boss sighed lightly, and then turned around, ready to pack those meat buns for Nakano May, but he didn’t make a move, and after a while, he turned back and said a little embarrassed:

“I’m sorry!” For the time being, there are only five meat buns left, do you want to order steamed buns? ”

Only five?”

May Nakano frowned, meat buns are her favorite, how is five enough!

“Just now a man and a woman bought thirty in one go, and now there are only five steamed left, of course, you can also wait for a while, just ten minutes or so…” The

middle-aged boss explained helplessly, because the business has not been very good recently, so he usually only steamed buns in fifty or fifty like this, just now Wuhe Shidao bought it in one breath, he didn’t expect it.

Nakano May glanced at the clock on his phone, counting the time to eat meat buns, obviously he couldn’t wait for these ten minutes, so he sighed, nodded and said:

“Then let’s have five more steamed buns!”

Nakano May was very unhappy, knowing that meat buns were her favorite, but there was no way to eat some steamed buns to fill her stomach.


The middle-aged boss nodded excitedly, if such a good business every day, he will be rich, and if he is rich, are he afraid to continue to be single?

The middle-aged boss can’t help but fantasize about a better life in the future, full of gold, groups of wives and concubines, a happy life, and full of children and grandchildren!

Nakano May took the meat buns and steamed buns, and to be honest, she felt that the boss’s smile was a little disgusting, so after giving the money and taking the meat buns, she quickly left the shop.

While eating meat buns, she thought about the words of the boss just now, a man and a woman with thirty meat buns, actually more than her, which made her a little curious, what kind of person is it?

In her mind, two big fat figures appeared….

“Official, this is delicious!”

“Liu’er, eat more if it’s delicious, it’s not enough to buy again!”

“The official is so good…” A

conversation came out of the park, the man’s voice was gentle and considerate, and the woman’s voice was pleasant, but the title of ‘official’ was too retro!

May Nakano couldn’t help but peek at it, and then hid in the dark corner of the park, eating meat buns while carefully looking at the men and women who had just spoken.

Then I couldn’t help but marvel in my heart, that girl is also too cute, a super beautiful girl that even as a girl, she will be fascinated by.

And the boy next to her is relatively mediocre, not that he is ugly, but if one hundred is a full score, the girl should have one hundred and five points, and the boy is only eighty points, such a gap!

Angels and mortals, elves and humans, in short, there is an absolute difference in vision.

These two people are naturally Gokawa Shido and Star Palace Rokuyo, but they didn’t find Nakano May, because now they only see each other.

And Nakano May looked at it and naturally found that the middle-aged boss said that a man and a woman who bought a lot of meat buns should be these two people.

And the man seems to be a student of Zong Wu Gao, and he is in the same grade as her, and I don’t know if his sisters recognize him.

Nakano May looked at it for a while, these two are obviously a very close couple, looking at the extremely happy expression of Star Palace Rokuyo, Nakano May said that he understood very well!

Although Gokawa Shido looks relatively ordinary, it is really very gentle to be able to accompany his girlfriend to eat meat buns on the street like this, and not mind his girlfriend eating too much.

When she was a child, Nakano’s mother once asked her what kind of boy she wanted to marry in the future, and at that time she replied without hesitation, it was a boy who could make her eat meat buns every day to be satisfied!

Gokawa Shido seems to be her ideal object as a child.

Of course, the current Nakano May will not have such a childish idea anymore, and Gokawa Shido already has a girlfriend, so there is no need to think about it, but this encounter made her secretly remember this gentle boy, as well as the beautiful girl….

PS: First change, thank you for the monthly pass to urge more flowers, and please continue to support!

. Twenty-two, the black sports car

Finally, Nakano May finished eating the meat buns, Hoshinomiya Rokuyo also finished eating the meat buns, and the three left the park at the same time….

At this time, Wuhe Shidao also saw each other and recognized the other party for the first time, but he didn’t think much about it, just coincidentally having breakfast in the park just now.

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