With Two Years Left To Live, My Seven Sisters Kneeled Down And Begged Me For Forgiveness.

Chapter 75 Chu Sisi: This Biological Brother Seems To Have A Good Relationship With His Fake Brother

Chu Sisi looked at Chu Tianzhu in astonishment.

Looking at the firmness in Chu Tianzhu's eyes.

that moment.

Chu Sisi seemed to realize something...

My own brother.

It seems to be the same as Meng Yan, the fake brother who was kicked out.

The relationship seems to be very good.

It's definitely not as simple as Chu Tianzhu said on the surface.

But then I thought about it.

Chu Sisi felt that her idea was too outrageous.

Chu Tianzhu did not become an enemy of Meng Yan and cause trouble for Meng Yan.

Chu Sisi was thankful.

A normal relationship like this is pretty good.

No matter how magnanimous Chu Tianzhu is, he can't really become good friends with Meng Yan, right?

Can you really be so magnanimous when facing this man who once occupied the identity of the young master of the Chu family?

"It's exactly what you said. Don't worry about this matter. Let the second aunt fend for herself."


The only person Chu Sisi wants to make amends with...

It’s Meng Yan!

What's more, the person who did the wrong thing was the second aunt.

She deserves to be punished by law.

In the past, it was because of my second aunt’s gossip.

It made them feel so unfeeling toward Meng Yan.

That's why I feel so guilty and regretful today.

The second aunt can't even think of kidnapping seven of their sisters with family ties and morality!

that side.

Sui'an Dessert Shop has started to close.

Meng Dashan and Zhang Miaohua knew that Meng Ling was at Sui'an Dessert Shop.

The bun shop was closed early.

Run over and help Meng Yan.

Meng Dashan held Meng Ling in his arms and scratched her little nose: "Lingling, did you feel sensible in your brother's shop today?"

Meng Ling said proudly: "Of course. If it weren't for me, how could the store's business be so good? It's sold out so quickly!"

"Yes, Dad, Mom, today is really thanks to Lingling."

"You don't know how many guests like Lingling and are rushing to take photos with Lingling."

"Thanks to Lingling, business is so prosperous."

Meng Yan blew a rainbow fart at Meng Ling.

Meng Ling's little face was so proud that she wanted to fly into the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

He also said: "It's good to know, hum, this store will be broken up sooner or later without me..."

Meng Dashan smiled from ear to ear: "You, you, little girl, if I praise you, you will really fly into the sky."

"Old man, what are you talking about? Our Lingling is a little angel. She is so beautiful and cute. No wonder so many people like her."

"In addition, our Zaizai is tall and handsome, and we also have Youwei and Song Yang to help."

"The business of Sui'an Dessert Shop is definitely booming!"

Zhang Miaohua rolled her eyes at Meng Dashan and complained.

Meng Dashan rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment: "Hey, what the old lady said is true, everyone is great!"

"Don't say it yet, uncle and aunt, I have evidence here."

“Many people posted photos and videos with Lingling on Douyin today.”

"The comments, favorites, and reposts below are all good. Lingling has become a little star."

Song Yang took out his phone and clicked on Douyin, and showed the search results to Meng Dashan and Zhang Miaohua.

The comments below are all praising Meng Ling's cute little angel.

After adding some special effects and editing.

It does look super cute and interesting.

Delicious, delicious, five-star dessert.

Handsome boss.

Nice clerk.

There is also a super kawaii little sister.

Sui'an Dessert Shop is extremely popular on Douyin.

There is a faint trend of becoming an internet celebrity store.

This is something Meng Yan has never invested resources in publicizing.

The customers who rely on tap water posted TikTok videos to promote it spontaneously.

can produce such huge energy!

But I’m so jealous of those Internet celebrity stores that have invested huge amounts of resources!

Meng Dashan and Zhang Miaohua both watched with great interest.

"You are indeed our little angel, awesome!"

Song Yang added at this time: "But Brother Yan didn't let me stop and asked me to report these videos like crazy."


Meng Dashan and Zhang Miaohua looked at Meng Yan doubtfully.

Meng Yan explained: "Lingling is still too young, so she shouldn't be too pushy for fear of attracting the attention of bad people."

It is natural for children of this age to love beauty.

Especially Meng Ling is really cute.

Wear a white silk maid outfit and look like a cosplay maid.

It attracted the attention of countless people.

Meng Yan believes that most people are kind.

Whether bound by morality or law.

After all, I would never do anything to harm a child.

But there are billions of people around the world.

It’s not surprising how many scumbags Meng Yan turns out to be.

TV series, movies...

There are countless themes of hurt children.

This is Meng Yan's precious sister.

No one was allowed to lay a finger on Meng Ling.

It's not Meng Ling's fault that she likes to dress up and dress beautifully.

Freedom to dress and freedom of thought, this is the 21st century, and men and women should not be restricted from their right to pursue beauty.

That is for your own happiness and mental state.

What's wrong are those scumbags who can't control their inner evil, are dirty, and want to harm children!

Meng Dashan heard Meng Yan's explanation.

He nodded hastily: "Zai Zai, you are right!"

Meng Lingcai was in primary school.

Although he was with Meng Dashan and Zhang Miaohua.

Plus the environment in which I grew up as a child.

As a result, Meng Ling is smarter and precocious than her peers, and knows how to read people's looks and atmosphere.

After all, no matter how powerful he is, he is still just a kid.

I'm really afraid of being deceived by scum and kidnapped.

Meng Yan fondly touched Meng Ling's little head and said, "Lingling, you and your parents will go back first. My brother will give you a gift when he gets home."


Meng Ling's eyes twinkled obviously.

Then he pursed his lips and said: "This is my reward for working today, so-so~"

"Yes, yes, this is a part-time reward for Lingling. If it weren't for this little treasure like you, how could Sui'an Dessert Shop be more popular?"

"Lingling is your little lucky star. From now on, your brother's dessert shop will be entirely dependent on you for publicity."

Meng Ling said arrogantly: "Humph... for the sake of your sweet mouth, I will reluctantly agree to it."

Seeing this scene, Song Yang only wanted to say four words -

awsl (Awei is dead)!

I am even more jealous of Meng Yan!


Please God also give me a cute and arrogant sister, right?

It doesn’t matter even if people laugh at [Genshin Impact]’s fat nerd!

Original God! start up!

Meng Yan came to the kitchen.

Seeing that Lin Youwei was almost done.

She said, "Youwei, it's almost done. I'll do the rest myself. Let's go eat."


Lin Youwei dried the last plate and placed it neatly in the disinfection cabinet.

It seemed like a big deal was accomplished, and he nodded with satisfaction.

That cute little expression was captured by Meng Yan.

Get out your phone ahead of time.

Secretly took a photo of Lin Youwei.

Lin Youwei looked at Meng Yan: "What are you doing?"

"Nothing to do. Song Yang is almost hungry as we walk."


Lin Youwei's attention was immediately thrown away.

I don’t want to delay and make everyone hungry.

Just when Meng Yan and others were about to leave.

A figure suddenly appeared at the door of Sui'an Dessert Shop...


Thanks to Fanmu for the great certification~

Rolling around asking for gifts~

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