The dazzling light shone.

Mu Yun wiped his mouth and returned to his room.

"How stingy! They didn't even let me bring back a chair!"

Mu Yun muttered as he stretched his body to stretch his muscles.

Just now, after he"rescued" Lin Wanwan, he wanted to bring back some local specialties.

He thought the throne was quite smooth, and it must be very comfortable to sleep on.

It was a pity that Lin Wanwan resolutely refused.

She even took out the key of the Great Wilderness King to discuss the inheritance issue with Mu Yun.

Adhering to the principle that a good man does not fight with a woman, Mu Yun gave in.

Of course, it was also related to the fact that he could no longer stay in that world.

After Lin Wanwan's"crisis" was resolved, the chat group couldn't wait to send him back.

It was as if Mu Yun was some kind of scourge, and if he continued to stay in Lin Wanwan's world, there would be chaos.

Before leaving, Mu Yun also agreed with Lin Wanwan that he would not tell anyone about this time and space rescue. After the activity, Mu Yun walked out of the room. Bai Qianqian was browsing the task section of the Logistics Department next to Jiang Ting.

Completing the tasks issued by the Logistics Department is the most basic way to get points.

"You're back."

Seeing Mu Yun walk out of the room, Bai Qianqian's eyes lit up a little, and then she regained her composure.


Mu Yun nodded. He was not surprised that Bai Qianqian knew that he had left home.

After all, Bai Qianqian's star power was not weaker than his.

Jiang Ting felt a little puzzled listening to the conversation between her son and Bai Qianqian.

Did Mu Yun go out?

How could she not understand the way these two children communicated?

"I took a look and found that most of the missions on Tiankui Star are combat-oriented, which should be more suitable for us."

Bai Qianqian took the mission terminal from Jiang Ting and said to Mu Yun.

Mu Yun raised his eyebrows.


Fight against whom?

Void creatures?

"It's not a fight with void creatures, it's a fight with the creations of void creatures..."

Bai Qianqian saw Mu Yun's doubts, and she explained to Mu Yun seriously.

The human race and the void creatures have been fighting for tens of millions of years.

Both sides know each other too well.

The human race regards the void creatures as"resources", and the void creatures will naturally try every means to consume the strength and energy of the human race.

As a result, they have developed a"human" sea tactic.

"At the end of the universe, the human race has set up a total of 1.08 million void logistics offices. According to estimates, there are about 10 billion to 30 billion human beings living on each planet."

"Based on the average of 20 billion, there are about 2.1 trillion strong human beings stationed at the border of the universe."

"Although they do not account for a large proportion of the total number of human beings, they are almost the backbone of the human race."

"In order to fight against the power of the human race, the void creatures have evolved a [reproduction] ability. They can use the energy in the void to continuously differentiate and reproduce, thus creating a void army."

"These void creatures are powerful, not weaker than ordinary humans, but they do not have the ability of void creatures to be transformed into stars in the sea of consciousness."

"Just like the insect soldiers we encountered in the genius trial."

Bai Qianqian gave a very appropriate example.

The insect queen in the Void Logistics Department was one of the earliest special creatures in the Void that evolved the ability to reproduce.

Now, the ones causing trouble in the Void are basically Void creatures.

The genuine Void creatures have all hidden, fearing that they will be caught by the human race.


After listening to Bai Qianqian's story, Mu Yun could only reply with six words.

A dignified void creature!

A monster that invades the world and devours the origin!

It was beaten by the human race and can only rely on"giving birth" to consume the energy of the human race.

If this is said out, it will really make people feel a little sympathy for the void creatures! (To read exciting novels, just go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Mu Yun sat on the sofa. He took the task terminal handed over by Bai Qianqian and flipped it up and down twice,"So we are going to do the task now?"

They have only been in the Void Logistics Department for one day. They don’t know anything. Just do the task directly?

Bai Qianqian looked at Mu Yun,"It’s me who wants to do the task, and you shouldn’t. After all, Mr. Xu said that he will provide you with all the resources you need."

Bai Qianqian knew very well that she was a genius, but Mu Yun was an even more outrageous monster.

Xu Wenzhuo promised to provide Mu Yun with all the practice resources, and at that time he also covered all of Bai Qianqian's.[]

Bai Qianqian knew that her talent was not as good as Mu Yun's.

She could accept being Mu Yun's woman.

But she could not accept being a vase and accepting the treatment that should belong to Mu Yun.

So she decided to work hard on the task and return the extra treatment to the logistics department.

"Oh, right, I don't think I need to work hard?"

Mu Yun looked at the brief introduction of each task, and then looked at the reward of the task.

".~ Killing ten star-level void creatures only gives a thousand points?"

Mu Yun scratched his head and looked at Jiang Ting.

"Mom, are there a lot of star-level void creatures in the void?"

Only when there are enough of them will they be so worthless. After all, in Mu Yun's opinion, any star-level human can kill a few star-level insect soldiers without any injury.

Jiang Ting shook her head,"To say they are numerous, their number is more than a billion times that of the human race."

"But the void is huge, and you need a bit of luck to encounter a star-level void creation."

The void is really huge.

After all, it completely envelops the known universe.

"There are so many of them, and we beat them up by pressing their heads?"

A few question marks appeared on Mu Yun's forehead.

He knew that the Star Human Race was outrageous.

But he never thought it was so outrageous. Are the void creatures the extraterritorial demons that invaded the world, or are they protected creatures that were released by the human race (Wang Qianhao)?

"Yun, you have also seen the power of those insect soldiers. Although they have the strength to fight against us, as long as we are serious, we can leave calmly even in the face of the encirclement of insect soldiers."

"Normally, when humans are alone, at least fifty to one hundred insect soldiers of the same level are needed to threaten the safety of humans."

Bai Qianqian collected a lot of intelligence information during the time when Mu Yun was away.

Of course, a lot of it was heard from Mu Hao and Jiang Ting.

"Once the human race gathers in groups of three or five, without thousands of insect soldiers, they cannot threaten their neighbors."

Yes, the star human race is so powerful.

Mu Yun threw the task terminal aside,"If you accept the task, please help me accept it as well."

"I really want to go to the void and take a look."

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