After dinner, Jiangnan Zhou met Jiangbei in the cafeteria.

Jiangnan Zhou sat opposite Jiangbei.

"Fourth Uncle, do you know any veterans who are good at medicine? It's better if they don't get seasick."

Jiangbei raised his eyebrows and asked:

"Why are you asking this? Do you want to recruit veterans on the ship?"

"Well, I want to recruit a doctor on the ship. If there is a cold or fever, it can be treated in time. After all, colds and fevers at sea are not trivial matters."

After all, his nutrient solution will not be used by everyone. Once it is taken out and given to others, there will be a risk of exposure.

Jiangnan Zhou can actually feel that Jiangbei knows something, but he will not take the initiative to mention it if he doesn't ask. Even if he hints, Jiangnan Zhou will not admit it.

Jiang Bei thought about the people he knew, and there was indeed a person who was quite suitable, but he didn't know if he could come.

"Then I'll ask for you, but can I do it without a medical qualification certificate? Both Chinese and Western medicine are very good. By the way, do you want retired special forces soldiers on your ship?"

"Yes, as many as you can. If there are many people, I will build another fishing boat. It doesn't matter if they don't have a medical qualification certificate. They don't need to perform surgery. They just need to treat colds and fevers."

Jiang Bei was upset. You are a retired special forces soldier. Besides, some of them have stable jobs. Who would run so far to be a crew member?

"Okay, I'll ask him, but there aren't that many retired special forces soldiers. There are only two or three of them. They're not doing well now. Don't you earn a lot on the ship? I think they're suitable for you. If you want to hire me, I'll ask them. They're good at both skills and physical fitness."

"Okay, ask them. Just come and tell me. I'll arrange it for you then."

"That's fine. Fourth uncle will thank you on their behalf."

"Do you need to be so polite to me?"

After eating, Jiangbei went back to his room to contact people.

The first person he contacted was Jiang Nanzhou, who wanted to learn medical skills.

This person was Fan Hongtao, a young apprentice that Jiangbei had once taught. He originally studied medicine and was also very good at pharmacy. Who knew that he had a wrong mind and didn't study medicine anymore and came to join the army.

During the training, he was excellent in all aspects and was the pride of Jiangbei. However, after being injured in a mission, he was forced to inject some drugs into his body, which had a great impact on his body. He was no longer suitable to be a special forces soldier. At that time, the leader wanted to transfer him to a civilian position, but he refused. He still wanted to stay in the special forces, and finally retired in anger.

He is only 26 years old this year, younger than Jiang Nanzhou. After retiring, he did not go to work. He stayed at home all day and waited for death.

Jiangbei sent him two WeChat messages, but he never replied. So he simply called him directly.

It rang several times before the other side was connected. Fan Hongtao's voice came from the other side of the phone, and he was still asleep.

"Hello, Master."

Jiangbei was so angry that his teeth itched.

"What time is it now? I played games until almost noon."

"You are a good kid. You wasted your best years playing games."

"Master, didn't you say that I was just waiting to die? I think you are right. It just so happens that my money is almost gone recently. I will earn some money by playing games to avoid starving to death."

"Will you do a job if I find you one?"

"What job? Security guard? I can't do anything else except being a security guard."

"Being a shitty security guard, the fishing boat I work on now needs a doctor. The salary is negotiable. Do you think you can come?"

Fan Hongtao was instantly alert when he heard Jiang Bei's words.

"What! On the fishing boat where you work?"

"What's the matter? Your ears don't work well now?"

"Master, have you retired?"

"Yeah, I just came back not long ago."

"Why didn't you tell me so that I could go see you."

"You're done, why are you making so much noise? We need a doctor here, can you come?"

"I'll go, I'll go, Master, send me the location, I'll pack my luggage now."

Jiang Bei wanted to roll his eyes.

"I'm on the high seas now, you're flying here? I'll let you know when I return, and then you can come. Don't let me down and stand me up."

"Master, don't worry, as long as you're there, I'll be there."

"Okay, then you can just listen to me."

Jiang Bei didn't want to listen to Fan Hongtao's questions, since he was coming, he was relieved.

Then he sent WeChat to three people, and one of them wanted to come.

It was Jiang

Lin Weiye, a comrade-in-arms from the same period, was injured and his hands were not steady on the gun, but he did not show any problems at ordinary times. He was the same age as Jiang Bei, but he had been retired for many years.

He just divorced last year because of personality incompatibility. The girl was with his ex-wife. His parents were gone long ago, and he was the only one left in his family.

He made money by working as a night taxi driver for others, so when Jiang Bei mentioned to him about working on a fishing boat, he agreed directly. He was not afraid of hard work or fatigue.

After all, he wanted to save more money for his children.

Jiang Bei also asked him to wait for notification and let it come when he returned.

After contacting people, Jiang Bei went to the captain's cabin to change shifts, and Jiang Nanzhou happened to be there.

"Nanzhou, I have contacted the people for you. A doctor and a crew member. They were both excellent special forces soldiers."

"Sorry to bother you, Uncle Si. When will they come? I asked my brother Nanhai to arrange a place for them to stay in advance."

"I told them to wait for notification and let them come when we return."

"Okay, Uncle Si, I will pick them up then."

Although it was not raining heavily in the middle of the night, the wind and waves were very strong, and the waves had already hit the boat.

Jiang Nanzhou specifically notified that the nets would not be collected at night, and no one could leave the cabin.

At this time, if you are hit by a big wave, it is no joke, and you can easily be swept into the sea.

Jiang Nanzhou also directly asked Jiangbei to stop the boat, so it is better to wait for the wind and waves to be smaller before setting off tomorrow.

The surveillance on Nanwan No. 1 is equipped with an infrared system, which Jiangbei has also turned on. As long as someone is caught by the surveillance camera at night, the alarm will automatically sound.

Jiang Nanzhou said to Jiang Bei:

"Fourth Uncle, you don't have to keep guarding tonight. In this weather, the pirates can't risk their lives to climb the boat."

Jiang Bei is more cautious.

"It's okay. What if there are really those who are not afraid of death?"

Uncle Jiang had not spoken before, but suddenly said:

"Xiao Zhou, your fourth uncle is right. I heard before that in this kind of weather, a large fishing boat was climbed by people. They didn't rob money and goods, they robbed the boat. More than 20 people on the boat were all killed."

Jiang Nanzhou thought for a while and asked:

"Second Uncle, you said that no one came back alive, how did you know that? Who told you? They just robbed the boat and didn't want the fish."

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