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“In that case, it’s not a strange thing to know Wuhe-san!”

Megumi Kato lowered her head, as if pondering something.

“What the hell is going on with her?”

Eiri asked Shiwa Kasumigaoka next to him softly, although he had been arguing with Shiwa Kasumigaoka for most of the day, but now he felt that Megumi Kato was obviously much more terrifying…

“How do I know?!”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said angrily.

“You two have a really good relationship,”

Megumi Kato said a little suddenly.

“It’s not good!”

The two replied in unison, looked at each other and then gritted their teeth unpleasantly.

What they didn’t know was that the two almost formed a joint alliance against Megumi Kato, which was defused by Megumi Kato’s words.


shouted Gokawa Shido actively.

“What’s wrong?”

Megumi Kato asked, tilting her head.

“See you tomorrow!”

Gokawa Shido smiled, then stood up, and before a few people could react, he took the small hand of Seven Sins and walked out of the restaurant.

Of course, before leaving, he paid the money, since he said that he was a treat, naturally he couldn’t leave without giving money, and even he gave Megumi Kato’s share, just to make the other party miss this in the future and find him less trouble.

After Wuhe Shidao left a little suddenly, the three looked at each other, and the atmosphere looked extremely embarrassing, after all, the point of their intersection was Wuhe Shidao, and now that Wuhe Shidao is gone, there is nothing to talk about.

“Then I’ll go first!”

Eiri waved her hand, drawing comics with Seven Sins all day, and she was also a little tired.

But she also benefited more than 2.2, and knew a lot of drawing and storyboard skills, and if she drew these skills in a small book, she would definitely be able to keep her book to the next level!

After Eiri left, Shiwa Kasumigaoka also left, leaving only Megumi Kato alone in the restaurant.

I saw her drinking a drink while looking down and pondering, a few days ago, Gokawa Shido didn’t know Kasumigaoka Shiwa at all, nor did she know Yingli, this is a sure thing.

But now, the two have run errands together, and the relationship is not very close, but it is very good, and they can come to the restaurant for dinner together in the evening.

Megumi Kato’s eyes flickered, as if she thought of something interesting, and at the same time, two more names were added to her Gokawa Shido interpersonal relationship diagram, Shiwa Kasumigaoka and Eiri Ri.

PS: Thank you all for your support!.

When the sisters

returned home, Gokawa Shido scanned the manga into the computer, encrypted the manga file, and transmitted it to the shoujo manga magazine company that cooperated with the Immortal River Bunko.

As for whether it can be done, it depends on the editors’ gaze, in fact, because Gokawa Shido really does not know much about shoujo manga, so I don’t know how to evaluate this work.

However, from the side, Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Yingli both have relatively high corners of their eyes, and if they are satisfied, it should indeed be a very good work.

After the manga was drawn, I was a little tired with the seven sins, and I didn’t go on a date today, although it is necessary to find the power of the Tree of Life, but for Gokawa Shido, it is still more important for the elves to be more important.

If you don’t go out today, after school tomorrow, you can go on a date with the eight dance sisters, although you can’t go far away because it’s not a holiday, but you can go to a nearby city.

“Seven Sins, I helped you submit, the pen name is the Five Rivers and Seven Sins you said before, so it’s okay!”

Gokawa Shido smiled and said.

28 “Thanks! Shido…” Seven

Sins hugged Gokawa Shido excitedly, and then wanted to transform to give Gokawa Shido a little benefit, but thinking that Gokawa Shido didn’t seem to like this, so she maintained her current child form and did not transform.

“No thanks! You just want to help me…”

said Gokawa Shido casually, in fact, there was really no need for the elves to worry about money, but he felt that drawing comics was beneficial to the seven sins, so he didn’t stop it.

As far as today, it seems that the seven sins have become confident, become friends with Eiri, and can communicate with Shiwa Kasumigaokaoka, which was an unimaginable sight before this.

Gokawa Shido turned on the TV, which was broadcasting today’s news, and in his opinion, it was very important to pay attention to the news every time, maybe there were clues to the tree of life, and maybe there were other mysterious events worth investigating.

But it seems that there are not many such incidents, and today’s news is still unremarkable, but this is also a good thing, at least looking at the relative peace.

It’s just that Gokawa Shido has always been a little concerned, what does that strange girl named Sakura mean by a sense of foreboding?

After a while, Seven Sins seemed to be really tired, so he fell asleep lightly on Gokawa Shido’s shoulder, and he smiled helplessly and covered her with a quilt.

Although she looked quite tired, looking at her sleeping smile, Gokawa Shido felt that there was nothing wrong with letting her go to the manga road.

Looking at the cute sleeping face of the seven sins, Wuhe Shidao secretly kissed it, I don’t know if it was an illusion, the cheeks of the seven sins were a little redder.

Looking at the clock on the wall, the time passed minute by minute, and by twelve o’clock at noon, Seven Sins still hadn’t woken up, and Gokawa Shido didn’t want to wake her up, so he let her go back in her sleep.

After the seven sins left, the eight dance sisters came quickly, which made Gokawa Shido a little surprised, after all, according to previous experience, if the eight dance sisters came, they would generally be relatively slow, but this time, they came quickly.

Could it be because of the increase in spiritual power in his body?

Gokawa Shido guessed a little suspiciously.

The Eight Dance Sisters are still such sexy restraint costumes, if uninformed people see this scene, they are likely to wonder if they are playing something.

“Shido, long time no see!”

Hachimai Yajuya greeted with great enthusiasm.

“Miss, Shido…” Hachi

Yuxian nodded gently, although her words were relatively concise, but a few simple words also fully expressed her longing.

“It’s really been a long time since I saw it…”

Gokawa Shido smiled, and then made a masterstroke, touching his head to kill, one left and one right, stroking the heads of the two sisters.

The Hachi Mai sisters lowered their heads in frustration, and after a while, the three of them sat on the sofa in the living room, Gokawa Shido sat in the middle, and the Hachiwu sisters sat left and right beside him, and appeared very dense, arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder.

“Shido, look at this…” Yamai

Yajuya suddenly took out something a little excitedly, which seemed to be a dark black blindfold.

Gokawa Shido can be sure that it is the blindfold three bought for the eight dances, indeed, both are middle two diseases, and they should have unlimited topics.

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