The big turtle was very happy.

Jiangnan Zhou exchanged a bottle of marine biological nutrient solution from the system, and the moment he got it in his hand.

He felt that the big turtle's eyes were much brighter.

He kept nudging Jiangnan Zhou with his head, and he felt that this big turtle was now like a not very smart dog.

After Jiangnan Zhou gave it the marine biological nutrient solution, the big turtle happily turned a few circles in the sea.

The turtle was happy, and drank the magical little drink. It felt refreshed and its head felt much clearer.

Jiangnan Zhou looked at the big turtle in front of him and felt that its behavior did not match its age at all. Judging from its body shape, it should have been an adult, but it should also have just reached adulthood, or it was too young.

This big turtle is a green turtle, which is now a rare species and is listed in the "Red List of Endangered Species of the World Conservation Union". It is also listed as a first-class protected animal in China. This idiot is precious.

Jiangnanzhou played with the big turtle in the sea for a while before getting on the boat.

He hasn't had breakfast yet and is a little hungry.

When he went to the cafeteria, Zhang Wei was already cleaning up. Seeing Jiangnanzhou coming in, he said:

"I left breakfast for you. It's still in the steamer. Eat it while it's still hot."

There are many people on the boat now, and Zhang Wei has to clean up the kitchen and cafeteria by himself. He also has to prepare food and cook. Sometimes he is very busy.

"Well, you've been busy all day, do you want me to hire an assistant to help you share the work?"

"No need for an assistant, you can give me the whole dishwasher, there's not much work left, I can do it myself."

In fact, Zhang Wei can also do the work of washing dishes, but he just doesn't like it. He's really tired of it. When he was an apprentice, he had to wash dishes in the kitchen, and he was traumatized by it.

"Okay, think about it yourself when you go back. You can decide which one is suitable for you. I will transfer the money to you when the time comes."

"Okay, I will arrange it before I go out to sea next time."

Live broadcast room

"Is Brother Fisherman still recruiting people on his boat? I am a retired navy."

"I also want to get on Brother Fisherman's boat. Brother Fisherman, are you recruiting female seafarers, the kind with curvy bodies? Shy."

"The person above, I see you don't want to get on Brother Fisherman's boat, you want to get on Brother Fisherman's bed. Disdain."

Jiang Nanzhou saw what they said and thought that he could indeed recruit two more retired soldiers, and it would be better to recruit a medical worker, so that it would be more convenient if there was any headache or fever.

He clicked the follow button of the retired navy.

"I'm following you, retired navy man. If you really want to come, send me your information and contact information."

Live broadcast room

"I went there, and I didn't expect Brother Fisherman to really recruit people."

"Brother Fisherman, look at me, look at me, I graduated from Maritime University."

"I studied finance, but I also want to sign up."

"Brother Fisherman, I'll send you my information when it's ready."

This retired navy man really makes netizens envious.

"No more recruiting, my boat is so big, I'll recruit people when I change to a bigger boat."

A group of netizens were disappointed.

Jiang Nanzhou's system prompt sounded again.

"The system issues a task to rescue the kidnapped people. If the task is successful, the system space will be rewarded. If the task fails, all bank cards in the host will be cleared directly. Please cheer for the host."

Jiang Nanzhou was surprised. There was no boat in this sea area now, how could there be people? Could it be on the bottom of the sea? That's even more impossible. If it was really in the sea, he would save a ghost.

And the task issued this time actually had no time limit, it seems to be a certain degree of difficulty.

He really wanted that system space, and he had to complete this mission.

Since the system issued the mission, Jiang Nanzhou has been on the deck to see if there are any ships.

He ate a quick bite of lunch, then went back to the deck to take netizens to see the sea view and occasionally chat with them.

Until Jiang Nanzhou saw an island vaguely in his sight.

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