""Looking for other worlds!"

Mu Yun was surprised. He didn't expect that the purpose of the Void Logistics Department was to create this!

Because he himself came from a time travel, plus there is a chat group plug-in.

Mu Yun completely believes that there are worlds outside the world.

But the known universe has not yet discovered the existence of other worlds.

Who would have thought that thousands of years ago, the human pioneers were already exploring other worlds?

"Have you found other worlds?"

Mu Yun asked cautiously.

With the strength of the Star People, if they find other worlds, they can probably conquer them.

Bai Lingfeng sighed and shook his head.

"No, the human pioneers killed countless void creatures, thinking that they would be able to find other worlds by going deep into the void, but who could have imagined that the void was really nothingness?"

"Apart from the void creatures that appeared from nowhere every moment, there was nothing to discover."

"However, because of the special nature of void creatures, the human race always believes that there must be other worlds in the void!"

Even if there are void creatures, the development of the Star Human Race has become quite slow.

So in order to continue civilization, the Star Human Race must find other worlds.

But this goal is still very far away.

Mu Yun was silent. He didn't expect that even with the strength of the Star Human Race, they couldn't find the existence of other worlds in the void.

Can the chat group really locate every world and let them travel through it?

"Well, I have already introduced the purpose of establishing the Void Logistics Department and the true face of the Void creatures to you. These are not what you and Qianqian need to consider."

Bai Lingfeng clapped his hands.

The continuation of the future of the human race is not something that can be placed on the shoulders of Mu Yun and Bai Qianqian.

They just need to know that there is such a thing.

What Bai Lingfeng is going to say next is the key point!

"The Void Logistics Department was founded by the human pioneers and subsequently managed by the Universal Alliance. In order to select the human geniuses for specific training, the Void Logistics Department launched a special trial called the Genius Trial."

""Genius Trial?"

Mu Yun raised his eyebrows slightly. With such a name, it was obvious that the level of this trial was very differentiated.

Bai Lingfeng did not pay attention to the change in Mu Yun's expression.

He continued,"Once a human race strongman caught a nebula-level void insect king. Its combat power was not strong, but it could continuously produce low-strength insect soldiers."

"If there were no human race, it could completely sweep across the known universe in endless years with its endless insect soldiers."

Bai Lingfeng smiled brightly.

Yes, if there were no human race, the Void Insect King would definitely be able to do this.

But unfortunately, it encountered the unreasonable human race.

"That galaxy-level senior directly captured the Void Bug King, and then used it to continuously produce bug soldiers to create the first genius trial."

"The so-called genius trial is to distinguish geniuses from mediocre people."

"The easiest way is to fight, a life-and-death battle with the insect soldiers."

"The more insect soldiers you can defeat at the same level, the higher your rating will be."

"If you can fight across levels and kill higher level insect soldiers, your rating will be raised to a higher level."

"Of course, during the genius trial, outsiders cannot interfere with the participants."

Mu Yun nodded in understanding. This genius trial is really simple and crude but extremely effective! The

Star Human Race is already strong, and if you want to distinguish geniuses from mediocre people, you can only use this simple and crude method.

You can defeat more insect soldiers in the same level, which means that your"foundation" is deeper.

Outsiders cannot interfere with the trial, which also prevents some human race strongmen from helping their younger generations.

In the chat group of the protagonists of the heavens, the group members immediately discussed after listening to Bai Lingfeng's story.

【Magic Genius】:"I feel that this genius trial is somewhat similar to the Triwizard Tournament in the wizarding world?"

【Fuck the sky】:"Well, I feel it is more like the Luotian Dajiao that we are going to hold here."

【I'm not a lolita】:"This simple selection method is similar in every world."

Xiao Yan felt that there was nothing to discuss. What they were more concerned about now was whether the Star People would discover their world.

At the same time, whether the Void Creatures had invaded their world.

【Time Lord】:""The genius trial on Mu Yun's side is already quite simple, and the participants are not even in danger of their lives!"

Lin Wanwan envied it with her real name.

There is also a similar genius competition in her world, but the contestants are all disciples from major sects and major forces.

As the saying goes, swords have no eyes, and every genius competition will kill a group of geniuses.

At the same time, the surviving geniuses will also become the eyesore of other forces.

How can the human race where Mu Yun is be so harmonious!

"Senior Bai, you have told me so much, but you haven't told me why you can't absorb the void creatures now?"

"I have already absorbed a tentacle of the Void Octopus. Will this affect my chances?"

Mu Yun hesitated.

His parents both work in the Void Logistics Department, so they should know a lot of inside information.

Since Mu Hao can send the tentacle of the Void Octopus back, it means that this should be harmless.

Bai Lingfeng shook his head,"It won't affect it too much."

"The reason why I asked you not to absorb void creatures is that after entering the void logistics department, your star power will be evaluated."

"The result of the evaluation will affect the difficulty of your first genius trial battle."

"If you absorb the star-level void creatures now, what awaits you is a large group of star-level insect soldiers.���

Even if you defeat them, your final evaluation may not be better than that of a Meteorite-level participant who killed a group of Meteorite-level insect soldiers."


"So, Senior Bai, you want me to wait until the evaluation is over, then absorb the void creatures to advance to the stellar level, and then use the stellar star power to [jump to the next level] and get a higher score?"

"Is this possible?"

Mu Yun instantly understood Bai Lingfeng's meaning.

But he was a little hesitant.

Isn't this cheating! It's fine to cheat in the joint entrance examination with the help of the three-eyed tribe, but can you also cheat in the genius trial?

Bai Lingfeng chuckled.

"Of course it works. This vulnerability has existed since ancient times and has not been patched yet."

"Because not everyone can exploit this loophole!"

"After all, hunting void creatures is easy, but obtaining permission is difficult, and trading void creatures is even more difficult!"

"In fact, the star-level void creature we are going to give you is what I prepared for Qianqian."

"In order to make this void creature legal, I handed over thirty stellar-level void creatures!"

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