After a while, the fish was still in the water.

Jiang Tianfu heard what Jiang Nanzhou said and felt that it was right. It should be that Dandan was not familiar with him.

Seeing that Dandan had eaten all the fish in the basket, he went to prepare some for Dandan, but Dandan did not eat much this time.

Because Dandan really could not eat any more.

It was not that hungry in the first place, it was just greedy and wanted to eat some snacks.

Jiang Nanzhou threw Dandan back into the sea when it was almost time for dinner.

He planned to go to the sea to play with it again in the evening.

Jiang Nanzhou stood on the deck and thought about finding a suitable place to stop the boat and unload the crab cage and blind cage.

Before they found the place, they saw a large group of hairtails standing upright in the sea not far away.

Jiang Nanzhou immediately called Uncle Jiang Er on the walkie-talkie to let him notify the Nanwan to cast a purse seine together.

Uncle Jiang Er also found a large number of fish in the fish school detector. Just as he was about to notify Jiang Nanzhou, he heard his voice from the walkie-talkie.

He immediately contacted the Nanwan and asked them to prepare.

The new crew members were curious about the purse seine because they had heard about it but had not seen it with their own eyes.

Only some of the old crew members on the ship understood it, after all, it takes several ships to cooperate in the purse seine.

Jiang Nanzhou handed the cab to Jiang Bei, and he asked Uncle Jiang Er to personally command the purse seine.

He lowered a speedboat to go to the sea to pull the net.

Two hours passed after this operation.

As the net became smaller and smaller, the hairtails in the net also floated to the surface, and it was a bit dizzy to look at these hairtails.

It is estimated that so many hairtails will not be collected until dark.

Fortunately, two fishing boats were working together.

As soon as the first net bag was opened, they saw that the hairtails on the deck were all very large. The largest one they had seen was two meters long, and the width of the fish body was about the length of Jiang Nanzhou's hand, or even longer.

Jiang Nanzhou looked at the hairtail, which was emitting bright silver laser light all over its body.

The living hairtail was really beautiful.

However, hairtails will die soon after going out to sea. Hairtails are deep-sea fish, and because of the change in pressure and their high sensitivity to the environment, they basically die as soon as they go out to sea.

Jiang Nanzhou looked at everyone who was busy and sweating, and he shouted to everyone:

"Everyone has worked hard, and you will have hairtail to eat in the evening. Work hard, and I will give you bonuses when you go back."

Everyone worked harder after hearing what Jiang Nanzhou said.

"Thank you, boss. It's not hard, not at all."

"Hahaha, you don't feel tired because you heard there's a bonus."

Jiangnan Zhou asked Zhang Wei and Liu Mingliang to come out and get a basket of hairtail.

Hairtail needs to be rinsed before being put into the basket.

Fortunately, there are more workers on the boat now. If it were like before, I don't know how long we would have to work.

Dinner is eaten in shifts. We worked until late at night to collect all the hairtail.

Everyone was exhausted. Jiangnan Zhou asked them to have supper after trawling. Jiangnan Zhou didn't find a good place to stop the boat nearby today, so he sailed slowly at night.

After supper, Jiangnan Zhou asked them to go back and have a good rest.

Jiangnan Zhou also felt tired for a rare time today. He originally planned to go to the sea to play with Dandan, but now he thinks that he will not go to the sea tonight. Let's go back and have a good sleep today.

He didn't want to drink the nutrient solution at this time, so he had to save it.

He was also afraid that he would not be able to sleep after drinking it.

It was already time for breakfast when Jiang Nanzhou got up and washed up the next day.

When he arrived at the cafeteria, some crew members had already finished breakfast and were preparing to collect the trawl net.

Jiang Nanzhou was the last one to finish breakfast. There were two people in the kitchen now, so the cleaning was faster.

After breakfast, Jiang Nanzhou inspected from top to bottom. Everything was normal, so he went to the deck to help collect the trawl net.

He just turned on the live broadcast device of the drone and heard the system prompt sound, announcing a mission for this voyage.

"System mission, catch 200,000 king crabs, the mission lasts 15 days, the system rewards ten consecutive draws for successful missions, and ten consecutive draws will definitely produce fine products. If the mission fails, Nanwan No. 1 will be scrapped directly."

Jiang Nanzhou was stunned when he heard this mission. Isn't this mission embarrassing?

He wanted to give up when he heard the number of 200,000, but the punishment for this mission was too severe.


His new ship, Nanwan No. 1, has not even warmed up yet, but the system wants to scrap it. How disgusting.

Originally, they were heading north this time, but now it seems they have to go further north.

He didn't have the heart to live stream anymore, and he didn't even say hello to the netizens in the live stream room, and went to the captain's cabin.

When Jiang Nanzhou arrived at the captain's cabin, Uncle Jiang and Jiang Bei were talking about something.

Seeing Jiang Nanzhou coming, Jiang Bei said to him directly:

"Xiao Zhou, I just heard from several fishing boats of our country that there are a lot of king crabs in the North Sea area now, and they all have a good harvest. Your second uncle and I just calculated that according to the supplies and fuel on our ship, it is more than enough to go there."

Jiang's second uncle also said:

"Although we have never been there, I heard that the weather there changes quickly and the wind and waves are strong, but there will be no problem for a large fishing boat like Nanwan No. 1 to go there, but I am a little worried about Nanwan."

Jiang Nanzhou pondered for a moment and said:

"This time we will go with Nanwan No. 1, let Nanwan take the catch back, move everything on this ship to Nanwan, and then transfer some people from Nanwan. This time we will go to explore the way first."

Both agreed with Jiang Nanzhou's idea. Jiang's second uncle notified Nanwan to approach, and he went out to arrange people to move the goods.

Jiang Bei and Jiang Nanzhou set the route.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also confused.

"What's going on?"

"Brother Fisherman and his friends just said they were going to catch king crabs? How many thousand yuan a piece of king crab?"

"The waters to the north are not safe, brother fisherman, think twice."

"The wind and waves over there are too strong, and it's also very cold. I saw on the news that many crew members died because of catching king crabs."

"This is really about money over life. The anchor makes a lot of money from live broadcasts, and fishing makes a lot of money every time he goes out to sea. Why take such a big risk?"

"I can't understand it either. I remember there are quite a few new crew members on Nanwan No. 1. The anchor really doesn't take their lives seriously."

When Jiang Nanzhou took out his phone to find some information, he saw what netizens said on the public screen.

He thought about it and said to the live broadcast camera:

"I will hold a meeting for them later. If you don't want to go, you can go back directly on the Nanwan. I won't force my crew members."

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