The situation was not good, but the situation was not good.

Jiang Nanzhou did not dare to act rashly now, and could only wait for the right opportunity to take action.

He looked around the yacht and found several large boxes in the cabin, but they were all equipped with password locks.

He checked carefully and found that the power on the yacht was directly cut off, and the communication satellite system was not working. They could not send out a distress signal even if they wanted to.

But Jiang Nanzhou could smell a bloody smell, and he kept observing those people while checking the yacht system.

But none of them looked injured.

Jiangnanzhou asked them in English:

"Now the engine is running but nothing happens, have you run out of oil?"

One of them responded:

"We filled up the tank when we set out, and I saw that it still had half a tank of oil before it was turned off."

Jiangnanzhou said:

"We have professional testing equipment on our fishing boat, I'll ask my uncle to send it over."

One person said angrily:

"Stop talking nonsense, find a way to fix the boat for us, and ask him to send the stuff over quickly."

Jiangnanzhou smiled and said:

"Okay, don't worry, I won't charge you if I can't fix it. 's. "

After saying this, Jiang Nanzhou came out of the cabin and stood on the deck and shouted to Jiang Bei:

"Fourth Uncle, bring me the testing equipment in the warehouse and the toolbox."

When Jiang Nanzhou saw Jiang Bei return to the cabin, he took out a cigarette and gave each of the foreigners a cigarette, saying in Chinese:

"Try our cigarettes, they are very good to smoke."

When the foreigners heard Jiang Nanzhou's Chinese, they all looked confused and said in English:

"You speak English, we don't understand your language."

Jiang Nanzhou said it again in English and lit cigarettes for them attentively.

They looked at Jiang Nanzhou while smoking.

But they didn't take Jiang Nanzhou seriously at all. In their eyes, he was just an ordinary fisherman.

Jiang Bei also took two boxes directly to the yacht. Jiang Nanzhou put out the cigarette directly and went into the cabin with Jiang Bei.

But those people were still smoking on the deck. From time to time, they whispered something, and they were still laughing after they finished talking.

Jiang Bei didn't hear a word clearly, but with Jiang Nanzhou's hearing, he heard it clearly.

Jiang Nanzhou didn't expect that they actually killed all the mercenaries who applied for the job. They directly pretended to be those people to work on the island, and they also said that they would live a good life on the island.

But Jiang Nanzhou didn't understand. They could replace them by killing those people? Shouldn't the recruitment on the island be very strict? How could they get away with it?

Jiang Bei whispered to Jiang Nanzhou in Chinese:

"There are knives in the box. We will find a chance to kill them later. But they all have pistols on their waists. Watch my instructions before taking action."

This time Jiang Nanzhou nodded honestly and said:

"I heard them say something before. We have to keep them alive and interrogate them carefully."

Jiang Bei just said "um".

Just when Jiang Nanzhou and Jiang Bei had just quietly taken out the knife, the angry foreigner came over and said to Jiang Nanzhou angrily:

"Boy, are you done? If you can't do it, I'll make you pay."

The angry guy turned his back to Jiang Bei. Jiang Bei gave Jiang Nanzhou a look and then directly stabbed the foreigner in the neck.

But he was also practiced, so he didn't faint directly. His hand went directly to his waist, but he was still a step too late.

His pistol was now in Jiang Bei's hand. He wanted to call his accomplices, but before he could shout, Jiang Nanzhou used all his strength to hit him again.

But Jiang Bei heard the sound of broken bones, and the foreigner died instantly.

Jiang Nanzhou was a little nervous just now, and he used all his strength directly, but he didn't expect to send the man away directly.

This scene happened to be seen by the guy who had communicated with Jiang Nanzhou before, who took out his pistol and said to them:

"Who are you two guys?"

His loud questioning also attracted the attention of the three people on the deck.

Jiang Nanzhou and Jiang Bei looked at each other, and the two of them quickly dodged and hid on both sides of the cab.

While Jiang Bei dodged, he quickly loaded the pistol he had just obtained and fired a shot, killing a guy directly.

When they saw their companions being killed, they also shot in this direction.

At the same time, they were still cursing.

Jiang Bei also

Counting how many bullets they had fired in total.

While they were hiding on the deck to change magazines, they completely ignored their backs and kept paying attention to Jiang Bei and Jiang Nanzhou, fearing that they would rush out.

Zhang Wei and Jiang Tianfu each held a spear gun and looked anxiously at the yacht.

Lin Weiye, Dong Yi and Fan Hongtao quietly boarded their yacht when they heard the gunshots.

Each of them brought a knife, and each had a target.

At the same time, Jiang Bei and Jiang Nanzhou also rushed out and had a big fight.

The scalpel in Fan Hongtao's hand was stabbed at the vital points.

Jiang Nanzhou felt a little sympathetic to the guy who was fighting with Fan Hongtao after seeing it.

After subduing them, Jiang Tianfu threw a few bundles of ropes to them.

Only two people seemed fine, and the other was stabbed to death by Fan Hongtao.

Only Lin Weiye had a big cut on his body, and the others were fine.

Jiang Bei didn't expect Jiang Nanzhou to be so skilled. He killed one of them with one knife.

They put away their guns. Jiang Nanzhou looked at the big boxes and asked Jiang Bei:

"Uncle Four, should we take these to our boat first?"

Jiang Bei, who was looking around, heard this and said directly:

"Well, let's take them to the boat first."

And the dead people were thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

He had no place to put the dead.

Jiang Bei threw the two tied up people into an empty room.

Although the two people were tied up, Jiang Bei still locked the door.

The two tied guys were still struggling, with Zhang Wei's smelly socks stuffed in their mouths.

They wanted to vomit but couldn't. It was better to kill them directly. They kept cursing Jiang Nanzhou and the others in their hearts.

Jiang Nanzhou was telling Jiang Bei and the others what he heard today. After listening to it, they all felt very confused.

Fan Hongtao said to them:

"I'll go and interrogate them. I haven't done this kind of work for a long time."

Jiang Bei knew Fan Hongtao's ability, because Fan Hongtao did this kind of work a lot when he was undercover. Especially since he studied medicine, he knew how to make people live a life worse than death. The soldiers at that time even gave Fan Hongtao a nickname, "Little Pervert".

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