With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter five hundred and fifty eight

"Lang Li is smart, Lang Li is smart..."

Qin Xiaobai, who finally achieved his goal and became the number one vassal in the world, was happy in his heart, and kept a grin on his face all the time.

Of course, Qin Xiaobai was not satisfied with this, so why not look forward to Shu when he already has Long.

If you want to annex Dong Zhuo, do you have to swallow it completely?

Dong Zhuo occupied the Sili area. In addition to the most important stronghold of Luoyang, the imperial capital, there was another big stronghold, which was Chang'an, the companion capital of Guanzhong.

Dong Zhuo didn't have many soldiers left in the pass, only less than a million people, but he was also well-known special forces Feixiong Army.

And because the Xiliang Group has already made plans to move the capital, they have already transported the grain, grass and gold from the imperial capital Luoyang to Chang'an City.

Whether it is Chang'an, a metropolis that is also an imperial city, or Dong Zhuo's flying bear army, Li Ru, the chief adviser of the Xiliang Group, or these grains, grass, and gold.

Qin Xiaobai, who was about to pluck his feathers, would never let go of him.

However, Qin Xiaobai did not attack Chang'an immediately. Now that Luoyang has just been pacified, there are still many important matters waiting for him to deal with, so it is not easy to make a big move.

And if Dong Zhuo did not attack with a large army, even if Dong Zhuo had no more than a million soldiers, he would not be able to take it easily with the Feixiong Army and guarding Hangu Pass.

No matter how bad it is, Dong Zhuo can also set fire to Chang'an, and then retreat to Xiliang, that would be a real pitfall.

Therefore, Qin Xiaobai decided to find someone to persuade Dong Zhuo to surrender, believing that Dong Zhuo, who has lost his power, can be a hero who knows current affairs once again.

As for who to look for, Qin Xiaobai didn't have anyone to choose. After all, besides him, there was no eloquent person in his army.

However, among the generals of the Xiliang Army, Qin Xiaobai found one person, Li Su.

This guy once helped Dong Zhuo recruit Lu Bu. Although he has the credit of Chituma and his fellowship, Li Su has at least experience in this area even if he has no eloquence.

"My lord, Dong, Dong Zhuo is not dead?" Li Su was so happy when he heard that Qin Xiaobai thought of giving it to him, and he had an expression of holding his head high when he saw people along the way.

Did you see it, General Hussars just annexed the Xiliang Group. Just roll call and give him the task. This is the rhythm of reusing him.

As a result, when Li Su heard about the mission, he immediately froze. It didn't matter whether Dong Zhuo was dead or alive, because the overall situation was settled now. Even if Dong Zhuo reappeared in Luoyang now, there would be no room for a turnaround.

But the problem is that he was originally a member of the Xiliang Group, but now he is on behalf of Qin Xiaobai as an envoy to his old master. Dong Zhuo's violent temper killed him within minutes.

So Li Su hurriedly cried to Qin Xiaobai: "My lord, I'm afraid that if Dong Zhuo sees me, he will drag me down and beheaded immediately, so that I won't even have a chance to talk to persuade him to surrender."

Qin Xiaobai smiled slightly when he heard the words, and said with a bit of mischief: "Don't worry. When you go, bring a horse and say it to Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo naturally understands what I mean."

In the past, Dong Zhuo asked Li Su to take the horse to persuade Qin Xiaobai and Lu Bu to surrender, but now the situation is reversed, Qin Xiaobai asked Li Su to take the horse to persuade Dong Zhuo to surrender...

Li Su felt a little relieved when he heard the words, it was a good idea, but he asked again: "Then what horse does my lord want me to take?"

In the end, Qin Xiaobai waved his hands indifferently and said, "Dong Zhuo is worth more than a good horse, just take one with you."

"..." Li Su's heart was suspended when he heard the words. Originally, he was thinking about such a big thing as recruiting Dong Zhuo. Even if Qin Xiaobai didn't give Chitu, he would have to give him a BMW of the same level. After all, even if he didn't pay attention to Dong Zhuo's identity, he should pay attention to reciprocity.

You need to know when Dong Zhuo recruited Qin Xiaobai. The gift is the Red Rabbit BMW.

As a result, Qin Xiaobai now asked him to pick an ordinary horse at will, which is too careless...

"Oh, that's right." Qin Xiaobai seemed to suddenly remember something.

"Huh?" Li Su widened his small eyes and looked at Qin Xiaobai expectantly, hoping that Qin Xiaobai would change his mind.

"Luoyang is not far from Chang'an, but you still need to ride a horse. When you arrive at Dong Zhuo's territory, just send your mount to Dong Zhuo directly."


Li Su burst into tears, this time he didn't even give him the chance to pick a horse, so he simply let him pay for the horse at his own expense...

Seeing this, Qin Xiaobai smiled and patted Li Su's shoulder and said, "Sao Nian, don't be afraid, if you can complete the mission, Dong Zhuo will be one of your own, and you are my envoy, and you will definitely eat, drink, and eat well by then." Sending you off with a horse, let alone a horse, it’s no problem for Dong Zhuo to send you a special car to take you back.”

Li Su was slightly taken aback when he heard it, and suddenly felt that it made sense, so he couldn't help but nodded in agreement...

Then Qin Xiaobai continued: "If you don't complete the task, you won't need any mounts from now on. But don't worry, I'm a very loyal person. If you don't succeed, I will send an army to suppress the situation later. , I'll avenge you for doing him a damn thing."



After Qin Xiaobai sent Li Su, who patted his chest and vowed to complete the task to the death, to Chang'an, Lu Bu came to find him.

The number one fierce general of the Three Kingdoms came to Qin Xiaobai, his nose burst into tears, and he cried to Qin Xiaobai hearing the sad listener's tears: "My lord, I have finally fulfilled my mission now!" I have completed the mission, but I have been undercover for so long, and I have always been infamous as a slave of the three surnames, and I have almost been called a nickname, now you old man can justify my name."

Every time Lu Bu was scolded by Zhang Fei for his slaves with three surnames, he would be furious. Obviously, this guy cared a lot about his reputation, and he could even be said to be dead.

Seeing this, Qin Xiaobai smiled and patted the shoulder of the nine-foot man... With his arm in his arms, he said, "Feng Xian, you don't have to worry, you are my undercover agent, and killing Dong Zhuo is the right thing to do, let alone Dong Zhuo hasn't really done it yet. Death. And Ding Yuan, I have always carried it with me, and I will release him to prove it to you when the time comes."

When Qin Xiaobai answered Lu Bu, he couldn't help but think of Bingzhou.

It's not just the Guanzhong area that he has to look forward to in Shu.

Qin Xiaobai's foundation is the four counties outside the Great Wall. After annexing Dong Zhuo and obtaining the great area of ​​Sili, his power was forcibly separated by Bingzhou. Therefore, in terms of geographical location, Qin Xiaobai wanted to expand his power If they are connected together, if they are not taken advantage of by outsiders, they must be annexed and merged.

Therefore, he not only has a long-term view of Shu for Bingzhou, but also has been planning for a long time, and he has long regarded it as something in his pocket.

According to Jin Yiwei's information, only after Qin Xiaobai asked Zhang Yan to block Huguan and sealed off the entire Bingzhou, Lin Nantian and Chu Kuangge fought more and more fiercely in Bingzhou, and now they are fighting like a raging fire.

And Qin Xiaobai has now annexed Dong Zhuo, has a strong enough physique and strength, and the conditions are ripe enough.

Then, when Ding Yuan is about to be revealed, it will be the day when he annexes and merges the state. (To be continued.)

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