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"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the blessing of the mermaid (only for the host to use, after using it, you can gain a strong body and breathe and swim freely in the sea like a mermaid)"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Eye of the Sea God (only for the host to use in Within a certain range, you can see everything in the sea, even the darkest deep sea bottom. )"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a set of intermediate fishing rods (system products are guaranteed to be high-quality, don't underestimate the fineness, it's no problem to catch a 200-pound fish). ) Jiang Nanzhou was stunned. This was too amazing. His heart was so excited and his hands were shaking. Now he had everything.

After he used the blessing of the mermaid and the eye of the sea god, he found that he was extremely relaxed. His eyes He could see things more clearly, and his 100-degree myopia was gone.

Jiang Nanzhou sighed in his heart, this is too magical, am I really the chosen one?

Yes, that's it.

Jiang Nan Zhou put the bait on his fishing rod again. When he looked into the sea, he was still shocked. When he got there, he could see the seabed clearly, including the small fish swimming on the seabed.

Jiang Nanzhou looked around with his fishing rod, trying to find a place with big fish.

He looked closely and saw a big fish about ten meters away. There was a tiger grouper in the deep water, which is also a kind of grouper. It tastes best when steamed. He loves it. Hehe.

Jiangnan Zhou cast his rod near the tiger grouper, luring it to bite the hook little by little. It took only a few minutes for the fish to take the bait.

But he underestimated the tiger grouper. It's really powerful. His grandpa's fishing rod is also an antique. Today's line is still thin, so he doesn't dare to use too much force.

At this time, Grandpa Jiang also came back after casting the net. When he saw his grandson caught a fish, he quickly took the fishing rod and fished it out. The net came over and soon the tiger grouper was caught.

Grandpa Jiang picked up the fish in the net and weighed it.

"Oh, I'm lucky. This fish must be about ten kilograms. It can be sold. Four or five hundred, you are just like your grandfather, a good fisherman, hahaha."

"I learned fishing from you, grandpa, so I must be the same as you."

Jiang Nanzhou looked at his grandfather happily ’s expression was also happy.

Then Jiang Nanzhou cast a few more times and caught several big fish in succession, which shocked Grandpa Jiang.

“Xiaozhou, you are so lucky. "

Jiang Nanzhou touched his nose, feeling a little guilty. Who made him a cheater?

It was almost time. After sorting out today's catch, the two of them had to go home for lunch. If they went back too late, Grandma Jiang would have to nag again. nagging them.

Grandpa Jiang was originally planning to start fishing, but was stopped by Jiang Nanzhou.

"Grandpa, leave a small tiger grouper to go home and steam, and sell the rest in the afternoon. Come back to get your net in the afternoon. . ”

Grandpa Jiang felt a little distressed when he heard Jiang Nanzhou said he wanted to steam a tiger grouper. After all, the smallest tiger grouper must weigh four or five kilograms and can be sold for more than two hundred yuan.

Since the eldest grandson wants to eat it, let's steam it. "Okay, let your grandma steam it for you when we get home."

From a distance, I saw a black Audi sedan parked at the door of the old house.

Grandpa Jiang recognized that the car was the new one bought by his daughter's family. , I heard it's expensive.

"Your aunt and her family are back, your grandma must have called your aunt, they are in for a treat. "

Aunt Jiang's family runs a wholesale supermarket in the town. Their family conditions are very good on the island. They are especially good to Jiang Nanzhou, just like their own child.

When his aunt was young, she looked She is very beautiful. There is no one prettier than his aunt on the whole island. When she went to the market in town, she was spotted by her uncle. They have been very sweet since they got together. His aunt's brothers and sisters complained to him a lot. , even though she is almost 40 now, she is as well maintained as the ladies in big cities.

Father Jiang and uncle were smoking and chatting in the yard, when they saw Grandpa Jiang and Jiang Nanzhou each carrying a bucket into the yard.

Uncle He quickly put out his cigarette and walked over to take the bucket from his father-in-law.

"It's so heavy, it seems that Dad has been exposed online today?"

Grandpa Jiang was a little proud when he heard his son-in-law's words, and he didn't forget to glare at him. The son, who was smoking by the window, said with pride: "My net is not raised yet. These two buckets were dropped from the boat. Take a good look and see what kind of fish they are. "

Just look at Grandpa Jiang putting a yellow body with five irregular dark brown spots arranged vertically on each side of the body. The whole body is covered with dense and tiny brown spots. The spots on the spots are different in color.

The fish is darker, with small black saddle-shaped spots on the back half of the tail peduncle, a depression on the brain behind the eyes, and a big mouth. My uncle recognized it at a glance.

"Wow, these two are tiger groupers, right? This one must weigh more than ten pounds. It's hard to buy wild ones this big. These two can be sold at a good price."

"The big one was sold in the afternoon. Xiaozhou said that the small one will be steamed today. You will have a good time when you come back."

After saying that, Grandpa Jiang took the small tiger grouper into the kitchen.

Seeing Grandpa Jiang enter the kitchen, Jiang's father dared to join in the fun.

My uncle and Jiang Nanzhou poured all the fish in the bucket into a large basin for oxygenation.

Looking at the four sea bass in the basin, my uncle and Jiang's father said, "They are worthy of being the descendants of old fishermen. I envy them."

My uncle's parents came from the mainland and knew nothing about fishing. My uncle likes to go fishing with the boat, but he always lacks luck when fishing.

Father Jiang rolled his eyes when he heard his brother-in-law's words.

If Father Jiang didn't look exactly like his father, he would have thought he was picked up. As a descendant of fishermen, he was seasick and afraid of water. He could only go to the sea when the tide was low. He tried all kinds of ways, but he still couldn't do it. As a result, his father and he were often laughed at and teased by the islanders when they were young. Until now, his father glared at him for no reason and never had a good temper with him. He often said that his fishing skills would be lost to him in the future.

Aunt Jiang was driven out of the kitchen by Grandma Jiang and Mother Jiang. They were delayed from working by gossiping.

Aunt moved a stool and sat next to Jiang Nanzhou.

"Xiao Zhou, I heard from your mother that you have to wait until after the Chinese New Year."

"Well, I haven't had a good rest for several years. Take this opportunity to have a good rest."

"That's perfect. You have time now. There is a relative on your uncle's side. The girl is two years younger than you. She is 25 this year. I heard that she sells clothes in the Magic City Mall and is a store manager. She is also pretty and tall. Her sister will get married in two days and she will come back. You two can meet each other then."

"My dear aunt, please let me go. I don't have the heart to find a girlfriend now."

"Let you go, who will let me go? Your grandparents often talk to me. Which of your parents is not worried about you? You are not young anymore. Let's take a look if there is a suitable one. It's not necessary to be together just for a blind date. Don't you think so?"

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