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As for what will happen to Shiyu Kasumigaoka later, he doesn’t care much, anyway, it will be better than liking An Yilun!


In the afternoon class, Gokawa Shido was very serious in class, and even copied notes, after all, his character in school is an excellent student who studies hard, but his grades are not particularly excellent.

Such an identity is naturally beneficial, that is, to further avoid being noticed, people who don’t like reading will think that he is a nerd, and those who like to read will think that his grades are too poor, and studying with him is also a waste of time, there is no point!

In this way, he is the least existential person in the whole school.

However, what Gokawa Shido doesn’t know is that there are people in the class who have no sense of existence than him!

So much so that he knew that An Yilun and Kasumigaoka Shiyu and other “Passerby Heroine” characters appeared, but he forgot that she was an important role….

“Wuhe, Biqi Valley, a trip to the office after school!”

The teacher standing on the podium suddenly shouted like this, and Gokawa Shido frowned, he was sure that there was no one else in the class except him, so the teacher could only shout him.

Gokawa Shido glanced at the teacher on the stage, and saw that it was Shizuki Hiratsuka, who everyone liked very much, and then he naturally remembered, isn’t this the plot of Shizuki Hiratsuka asking the big teacher to join the ministry ministry?

But what does this have to do with him?!

He is just an ordinary high school student, and he does not want to and will not join the Ministry of Service!

I hope it’s just a matter for the class….

Gokawa Shido thought so, but even if Shizune Hiratsuka really didn’t know what crazy he was about to let him join the ministry, he had ten thousand reasons to refuse, so he didn’t worry much.

Of course, he could also choose to ignore Shizuki Hiratsuka and leave the school directly after school, but after thinking about it for a while, he knew that he couldn’t do it.

First, because refusing the teacher’s request will make him too conspicuous in the class, and second, because with Hiratsuka Shizuki’s personality, if she is disobedient, she will definitely come to find trouble.

So after thinking about it, Gokawa Shido still had to go to the office after school, but in this way, his date with his sister would be later.

But he didn’t have any good way, so he had to compensate her a little better for Gokawa when he was dating….

PS: Let’s start two changes tomorrow, so your flowers, don’t stop!

After the bell of the end of school for the composition of Secondary 2

, the bald middle-aged teacher announced that the first day of class was officially over, and the students immediately cheered, but there were also many students who were very calm like Gokawa Shido.

Gokawa Shido picked up his school bag, and then, according to Hiratsuka Shizune’s request, went to the instructor’s room with the senior teacher.

But the two didn’t talk to each other, so it wasn’t so much that they came together as they happened to be going to the faculty room, so they both walked in the same direction after leaving the classroom.

Arriving at the door of the teacher’s room, Gokawa Shido knocked lightly on the door, and after hearing Hiratsuka’s silent response, he slowly opened the door, walked in, and said politely:

“Excuse me!”

I saw that in the faculty room, Shizuki Hiratsuka, who was wearing a large white hanging, was waiting for the two with a flat face, and on her desk, there were two Chinese essays.

And next to it, there is also an ashtray, this guy obviously does not want to hide his smoking habit, obviously a people’s teacher comes.

“You two are here…”

Hiratsuka tapped the table, looking left and right.

“Here, Hiratsuka-sensei, is there anything wrong with you?”

Gokawa Shido asked in a somewhat anxious tone, and at the same time glanced at his watch a few times, revealing a very hurried look.

Hiratsuka Shizune picked up the composition on the table and shook it, and then asked the two:

“Gokawa, Bijigu, the holiday homework assigned by the teacher, what is the topic of the essay, do you know?”

Gokawa Shido didn’t answer, because he forgot, maybe he didn’t know at all, if it was like the original, it should be a topic like “Looking Back on High School Life”!

Sure enough, I saw that Hijiya Hachiman was a little embarrassed not to overdo it, and then responded softly:

“An essay written on the title of “Looking Back on High School Life”…”

“Then why did you write such an arrogant essay!” I don’t understand, why is it written like this ?!

Hiratsuka glanced at the composition in his hand in bewilderment.

“What’s the problem?”

Hijiya Hachiman asked unceremoniously.

Hiratsuka sighed, looked into Hijiya Hachiman’s eyes, and then said,

“Your eyes are like the eyes of a dead fish!”

“Does it look so DHA-rich? It feels very smart…”

Hijiya Hachiman smiled, not taking Hiratsuka Shizuki’s mockery to heart at all, because he had already experienced such things so much that he didn’t feel anything now.

Gokawa Shido stood on the side and nodded repeatedly, not because he felt that their words were correct, but because this feeling of making up for it on the spot made him feel very rare.

Especially the big teacher and Shizuki Hiratsuka are both characters that Gokawa Shido prefers, and seeing the plot of the interaction between the two, there is a mysterious touch.

“And you!”

Hiratsuka Shizune suddenly let go of Hijiya Hachiman, stared at Gokawa Shido and asked,

“What are these things you wrote?”

“What’s the problem?”

Gokawa Shido looked at Hiratsuka Shizune puzzled.

“Is it all right? Then please read it aloud Wuhe!


Shizumi handed the composition in his hand to the other party, and then looked at the show with a look on his face.

Wuhe Shido nodded gently, then took the composition, and said according to the text:

“I Wuhe Shido is an ordinary high school student, of course, this is only my superficial identity, my actual identity is actually the elf savior hidden in the world!”

I was born in a distant world, and I was born of elves, and I was given the arduous mission of saving elves at birth.

In order to fulfill the mission [ミッション], I have wandered between life and death again and again, bullets, swords, wind, flames, ice, and even the end of the universe, but to see the smiles of the elves, I think, it is all worth it.

However, once, the dark [ダーク] power in my body stormed away, and I…” Halfway

through the reading, Gokawa Shido suddenly stopped, he really couldn’t read anymore!

At this time, Wuhe Shidao remembered that because he didn’t want to do homework during the holiday, he gave all his homework to the doppelgangers of Mad San, anyway, Mad San can use the angel of Erya to “snort”, and it is not easy to do homework!

But it’s a pity that Gokawa Shido forgot that there is such a homework as Chinese composition, and there is no standard answer to this kind of homework, so it all depends on the play of the crazy three-doppelganger.

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